Nana Delores.

As Ned guided him outside of his office, "But why do you think it could happen after I give birth? i mean the past memories thing." Muriel asked.

"It's a hunch...Yuri said that recreating a memory that withhold strong emotions is one way to do that.

Considering how everyone else retrieved their memories, Aroon and Lucius by recreating their dance memory.

Matilda and Socorro remembered each other through madame Shanice's letter, which included Their first meeting memory, where they ended-up falling in love at first sight.

However, for you and Thorn, together or separately.

I can't think of a memory that could fit this category, I even talked with Socorro and she as well, was clueless." Ned replied.

"There is also the possibility that if we did have a memory of this sort, you or Socorro might not have been present at it to Know about it." Muriel pointed out.

"Exactly! so thinking in a different way, I came to the conclusion that there's nothing of greater value to you and Thorn, more than your current pregnancy...since you two becoming mates, didn't trigger those memories back." Ned explained.

"I see." Muriel said, "But Ned, if your theory is correct...Would Garrick retrieve his memories if you got pregnant?" he added.

Ned gave him a slight surprised look, "What did you say?"

"From what I gathered, if your theory 'holds-up' then Garrick's best chance at retrieving his memories, would be if you recreated that 'One' memory."

"The fuck you talking about?"

"Please do not get angry, but Yurei filled me in on somethings...that you left out." Muriel replied nervously.

"That little shit!" Ned Mumbled, sighing "Whatever, The damage is done...Are you going by yourself?" he added asked.

"No, Thorn will be here any minute, and about earlier, I mean your pep-talk...Thank you Neddie."

"No problem, just make sure to voice your concerns to Thorn and Socorro too, talking about it will help."

"Yes, thank you again." Muriel replied smiling, He leaned in and gave Ned a kiss on his cheek while everyone walking around in the hospital stopped to watch them and whisper.

Blushing in deep red, "Was that necessary?" Ned asked, "It was, I feel like I owe you too much." Muriel replied.

"Well, I'm jealous now!" Garrick spoke chuckling as he approached them with Jade by his side, "Oh my! Rickie!" Muriel said waving at him.

"At the party, I didn't have the chance because Thorn was guarding you so well." Jade said rushing to Muriel, "But who's gonna stop me now from pinching these chubby cheeks!" she added pinching Muriel's cheeks.

"Owow!" Muriel winced, "Jade, you can't greet people from a distance?" Ned said.

"Not when he's as adorable as a puppy! oh you're such a good boy Spencer!" Jade cheered as she pinched Muriel some more.

"Why are you treating my mate like one of your dogs, let go of him Girl!" Thorn's voiced echoed their way.

Backing away, "Tch, here comes your dragon of a boyfriend!" Jade said rolling her eyes.

"Sorry I couldn't be with you earlier babe, let's go home now." Thorn said smiling at Muriel while grabbing his hand, "What home? his or your place." Jade mumbled underneath her breaths.

"By the way, Hi there Garrick!" Thorn said fist bumping him, "Sup dude!" Garrick replied with a smile.

"You two can leave, and Muriel remember what I told you." Ned said reminding him one last time.

Nodding, "Okay! have a nice day!" Muriel replied before he and Thorn excused themselves, walking away.

"Jade, Garrick...why are you two here?" Ned asked, "I came to see Shadow...and Garrick wants to see you." Jade replied.

"What about Faunus?" Ned asked, Shaking her head, "Jasper is still by his side, he and Yuri and Socorro are trying to figure something out." she replied before walking away herself.

"Would it kill her to greet me properly!" Ned said sighing to himself.

Dropping the Happy facade, "Ned...Lovely..." Garrick spoke-up, "Yeah? you good?"

"Umm, well Jade told me about something this morning."

"What something? from the looks of it, it's nothing good."

"Her car accident, the one where she lost her Dog 'Spencer'." Garrick replied, to his surprise Ned Smiled, "That girl..." Ned said.

"I wanna cry for her, i feel bad." Garrick said, he could feel his eyes welling-up with tears.

Cupping Garrick's face in his hands, "You big silly mushroom." Ned said giggling, "How am I a mushroom, Ned I'm seriously gonna cry!" Garrick said sniffing.

"I know horse face, I'm not that blind...but it's okay, she already cried a decade over it...She's been through a lot, but she's still here and that's enough reassurance."

"She said you were the one hurt the most by her experience."

"As a parent yeah...but if anything, this very experience taught me to value those around me even more.

I almost lost both my kids in horrible ways, how can I not be hurt." Ned replied, "But then, why are you smiling Ned?" Garrick asked.

"When everyone else around you cries, someone must be smiling to comfort them."

"You don't have to do that! it's not your job!" Garrick said, "It's easier said than done...I rather be the one hurting than you or anyone else I care about." Ned replied.

Clearing his throat, Ned removed his hands from Garrick's face, "Is there anything else that brought you to me? I was actually leaving the hospital right now, so if there's anything else...we can talk about it now." he said.

"Well...What's with Faunus? I noticed that he wasn't around All day." Garrick asked.

"About that, let's drink something while we talk, okay?" Ned replied dragging him to the cafeteria.


"Poison, not poison, poison...hold on! I think I know what to do!" Socorro said after she examined a sleeping Faunus.

She picked-up her phone dialing a number, then she left Jasper's room in a hurry to have her call in private.

"Faunus has been asleep since i took him back to my room's almost as if he's in a coma." Jasper said sighing in worry.

"I feel really sad seeing an old friend in such condition, it doesn't suit Faunus to be like this.

I'm sure someone did this to him but What did Faunus do to deserve this?!...And most strangely, if this is a poison, why is it working slowly?

If the culprit had an access to Faunus in a way that allows them to poison him, why not something quick and deadly?" Yuri replied.

"Faunus joining forces with us, was already a death sentence for him... Fernando definitely did this as revenge.

I can't help but to think, that maybe he wanted to torture him with this, make it as slow as possible out of hatred." Jasper said clenching his fists.

"I'm back, Yuri I need a favor." Socorro said as she bursted back into the room.

"What sort of favor?" Yuri asked, "Bring my Nana over here, she says if she examines Faunus, she might be able to help him." Socorro replied.

"Done, with what should I address her by the way?" Yuri asked, "Her name is Delores, but everyone who knows her call her 'Nana' just like I do...She prefers it that way...this is her address." Socorro replied handing Yuri a piece of paper.

"Ok then, I will be on my way...wait for me." Yuri said before vanishing.

Taking a deep breath, "How is your Nana going to help?" Jasper asked, "After I explained everything to her, She doesn't believe this is a poisoning case just like Ned warned us.

It could be something possessing him instead, like That creature." Socorro said.

"First Yurei, now Faunus...sounds like Fernando has something for possessing people." Jasper replied.

...Few minutes later...

"¡Dios mío! ( oh my god)" An old lady with grey hair in a low bun, spoke as she came out of a portal with Yuri by her side.

"Nana!" Socorro rushed to the old woman hugging her tightly, "My beautiful Coco, where's that poor boy you speak of?" Nana said.

"Over there." Socorro said breaking the hug as she pointed at Faunus's pale body, laying on the bed.

Pulling her wand out, "Transform!" Nana shouted and her wand turned into a flashlight.

"What in the horror video games world is this?" Jasper mumbled to himself, he watched Nana approach Faunus and remove the bed sheets from his shirtless body.

"He's barely breathing." Nana said turning the flashlight on, she pointed the light at Faunus.

As Nana moved the flashlight from Faunus's head slowly to the rest of his body, Jasper gasped as he saw what his naked eyes couldn't see before.

Under the light and on Faunus's body, were various black vine marks wrapped tight around his mate's skin, tightening by the second as if they were choking the life out of him.

"My god!...this is exactly what I feared, it's a late stage too." Nana said, "What is it Nana?" Socorro asked.

"Cuerdas del sueño eterno (ropes of eternal sleep)" Nana said to which Socorro gasped to.

"Nana! if this it a late stage, then the only way to get rid of this type of creature..."

"Yes coco, I know...that spell is the only way to get rid of this creature or this boy will continue sleeping until he dies in his sleep." Nana responded.

Jasper's heart skipped a beat, "What spell...I'm scared already thinking about what you're talking about." he said.

"There's a spell called 'pureza agonizante' which translates to 'Agonizing purity'...This spell is the only solution left to help this poor boy." Nana replied.

"But?" Jasper asked, "It comes with a serious cost...Anyone whom this spell is casted upon, will receive a random damage to their body or mind or soul...or All." She responded.

"A damage?! why?!"

"This spell as the name implies, causes the host to feel an unbearable amount of pain through their body shocking them awake from their slumber.

This creature possessing them, would feel that pain too and would separate itself from the host in order to survive." Socorro explained, "Which will causes side effects, that aren't necessarily permanent but can be severe and last for long." she added.

"Is this really the only way? what kind of damages are we talking about?" Jasper asked.

"Yes, it is really the only way...the sooner we do it the better.

And as for the damages they're different from a person to another...I can tell this boy is no ordinary so he might not receive something threatening.

As his mate, the choice is're the one to agree to this, and once you do, we can cast the spell." Nana Said.

Glancing at Yuri who remained silent, the no longer cloaked mage nodded at Jasper.

"I'm scared, no...I'm terrified, I can't think of seeing Faunus go through any type of pain...but I don't want to make a decision based on fear." Jasper said nervously.

Taking a deep breath, "What do we need for this spell?" Jasper asked.

"Five people to do the casting, Protective gear for those five, and these people have to be able to use magic." Socorro said, "Why five people?" he asked.

"One to hold him by the shoulders, two for each arm and two for each stop Faunus from moving or attempting to run under the influence of the pain." Nana responded.

"We're going to lay him on a wooden table, and cast the spell, we also need some Holy water to drench him with before the procedure." Socorro added.

"Anything else?" Jasper asked, "We will do this once the sun sets...and it's not going to be a good sight, so you might wanna step out of it." Socorro replied.

"No, I want to help... I'll be the one holding Faunus by his shoulders." Jasper said determinate.