Rain Rain, go away p1

The rain was so heavy it sounded like popcorn, hitting the roof of the car driving the two Valentinos to their destination.

Jasper would usually relax listening to the sound of the rain but not this time, As the raindrops trickled down his window, he remembered how Luciel's words implicated that he was now a target for the Style family.

He turned his head and anxiously stared at the person besides him, "She's still not responding? Matilda?" Jasper asked, "I don't know what's going on with her, Jade said that Matilda wouldn't wanna leave the bookshop even after they dragged Garrick out of there." Ned replied, he's been trying to reach Matilda but she wouldn't pick-up.

"About Luciel...I respect, no actually I admire his efforts in protecting Lucius, it's obvious he's willing to do anything for his son but I need to understand something that's been bugging Me...

If Luciel wanted the truth to stay hidden from Lucius, he should've never came here to us to begin with...I mean why confess now? he just dropped a bombshell on us, and if we never had to deal with those werewolves creeps before...now we have no choice but to go head to head with the Styles, that if we want more clarity." Jasper questioned.

"It could be guilt...maybe Luciel doesn't believe He paid the full price of his actions yet.

He's been helping people find their soulmates, As a way to wash away his sins, it cost him his health and now he's dying...he might not make it past his son's wedding, that's if the wedding itself didn't turn into a disaster." Ned replied.

"To be honest, I'm feeling bad for Luciel, it was obvious he was doing this against his will, he could've been a victim who turned perpetrator to survive...but still he wouldn't speak of his past before the hunters, he didn't give an excuse for himself, Which is not a good sign." Jasper said.

"Luciel was punishing himself for what he's done, and maybe this confession is his final act of redemption...in the end he admitted that he's been a part of the slave-trade/labs whatever that shit that was kidnapping innocent beast children...he destroyed many people with what he's done, even if he wasn't the mastermind or he was forced into it...the rain can't wash away everything that he did.

Ironically enough, Luciel's wrongdoings came back almost every single time on Lucius, the poor boy died three times, surrounded by The Style family or some of them, nonetheless." Ned added.

"You mean Garrick and Matilda too." Jasper said, "Pretty much...Luciel fucked us all with this revelation, and you're right about Approaching the Styles.

These infos are more than enough to face that family." Ned replied.

"How are we gonna deal with them? what if Fernando's way was the best thing to do, I mean those people are monsters with connections!" Jasper asked, "I know exposing them probably won't work the way it should.

According to what we know at least from Back in Derora, the second life.

Fernando's plan was to get the family's crimes exposed to the royal family, In hopes of an arrest and trial...something different than what he's done in the first life." Ned explained.

"If I recall, Luciel said that in Derora, there was also these labs too right?" Jasper asked, "Yes, Fernando told me much too...in Derora due to the fact it was a time of rising technology, the labs suddenly surfaced." Ned replied.

"So First life and third life 'Victorian era England', we had the slave trade.

Second life in Derora and Fourth life here, we have the labs." Jasper concluded.

Nodding, "The thing is, that Derora was different than this country we're in now...the plan might not work again." Ned replied.

"Hmm, Exposed and arrested, then prosecuted...if the Style family were to be prosecuted by law, won't they be allowed to defend themselves legally? Can't they easily butt their way out?" Jasper asked.

But Suddenly, Ned's phone beebed cutting Jasper's chances of getting an answer.

"Looks like you got a message... just when I asked you something." Jasper said annoyed, "Yeah...I can tell." Ned replied checking his phone.

Jasper watched as Ned's face became a little pale, "Is everything ok?" he asked.

"One of the nurses at the hospital just texted me." Ned replied.

"What for?" Jasper asked, "Socorro...I'm gonna call Matilda again, tell the driver to take us to the hospital instead...Garrick might have to wait." Ned replied calling Matilda's number again.

Surprisingly, she picked-up right away this time.

Ned: Matilda for fuck's sake I've been calling you!

Matilda: I bet you already know, Garrick called you in front of us anyways.

Ned: *sighing* well whatever Grey said he isn't lying for now...you guys ARE werewolves, From the Style family nonetheless.

Matilda: You're serious? he's telling the truth! so I'm not going crazy?

Ned: You're not but...that's not a way to break the news to Garrick, you made him feel like he's getting mocked for being an orphan.

I mean remember that misunderstanding he had with Jade? she was telling the truth but she didn't provide an evidence and he went Hot angry.

Matilda: Hold on a minute, how come you're confirming my findings? how do you know Grey's telling the truth?

Ned: I did a test, and when I went to get the results, someone was there and they confessed...I couldn't tell you about it, I'm sorry for keeping this from you.

Matilda: So I get we both screwed-up.

Ned: You? sure, but how did I screw-up?

Matilda: I just told Garrick he's a werewolf...he doesn't buy it for lack of evidence and will come to you for some mind peace, but you're gonna confirm what I said to him Which will further freak him out.

Ned: It's not like I have a choice now...I can't lie again, I lied to him before when Jade spoke-up.

Matilda: that time you lied because Garrick was still not involved in all of this, but now you don't have to lie...but you might have to deal with him getting mad at you.

Ned: I'm not looking forward to that, he's becoming my kryptonite by the minute.

Matilda: and so is Socorro to me.

Ned: about Socorro!

Matilda: Listen Ned.

I owe you so much, for raising me, for caring for me and always being there for me, but if what Grey is saying is true, that I'm a part of that family...I need some answers.

I know you're planning something so please don't leave me out of it, I wanna help! I can do it!

Ned: I know and you will help, but first thing first...Socorro.

Matilda: what about her? You said something about her?

Ned: Yes! I just received a strange message from the hospital.

...Few minutes later...

"You good?" Jade asked.

Grunting "No... I'm no where close to that... Fucking hell." Garrick replied sipping on his coffee.

"Darling you have every reason to feel that way.

What is Matilda thinking of now? keeping you captive in that bookshop, we had to break you out!...Tch! Ned is going to be so Angry with her when he arrives...I should've offered to teleport him here but he asked me to remain by your side." Yuri said worried.

The three were sitting by the window inside of a coffee shop, "Mom should've been here by now." Jade replied annoyed.

Suddenly someone entered the shop, "Oh my if...it is not...The infamous Jade... pleased to make...your acquaintance darling." Grey said, as he walked in completely dry despite being in the rain.

"Not you again." Garrick grunted.

"Must be the guy you told us about, Grey?...with his grey hair? Perfect name." Jade said.

"Then...They should have...named you Violet... for that hair...color you have." Grey playfully replied to Jade.

"Huh? A Pure blood vampire?... weird." Yuri said skeptically, "If it isn't... Faunus's BFF Yuri.. or should I...call you Jihi?" Grey said smiling.

Grunting again, "Ugh, I swear! why can't this story just be a puppy love BL story! why all this bullshit drama about past lives and The Style family?!

I wanna graduate and get my goddamn dream job! I just wanna live in a nice house, get married to a loving husband and raise a couple of kids with pets! FUCKIN PETS!...*Sighing* That's all I want." Garrick said angrily.

"And you shall...have all of...it once I...have it too." Grey replied.

"The fuck you just said?" Jade asked but she turned her attention away when a familiar car pulled-up outside, "Hold on, That's not mom's car!" She said.

Jade was right, instead of Ned and Jasper, it was Someone else, "Mallory! what a...lovely surprise dear...did you come...to join us?" Grey greeted her as she entered the shop with someone else.

"You gotta lotta of balls showing your ass up here! Grey! Explain yourself!" Mallory said fuming.

Smiling, "I am more...interested in knowing...how you figured...that I am...here officer Spencer?" Grey asked.

"I was having a good day until suddenly, I get a call from Ned, asking me to come here and make sure your ass isn't bothering his boyfriend anymore." She replied.

"Btw, I know You didn't tell Henrietta you're miles away from home! the last thing I need is more of your family coming here to pick your ass up!" She added.

Ignoring her, Grey Pushed past Mallory, "Is she your...new plaything this...Lady?" he asked while eyeing Kimberly who came with Mallory.

Kimberly was spooked when Grey petted Her head, "What a pretty...Little thing!...Do not be...afraid of me...I do not...bite." Grey sarcastically said flashing his vampire teeth.

"Heh, okay?" Kimberly replied nervously, "Wait a minute!...I know you!... you must be...Superstar Norma Kelly!...from bullies high!

I...really loved that...show and your... character...can I get...your autograph please?" Grey said smiling at Kimberly.

"Leave her alone!" Mallory replied pushing him away from her, "I can give him an autograph, it's no big deal!" Kimberly said.

"This bastard doesn't want your autograph, He's just taunting you sugar." Mallory replied.

"Sugar?...is that a...crush I sense?" Grey said in awe.

Grabbing him by the collar, "Listen to me, shut your mouth and get in the car, I'm driving you back home and I already called Henrietta...I hope you get yourself ready for some family trial." Mallory replied and then released him.

As she glanced at a worried Kimberly, Mallory turned her attention from the actress for a second so she'd look at Yuri, but the sour expression on the mage's face made Mallory look away again.

"I'm sorry Kim, I wanted to give you a ride but for your safety, I'm gonna have to take care of this idiot alone.

Can you manage by yourself? I'm really sorry? I'll get ya a cab." Mallory said.

"It's okay Mall, thanks! I'll find my own way to the hospital, take care of yourself." Kimberly replied before she gave Mallory a hug.

After hugging for few seconds, Mallory pulled away and dragged Grey with her outside, while Kimberly watched them, But she wasn't the only one watching.

On the other side, "You're alright Yuri?" Jade whispered, "Why wouldn't I be?" Yuri replied.

"Guess you're not the type to be bothered by your ex moving on so quickly." Jade said, "Mallory's life is her own, she's free to do whatever she wants, our broken relationship shouldn't decide how she'll live the rest of her life." Yuri replied.

"Maybe you too should follow your own advice and move on, I'm serious about taking you out sometime." Jade responded.

"Keep dreaming, I'm going to take Garrick to your mom's house...go see if Kimberly needs your help." Yuri said.