The unlikely suspect p1

After doing a quick search, Everyone gathered-up in the living room, Faunus and Matilda were arguing whether they should call Ned, with Faunus insisting to call him while Matilda was telling him they should wait.

Taking the opportunity that Garrick's side was empty, Fernando decided to talk with him.

"Shouldn't we call Ned?" Fernando asked.

"Not really...since Ned should be back soon, I think it's for the best not call him now, at least until we make sure that Grey is really missing." Garrick replied.

Chuckling, "Standing-up for you sister, I see.

You and's surprising but not too much that the two of you turned out to be siblings." Fernando said.

"Matilda told me that even when we didn't know we were siblings in Derora, we still took care of each other...I can't say the same for you and Faunus, it's obvious he hates you." Garrick replied.

"Faunus has every right to hate me.

To be honest he also hates that your boyfriend is being nice to me, Faunus wishes that I'd be the only evil mastermind behind everything, so that he can just blame everything on me and make me pay for it.

That's why he had a hard time accepting that Luciel, could be Involved in this." Fernando replied.

"As if you're not to blame at all? Also Why are you standing here in front of me? is there something you wanna say Fernando?" Garrick asked impatiently.

"Sort of...I know what happened while I was, asleep...Faunus explained it to me.

That woman over there, she's your mother, right." Fernando said slightly nervous as he pointed at Rapunzel who was standing as always next to Henrietta.

"'s her, I'm surprised she's not ripping your throat." Garrick replied before he sighed, "Fernan- I mean, Freddie...please, don't betray Ned okay! he's literally the reason you're alive around us." he added.

"What are you talking about?" Fernando asked, "You know what I'm talking about! you have a habit of betraying those who care about you the most, and nobody besides Ned here, has actually forgave you like he did.

And I'm being serious, this time if you hurt anyone I care about especially Ned, Freddie I will kill you." Garrick said.

"I'm not planning on betraying Ned, but if I did, feel free to kill me then!

That's how It should've been Anyways...that day when I did what I did to Aroon in the forest back in Derora, You were there.

Although you had no idea that I had switched bodies with Aroon, You saw me covered in blood with a body thrown at my feet, you should've killed me then but you backed away." Fernando replied.

"I don't know what you're talking about, i wish I had my memories, Though I'm sure with or without them, I probably wanted to kill you." Garrick said.

"But you didn't, you knew i was stronger than you, and it scared you.

At the time you cared for my son, so you were afraid that you might die on my hands and won't be able to protect Tacito." Fernando replied.

"Whatever happened, I blame you for taking so much from Ned, Matilda, and everyone here.

Nothing would erase what you did." Garrick said.

"Look I know that death was not enough to wash away my sins Rickie, but this life is a new beginning for me!

I will get my real Revenge this time, but I promise I won't hurt anyone innocent again.

But if I did, I already gave you my can kill me however you like, whenever you want, I'm yours body and soul." Fernando replied.

"When will you stop Being obsessed with me?! I will never ever love you! do you understand Fernando! YOU'RE DELUSIONAL!" Garrick shouted with so much hate it stunned Fernando, and although Fernando could feel his own heart shatter, he remained calm.

"However I'll tolerate you for my mate's sake, This is your final chance to make things right, I will kill you if you hurt anyone, trust me!

And it won't be pretty, in my eyes you don't deserve a mercy killing, you don't deserve anything short of What Ned told me Thorn did to you At that party." Garrick spoke again.

Sighing, Fernando put on a soft smile "You're right, I deserved what I got and more." he said, "Thank you for giving me a chance." He added fighting his tears.

Just when Garrick started to feel bad about the way he spoke to Fernando, "Hey! we need Faunus in here!" Yurei spoke as soon as he teleport with Ned and the unconscious body of Grey.

Seeing Ned and Yurei come back with the unexpected guest, made Faunus and the others Hurry to see what's happening.

"Ned?! what's going on?" Garrick asked, "A lot." Ned replied, "Is that Edward?!" Matilda asked, "Not sure, it could be Grey himself." Ned replied.

"What?! how?!" Faunus asked, "They switched bodies again?" Yuri asked.

"I'm not sure, we found him unconscious, and him being possibly Grey is a gut feeling of mine." Ned replied.

"Faunus and I were just about to call you when we found Grey missing from the entire house." Fernando said, "I see." Ned replied.

"Wait, hold on! How can we trust Your gut feeling mom! what makes you believe this is Grey?!" Jade spoke angrily, "Jade dear calm down!" Muriel said, "Why is this guy unconscious and here?" Jasper asked even angrier than his sister.

"Here we go again." Thorn sighed.

"Give him to me, I'll lay him somewhere." Henrietta said grabbing the unconscious vampire from Ned and Yurei's grip, then she quickly laid him on one of the couches.

"Mi amor...what happened?" Tacito asked.

"I don't understand What happened myself Taci, we went to talk to Edward but found shit happened." Yurei replied.

"You went to talk to Edward without me?" Jasper asked while glaring at Ned, "That's right! you should've taken us too!" Jade added.

Before he began casting a healing spell, "Just in case this is Edward, I would recommend you two to stay away." Faunus said to the Valentino twin, "I don't care, whether this is Grey or Edward, I'm gonna stay here." Jasper replied making Faunus frown at him, "Same here!" Jade added.

"Jade! Jasper, maybe you should listen to Faunus!" Garrick said, "We know you will kill the guy right away if he was Edward." Faunus added.

"Are you being serious Fau?!" Jade asked, "Could you two knock it off? I think this guy is the real Grey so no need to get ready for a fight!" Matilda replied.

"Fau, please tell us, is your magic working on this guy?" a worried Yuri asked while watching Faunus mumble and wave his hands around.

"It is...He should be!" Faunus said snapping his fingers.

Gasping, "Where am I?!" The person said sounding terrified, "Before we can answer any of your questions, we need to know who you are." Henrietta said.

"I'm Grey!...your nephew?" Grey said, "This is interesting." Rapunzel said observing from a distance.

"Is there anything you can say to prove your identity?" Faunus asked.

"'s me?!...I'm Grey!"

"I can't believe with all the powers we have here, we can't tell for sure which Levine he is." Jade said.

"I think he's the real Grey." Ned said, "Strangely, me too." Fernando spoke-up.

"Maybe I should bring Nash to see him, apparently he can see people's souls and Such, maybe he can tell which of the brothers he is for sure."Ned suggested.

"I'm telling's me Grey!..." Grey said before he noticed his hands, "Oh my good...I'm back original body!" he added.

"You don't remember how you got back to your own body?" Garrick asked, "No!" Grey replied, "Interesting, again." Rapunzel said.

Sighing, "I think it is safe to assume this is the real Grey." Faunus said.

"Me too, though I hardly know him or his brother, I feel like this is the boy you are seeking." Muriel spoke-up.

"Somebody better start explaining, i don't understand what's going on." Thorn said.

"I have to...agree with my...Father...this is getting...too bizarre to...comprehend." Tacito spoke-up.

"Just a minute...i have a question for Grey.

Grey, we found you in my hotel in the chamber where your brother was imprisoned, do you remember how you got there?" Ned asked.

"What No!...the last thing...I remember was...feeling so tired...while I was...with Jade and...then I my room...I got into...the bed and... then i fell...asleep quickly.

But I don't...remember anything afterwards...I thought I...just slept the...whole time." Grey explained.

"Ned, Yurei, I think it's about time you tell us why this is happening?" Yuri asked.

"Before I do that, I need to ask Grey one last question.

Do you know what kind of a person your brother Edward is?" Ned asked.

"You mean if...I know that...He's a monster?...the real kind?

I do know!...I know my... brother is a...cold blooded murderer." Grey replied, the hint of disgust in his voice made Ned raise an eyebrow.

"Ned why did you ask him such a question, you don't possibly think that he?" Yurei questioned.

"That I what?!...WHAT?!" Grey asked, Faunus could tell his Cousin was going to have a serious panic attack if he doesn't calm down so he said, "Grey, Take a deep breath! you are going to hurt yourself, remember you are back into your old body now, You have to be careful!"

"Old body...I'm sick of...this!

Stop holding back...and tell I back original body?!

And why you're...Asking me these...unusual questions!" Grey Asked shaking.

"Edward, we just found him in his original body, dead a couple of minutes ago." Ned replied making the room go silent.

"My brother is...dead?" Grey said astonished.

"Not just only that, But Edward was crucified to the wall, and his blood was everywhere...And you Grey, we found you laying beneath his feet." Yurei replied.

"Oh you HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?!" Faunus shouted in disbelief, "I KNEW IT!"

"Someone actually killed Edward?!" The twins said in union, "I Swear I...didn't kill him!" Grey said terrified, "I have it in me to hate, but I don't have it in me to kill!" he added.

"I can tell, but I Still need to investigate you." Ned.

"Ned, there is no way Grey did this!" Faunus said, "Maybe you should check his memories like you did to Fernando!" Matilda suggested.

"I think Ned is right about investigating Grey." Garrick spoke-up.

"I know it seems unlikely, but I agree with Ned about investigating too, though I believe checking the boy's memories would be a waste of time, since he can't remember anything." Fernando suggested.

"To be clear, I'm not saying that Grey is the culprit for sure, nor I'm going to investigate in order to punish anyone.

I'm doing This in case the killer might pose danger for us, judging by What Faunus told me about Edward's behavior before died.

There's a chance somebody killed Edward to shut him up, and somehow their plan included Grey." Ned explained while pulling out his phone.

"Who are you calling?" Matilda asked, But as soon as she did, The doorbell rang, "I'm calling Nash.

Mati, Go see the door, it's probably your girl." Ned replied while calling Nash's number.

Nodding, Matilda hurried to Open the door while Garrick decided to ask, "Who's Nash again?"

"He's a werewolf dude Ned left guarding the crime scene." Yurei replied.

"Yeah, but he's not responding...Yurei we should go back there, something might've happened to him." Ned said, "This time I'm coming with you!" Garrick replied.

"Us too!" Jade and Jasper said together.

Sighing, "Fine...Fernando, follow us you too." Ned replied.