An odd Sentiment.

"I feel left out." Matilda said, "Why is that?" Socorro asked.

"I wanna help, but how can I? I'm useless and I can't use magic." Matilda replied.

Gasping, "Ah! how dare you Matilda Jeannette call yourself useless! are simply unqualified for helping us at the moment." Socorro stated.

"Was that statement supposed to make me feel better coconut?"

"Supposedly, yes!...I see it didn't though?"

"Nah, it worked a little."

"Don't beat yourself pumpkin, sometimes the best way to help is by staying Away."

"Yeah, I just feel bad for Jasper...he shouldn't be going through this." Matilda said, "Honestly, the one who shouldn't be going through this is Faunus...I don't believe he's a bad person." Socorro replied.

"Why would Fernando hurt his twin like this."

"Not all siblings are like Jasper and Jade."

"True, I wish I had siblings...I would cherish the hell out of them." Matilda said, "Ugh! trust me, you're damn lucky not to have Siblings." Socorro replied rolling her eyes.

"Are you girls alright?" Nana walked in on them, "Yes Ma'am!" Matilda immediately replied.

Chuckling, "Oh dear, you don't have to call me That! 'Nana' is for everyone to use." Nana said.

"Okay...Nana." Matilda nervously said, "So, you're my granddaughter's mate." Nana spoke again.

Smiling, "Yeah!" Matilda replied, "Please, take care of yourself and my Coco." Nana said smiling back.

"I will, you can count on me."

"Very well Matilda, and the same goes for you Socorro."

"Don't worry Grandma, things are already getting better." Socorro replied smiling as well as she wrapped her arms around Matilda's waist.

Blushing, "Wow, ok." Matilda mumbled.

"Seeing you in love again, my little bird...warm my heart." Nana said.

"Again?" Matilda repeated the word, slightly covering her mouth, "Oh dear, maybe I should've not phrased it that way!" Nana said embarrassed.

Nervous, "It's nothing, we'll talk about this later okay?" Socorro said hugging Matilda tighter.

"You know, I don't really care if you were with others before me, since I'm your end-game." Matilda spoke-up proudly.

"Have you been with others?" Socorro asked, "Yes, but I never felt as happy as I am right now with you coconut." Matilda replied.

"Kiss kiss fall in love~" Nana cheerfully sang, Flustered "NANA!" Socorro shouted.

"What? isn't that what the youngsters say these days? the internet is sure filled with such odd phrases." Nana said innocently enough, making Matilda burst into laughter.


"You don't think it's him?"

"I don't think it's 'his' work...I mean, yes there is no Denial that he's a dangerous fella who's also a murderer, and if anyone attempted to hurt you or your circle of people, it would most likely be him.

But that knob...I don't think he'd harm his brother like this, not when that spell is his only way to survive." Luciel said.

"Interesting...Lucius mentioned that you are providing us with the holy water we need." Ned replied.

"Yes, I make it myself actually and since Lu and Jasper became dear friends, I can't help but to offer helping you.

It seems like your son has no trust in anyone else but me with such a task, And I am honored to be at his service." Luciel said smiling, "Well, Jasper has little faith as you can you see, and Aroon's wedding might become the second time he'll set foot inside of a church." Ned replied.

"But there is plenty of religion there to seek, Christianity isn't the only option, Valentino...And we're not the only religious group who has 'Holy water' you know."

"I do know...but when the word Holy water comes into mind, most people would thinks of scary looking Middle aged priests or vampire movies."

Luciel giggled at that joke, "Oh, you should come to my church then... Nothing will makes you worship with honesty than the tall and handsome, 30 years old priest we have there." he said slightly blushing.

Chuckling, "Oh Now I know why you go to church every Sunday!" Ned said with a wink, "As For me, I don't care what religion my children follow, if they even followed one.

Their comfort and happiness is my number one priority, no matter what beliefs they chose to hold onto." he added.

"I was raised to believe in god, Christian god...and so I raised my son that way.

But I agree with you, what's important is my child's happiness and if Lu decided to change paths, his religion or lifestyle...then as a parent I can only show him support and respect." Luciel said smiling, "Well said! I'm glad to see a man of faith who isn't closed minded nor judgmental such as yourself, it's really refreshing." Ned replied smiling back.

"Oh dear, the feeling is mutual! you're a good soul Valentino, and I'm glad to see you again...back in England, you were an absolute kindhearted Lad." Luciel responded, "Ah! I almost forgot to mention that I will be joining you to view the casting of the spell, if you would allow it of course." Lucius added.

"It's an odd request not gonna lie, more odd than you defending Freddie, but I believe you should be asking Jasper for approval instead." Ned replied.

"I simply wish to confirm something by attending." Luciel said, "Are you familiar with the spell's ritual by any chance Luciel?"Ned asked.

"A little, honestly! this very spell is the reason why I think Fernando might be innocent of this whole ordeal.

*Sighing* You see, I never imagined a day where I defend that Tosser but even 'He' deserves some justice.

Fernando had that very spell casted on him before, it was then when Faunus and I first noticed that he changed dramatically...I mean with how Freddie went all crazy and villainous all of the sudden." Luciel replied.

Surprised, "Are you serious?...That is something to worry about! are you sure of what you're saying?" Ned replied.

Nodding, "I am! I met Fernando as he is now but from what I've came across before, Fernando used to be 'Nice'.

In fact many people spoke kind words about him, but I don't know how at some point, Fernando got possessed by the ropes of eternal sleep but he did, and he had that agonizing spell casted on him to save his life.

It was around that time I took him in as a student the very first time, despite Aroon's warning that Freddie was bad news.

I wish I listened to Aroon, but I simply pitied Freddie, I was the one who nicknamed him 'Freddie' to begin with...and it was the biggest mistake I have ever made alive.

Despite doing few good deeds, he was ill-mannered and Hot-headed, Freddie was so disrespectful and Rude with anyone crossing paths with him, I wanted to wash his mouth with soap whenever he spoke.

And it only gotten worse when he laid his eyes on my son...I bet it's Lucius's pure Aura that captivated him, and he became obsessed with Lu to a deadly degree." Luciel explained with a hint of disgust in his voice.

"Could it be, that Freddie became the way he is because of that spell? According to Socorro, the spell might cause some serious changes...And how did Freddie get possessed in the first place?" Ned asked.

"Only God knows! someone must've had it for Freddie they wanted him out so bad... someone who is a damn good black magic user and knew how to get to Freddie." Luciel said.

"Could it be, that the same person struck again?"


"Is everything Alright Luv? you've been spacing out for the past few minutes." Lucius asked as he closed the trunk of his car, "Did Jasper ask you to help with the ritual?" Aroon asked.

"Why? Didn't he ask you too? he needs five people... four...since Jasper himself will assist with the casting."

"He didn't ask me, I just want to tag along with you since mother also going.

And as for the casting, I know Socorro would definitely help and I suppose Master Ned would too, and with you and Jasper that would be four people."

"Jasper didn't ask you to help?"

"No...i offered to help but, he refused." Aroon replied, "Maybe he wants to protect you." Lucius replied.

"Protect me?"

"Yes, that not a jolly sight to see, and even if his romantic feelings for you died, he still cares about you Alot to let you witness such a thing."

"I am a true crime fan, nothing would scare Me off, Pookie...Jasper is the one to worry about."

"Hearing about things and seeing them in real life is extremely different luv, Jasper could be a lot stronger than you."

"If I can't help, who would take my place then?"

"Maybe that 'Jihi' person would." Lucius replied, "Yuri?...I see, Faunus must've told Jasper at some point that him and I aren't on good terms." Aroon replied.

"Don't be like that Aroon! you should let go of the past."

"Don't be silly pookie." Aroon smiled, "I Already did, I'm worried about Faunus actually.

he and I don't have the best relationship but I feel bad for him, he keeps getting into trouble thanks to Fernando." He added.

"True, I feel Also bad for lying...when we told Ned we don't know Faunus." Lucius said, "We did it because we didn't want to deal with him or his brother anymore." Aroon replied.

"But it's wrong! and although Faunus helped Fernando at the beginning...he had nothing to do with what Fernando did afterwards...his hands are clean from our or Their blood."

"Lu, you're too kindhearted you know that."

"Aroon, I can't help it! look at the situation he's in! he died one time because of Fernando and now he's gonna turn into a sleeping beauty for the rest of his life if we don't help him...what kind of a brother is Fernando?!

It was just me, Mum and you... nobody cared about us, and when we had a difficult time with both Money and Fernando's harassment, it was Faunus who came to our aid!" Lucius said, "He did it because of his feelings towards Mother." Aroon argued.

"So? he still helped and I'll return the favor...just admit it already, I know you hate Faunus simply because he's Fernando's twin."

"I don't hate him Lu! we just don't get along well."

"The way you treat him, sometimes feels like it's the same way Jasper treated me at first...You judged him too early and before you even got to know him."

"I do that?! when did I treat Faunus bad! tell me Lucius?!"

"Aroon... Faunus was the one who gave me the contract that I used to save your life."

Blinking twice, "What are you talking about?" Aroon asked.

"How do you think someone like me got a hold of a contract like that in the first place?... Faunus gave his only contract to me, and he asked me to use it to save you...YOU specifically Aroon." Lucius replied.

"That is a funny story, I mean why else you would wait until now to say such a thing?"

"It's not just a story, it is real Aroon."

"You are making this up, why would he want to save me?! he blames me for Everything that happened so far."

"What if he is right...You are mad I hid things from you, but Aroon...what are you hiding from me?" Lucius asked, "Luv I can't help but to worry because everytime I look into your Eyes, I see something I can't understand." he added.

"I am NOT hiding anything!" Aroon replied gritting his teeth.

"Why would you say that then Aroon? why would you say he blames you for everything that happens?"

"Oh please, I'm not having this conversation with you Lucius... you know what? I'm not coming to this spell-casting ANYMORE!" Aroon shouted angrily then stomped away.