Honesty is improvisation of the heart p2

"Think about it for a moment would you Doctor Valentino?

For Any species, no more children being made, Means it will go extinct.

Not being able to produce offsprings could lead to deadly consequences, and now think what it could do to just that one family."

"You're trying to tell me That the labs weren't made for humanity's own good only, but for the Style's sake as well?" Ned asked.

He, Jasper and the mystery scientist, all sat down for a lengthy conversation about the labs and Their connection to them.

"Yes, the labs are made by the Hunters and those humans surly are benefiting from the labs, but so is that One family...in the end the Style family have worked with the hunters, that's how they got their adoptive kids.

Also Understand that A supernatural family of maybe two to three generations, where Everyone born out of that family is an alpha regardless of what kind of creature they are, is a concerning issues...they weren't always the bad guys but circumstances, and possibly greed pushed them to." The scientist said.

"A family of mostly Alphas, That's like a nightmare!" Jasper spoke-up.

"Indeed child, now...The gender of 'Alpha' has always been treated as the superior to all other genders, But the truth is they are useless, utterly useless! in fact, without a certain gender's existence, these pitiful Alphas wouldn't exist themselves, they are birthed almost entirely by 'Omegas'.

Omegas like me, you Ned and Jasper here, are the reason why Alphas thrive in life!

They need people like us to carry on their legacy, and continue their bloodline...so what happens, when a family only gives birth to Alphas across the years, and also loses hope in Their already existing Omegas?" The scientist explained.

"So the Style family needs an Omega? what about Faunus? and why not adopt more then?" Jasper asked.

"They need omegas of any sort that's true, And that is why Faunus has a lot of strength in his family, despite not being of their blood.

But they also would love to have a specific omega, one of their own blood, since they don't have any other Omega in the family, expect for Faunus and one Woman who got married onto the family.

That woman already gave birth to five Alphas so far, so she's a lost cause to them...the last time she gave birth was 18 years ago." the scientist explained.

"So Aside from that woman and Faunus, everyone else is an alpha." Ned pointed out.

"The power Faunus possesses is solely because he is an Omega, and it could have been because The Style family hoped that he would fall in love with some werewolf in the family, since he's adopted it wouldn't be a problem for him to marry into the family...that's why they kept him sheltered and well dressed.

It might have worked out better if they picked Fernando and not Faunus, because The problem is Faunus is only interested in Omegas even though he is an Omega himself, and he's not a werewolf...so that's another issues to solve." the scientist explained.

"Coming to think of it, Faunus acted as if he knew nothing at first, the moment he saw Jasper's pictures on my phone, he did a 180." Ned mentioned.

"My son actually told me about Faunus's strange behavior.

I was surprised to know the Style family welcomed that Faunus was Jasper's mate, thinking that they still don't know who Jasper really is...but apparently someone within the family already found out." The scientist said.

"Gotta be Grey." Jasper spoke-up.

"It shall be a winning ticket for anyone in the family to get their hands on a werewolf Omega." The scientist said.

"Am I really a werewolf? did I inherited those curses?" Jasper asked.

"Yes you did inherit them, those curses were blood-based, that's why they can't be removed by anyone else other than the person who casted them or someone from their bloodline...with exceptions of course.

Madame Shanice broke the curse partially for Matilda." The scientist explained.

"What about Lucius? did you curse him to?" Ned asked, "Answer me Luciel!" he added unraveling the identity of the person they've been speaking to.

"I did." Luciel replied, "Explain yourself." Ned demanded.

"Do you have any idea how valuable your son is Ned? why the Style family welcomed his relationship with Faunus with open arms?" Luciel said.

"I refuse to believe Faunus approached me to use me." Jasper said.

"At first Faunus did, but allowing himself to get possessed, that means something has changed." Luciel said.

"What changed?" Ned asked, "Faunus is an important member of the Style family, yet he asked His cousin to curse him." Luciel pointed out.

"Faunus removed himself on purpose, to weaken the Style family, pushing Fernando to work with My mom to get rid of them." Jasper said, "So That's what Faunus meant by stopping his twin from repeating the same mistake again." he added.

... Some time later...

"So let me get this straight, you're saying that I'm from the Style family? is that it?" Garrick asked skeptical.

"Not just you." Matilda said.

"I could tell...you do not...believe me Garrick." Grey replied.

"At this point I believe you two are mocking me in some way." Garrick said.

"I'm not Rick, I know this sounds crazy...it did when he told me about it earlier, but I've been thinking." Matilda replied.

"When was earlier? why are you two doing this shit?! I'm calling Ned right now!" Garrick said standing-up in a fury.

He angrily picked-up his phone, unlocked it and pressed Ned's number quickly.


"OH COME ON?! why is this story only getting complicated?!" Jasper cried out in frustration.

"Take it easy, you've only been in this life for a little while, it's going to get a whole lot of worse from now on." Ned replied.

"Big Brother, aside from the test results, is there anything else you need my help with?" Nashoba asked coming into the room.

"No thank you dear, you can go back to your work." Ned replied patting the boy's back.

"Then, I will be in the other room, if you guys need me just call my name." Nash said before leaving again.

"Heh?" Ned was taking by surprise when his phone suddenly rang.

"Hold on, Garrick is calling me." He said standing-up quickly, he moved a little away from the other two and answered the phone.


Ned: Hey there Horse face, I'm kinda busy now, can you call me later? I'm really sorry!

Garrick: For God's sake what is going on Ned?!

When I left earlier with Matilda I thought she wanted to know why Socorro said that everything was my fault, which is something that I wanted to know too.

And I understand that Matilda was feeling frustrated because her mate was not well...but...

Ned: but what? what's going on? you don't sound okay, should I come get you?

Garrick: I'm at that bookshop with Matilda, with some guy whose name is Grey Style, who happened to be completely obsessed with Jasper, to a creepy point.

The two of them are trying to convince me that I'm a werewolf and from the Style family?! I'm losing my mind here.

Ned: Matilda is doing WHAT??

Garrick: She's gone Mad! I tried to tell them this situation is crazy but both of them are sounding serious, and neither of them is giving me a break or at least an Evidence, A clear-cut proof to make me believe.

They keep talking about curses.

*Sighing* I'm sick of this bullshit Ned! these two here are insane!

Ned: Calm down Honey! get out of there first, I'm gonna call Matilda myself while you go back to the house, or if it makes you feel any Better, call Jade...she should be with Jihi, they'll get you out of there in a jiffy.

Garrick: Okay...Ned you don't believe Matilda do you?...I mean I'm human right, just like you! I've always been.

Ned: Human or not, we're stuck together, it doesn't matter to me if you became super hairy by full moon, I'll love you either way.

Garrick: love me...you love me?

Ned: is it too soon? *chuckles*

Garrick: No...

Ned: I'm sorry, that was out of the blue, but anyways just do what I told you okay?

Garrick: Okay...I'll call Jade.

Ned: Thanks, bye.

Garrick: *Sighing* Bye lovely.


"Mom? is everything ok?" Jasper asked, "No...We need to go, now." Ned replied calling Matilda's number but she hanged immediately.

"Ned, whatever happens...can I count on you to keep it a secret from Lu?" Luciel asked.

"I promise you that despite my discontent with your confession Luciel, I won't tell your son...in the end he's Aroon's mate, and that's enough for me to care about his wellbeing." Ned replied, "Come Jasper, we gotta go." He added.

Jasper found himself Standing-up hastily, "I'll break the rest of curses on Matilda and Garrick if that will make Things right.

If I do that then Jade and Jasper will be free too." Luciel replied, "I hurt so many innocent children just to survive...I deserve to die." he added.

"What about Lucius?" Ned asked, "I ran away from the Style family to give Lu a better life, I don't want to break his curses...I can't let him become a member of that family." Luciel replied.

"Isn't that Lu's decision to make?" Jasper asked, "I saved him from that family, same with Matilda and Garrick...even Freddie." Luciel replied.

"Lucius suffered three times already! three of his lives were wasted Luciel! but I won't let that happen again I promise you.

Also don't act recklessly, I can't let you break those curses, you're gonna kill yourself that way, your health doesn't allow it and your son still needs you.

So until Lucius and Aroon get married, you're not allowed to even think about breaking those curses." Ned replied heading for the door, with Jasper following closely behind him.

"I know I'm the reason why everyone is suffering, to tell you the truth... I'm already dying." Luciel said, "I know that, but Your son's wedding is in three days...don't try to break the remaining curses against my will, or I will tell Lucius the truth." Ned said threatening Luciel before he went through the door.

Outside, "If Lucius knew about this, I don't think he's going to be okay! are you really going to tell him if Luciel tried to break the curse?

Will Luciel really die if he did so?" Jasper spoke as soon as the two went outside.

"Luciel Satcliffe is not lying about dying, however he always did die after his son...I guess he's trying to change that order at least.

Ugh, I should've known...in this story the only thing that kept repeating itself every lifetime was Lucius! born four times and had a connection to the Style family." Ned replied.

"Coming to think of it, why was Garrick, Matilda only born twice so far, but Lucius was born four times?"

In your lifetime, he wasn't serving the Style family, but was serving Muriel, right?" Jasper pointed out.

"Yeah, according to Luciel...that all three of them are From the Style family, but refused to give the identity of their parents...we're gonna have to find that out for ourselves.

I can't believe Luciel took Matilda and Garrick, cursed them and placed them in the orphanages, while he ran away with Lucius and Fernando...he's one hell of a guy." Ned replied, "I think the only way to solve this mystery is to make contact with the Style family." he added taking a deep breath.

"Without Faunus, it would be difficult to gather infos." Jasper said.

"Then I guess our only hope is your new stalker." Ned replied.

"Just thinking about Grey makes me shiver!" Jasper said shivering.