The unlikely suspect p2

"I'm sorry Ned, I tried to get us into that prison room from before, but for some reason I only managed to teleport us here into the beginning of the cellar, I think my map needs an update..." Yurei said after teleporting them.

"It's okay, you've been a very good help Yurei...we can walk from here." Ned replied.

But as soon as he said that, "LET ME GO! PLEASE! I PROMISE I WON'T ATTACK YOU AGAIN!" Ned and the others were surprised to hear someone screaming, it sounded like a woman.

The group ran towards the sound, and it didn't take them much to find Nashoba standing next to a tied-up woman in a uniform.

The woman was leaning on one of the wine shelves, beaten-up to a pulp, and screaming on top of her lungs, begging Nashoba to release her.

"YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVE! YOU ATTACKED ME FROM BEHIND LIKE A COWARD AND BROKE MY NEW PHONE! THAT SHIT WAS EXPENSIVE!" Nashoba was visibly angry at the woman, he was also visibly naked, wearing only his underwear as he used his pants to tie the woman up.

Ned didn't detect any visible injuries on Nashoba's body, However he saw the boy's phone smashed to pieces and on the floor, so he asked, "Are you alright Nash?"

"I'm fine, she didn't even manage to scratch me!" Nashoba replied.

"What the hell is going on?!" Fernando said wondering, "Is this typical with all werewolves? stripping?" Jasper spoke next.

"Wait, he used his pants to tie her up?! holy shit HAHAHA!" Jade laughed.

"Ned what's happening?" Garrick asked, "I'm wondering the same!" Ned replied.

"What happened Nash?" Ned asked, "This woman, I had just turned my back while I was examining that dead vampire's body when she attacked me! so I dragged her out here.

You can go to the crime scene if you want to, I got her Ass handled." Nashoba replied.


"Wait? Monika, what are you doing here?!" Yurei Asked as he recognized the woman, it took him a while to recognize her since her face was all swollen from whatever Nashoba did to her.

"That's her name? *Scoffs* so you know this basic bitch?" Nashoba Asked.

"Yurei! Please Tell Him To Let Me Go! I didn't think he'd beat the shit out of me since I'm a woman! But He's too damn strong when he looks like a kid!" Monika cried out.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Nashoba screamed at her when he heard the word 'Kid'.

"Dude got some serious issues, He needs therapy." Jasper said as he got tired of Nash's screams, "He goes to therapy...I got him there." Ned replied sighing in disappointment.

Turning to look at Yurei, "Who the fuck is she? And why does she knows you?" Fernando asked, "She works for Faunus...We were coworkers for a while, Monika is an ex-criminal, a skilled impersonator and a bitch.

Faunus uses her whenever he needs someone to pretend to be something for a job." Yurei replied.

"What? she works for Fau? what she doing here then?" Jade asked, "I have no idea, I'm as clueless as the rest of you." Yurei replied.

"Are we just going to brush over the fact that you guys know that Jasper's boyfriend does some illegal shit? like what the hell? a professional con artist? why does she work for Faunus? did you know about this Jasper?" Garrick asked.

"I don't think what Fau does is illegal, Faunus's main business is the toy company, but I'm aware he has a side hustle, Apparently he Finds things that are almost impossible to find under normal circumstances.

And because of that he needs a team of people of different skills, mostly ex-criminals looking for a new chance where they can use their skills without much risk." Jasper replied.

"I suppose if this woman possesses these skills, that explains why she found her way here...that uniform she's Wearing, it's my hotel's uniform." Ned Stated.

"Whatever's going on, I'm more curious to know who that kid is and why's he naked?" Fernando said pointing at Nashoba.

"Oh no!" Jade said as she watched Nashoba get triggered again and stomp his way angrily towards Fernando, "Who the hell ARE YOU CALLING A KID! I'M NOT A KID YOU...!"

Clearing his throat, "I forgot to mention that Fernando here, is Tacito's biological mother." Ned simply stated and Nashoba did a complete 180 immediately, he smiled and held both of Fernando's hands in his.

Fernando was taken by surprise, he blushed unintentionally as Nashoba squeezed his hands, "What are you doing Kiddo?!"

"Thank you, for risking your life to bring that Angel Tacito to this world." Nashoba said with sincerity.

And while Jade and Garrick laughed their Asses off in the background, Jasper was busy holding back Yurei from launching himself on Nashoba.

"Hey Hey! he didn't say anything worth getting jealous Over! Calm your balls!" Jasper said with his Arms tightly around Yurei, "FUCK YOUR WEDDING NASH! I'LL GLADLY COME TO YOUR FUCKING FUNERAL YOU PIPSQUEAK!" Yurei screamed.

"HEY! I'M HERE! HELP ME!" Monika shouted again.

Sighing, "Yurei, you need to calm down.

And Nash, please refrain from talking about Tacito." Ned said out loud.

...Few moments later...

After everyone calmed down, "We're gonna go see the body now while the staff bring me the security footage.

And Hey, I don't care how tough you think you are, But what all of you are about to see is horrible okay? so brace yourself, especially you Jasper." Ned said.

"I get it..." Jasper replied, he tried to seem calm but it was obvious he was getting anxious.

"What about me?" Monika asked crying, "Yurei, While I go inside with the others, I trust you with Monika's interrogation." Ned said.

"Copy that." Yurei said, "I'd like to interrogate her too!" Nash said while glaring at Monika.

"No God please no! I'll tell Yurei everything he needs to know, just get this monster away from me!" Monika pleaded.

"Sorry Nash, you're coming with me." Ned said dragging the boy with him before he opened the door.

The group got inside the room, and the scene already hit them straight in the face.

Jade and Garrick gasped At the amount of blood, While Jasper stood Frozen in his place, "Jasper, I think you should leave!" Garrick said horrified, "I knew there'll be blood! but not this much!" Jade said.

Nashoba who was generally okay with these sort of scenes was interested to see Fernando's facial expression, and was surprised to see Fernando's calm face.

But his surprise turned into a slight confusion, when he caught a glimpse of A smile on the corner of Fernando's mouth.

"Jasper...?" When Ned noticed his son was not moving at all, he was just staring at the body, Ned worried about Jasper, "This was a mistake, I knew this was too much for you to take in." Ned said and then tried to usher Jasper to leave the room.

But Jasper surprisingly resisted, He then started walking further and further, closer towards Edwards's crucified body.

"Why didn't I feel like this when I heard he's dead...why seeing his body makes me feel this way?!

He's really dead... Edward is really... DEAD!" Jasper started talking, Grabbing everyone's attention, "EDWARD IS DEAD!" he Screamed.

"Jasper...Bro?" Jade called her twin while approaching him carefully.

Then suddenly, "But...If he's dead, how can can I make him pay...for what he did to me?" Jasper's voice was full of hatred and despair.

"Well I certainly would be pissed if someone took my opportunity for revenge..." Fernando mumbled, "You're an interesting person." Nashoba mumbled as well.

"Jasper, Honey, It's okay, come here!" Ned said approaching Jasper as well.

Still facing them with his back, "I'm okay... please just stay away from me, I need a minute." Jasper said, his eyes filled with tears.

"Ned, Jade...give him space." Garrick said whispering.

"Edward, I doubt that you can hear me... but if you can, if your ugly disgusting abomination of a spirit can hear me...I want you to know that I don't pity you, not one bit." Jasper said sniffling.

"When We first met, I thought I made my first real friend...I didn't care that you were older than me, I was lonely, bullied, harassed! no other guy but my mom and Aroon ever treated me as nice as you did at first.

For a while you were someone I could rely on, i trusted you with my secrets, I've told you that I felt like life was unfair to me.

Edward I was naive and you took full advantage of that, and when I visited you for the first time in your house, we had fun talking until you confessed your feelings to me.

But I told you that I don't share your feelings, it was the first time I mentioned the age gap between us, And I told you that we can't be together." Jasper added.

"He never spoke about what happened that day before." Ned said feeling his heart sink, "Not even to you?" Garrick asked surprised.

"He tried to kill himself shortly after we rescued him... Jasper was never in the mood to talk about it afterwards." Jade replied.

Garrick was horrified and heartbroken, but he stood watching and listened As Jasper continued talking to Edward's dead corpse.

"You said things like 'Age doesn't matter' and that as long as we love each other we can do anything, and then You kept repeating ' I love you Jasper' so desperately, so I told you the truth that I didn't love you back.

I told you that I only see you as a big brother, and that I don't think that i even find Alphas attractive, but you just couldn't handle rejection, couldn't.

You kept confessing and I kept rejecting you, and it went back and forth for a moment.

And when I finally tried to leave your house because I got scared of how you were acting, you came from behind me and you yanked me from my hair... Edward you dragged all the way to you bedroom, screaming that you love me! before you threw me on your bed." Jasper said crying.

"Oh my god I can't...I can't, i...need to get out of here." Ned said dashing outside the room, "Mom!" Jade called out, "I got him...Ned!" Garrick followed him behind.

Fernando wanted to follow them too, but figured he'd stay behind and leave those two alone for a minute.

As Ned ran away, he passed by a confused Yurei who was questioning Monika, "Hey?! what's going on?!" Yurei asked Garrick who passed by next but didn't get an answer.

A second later of running, Garrick managed to catch up to Ned and grabbed his hand, stopping him.


"I couldn't stay there... Garrick I..." Ned started crying and Garrick hugged him.

"It's ok...Take a deep breath, you'll be fine." Garrick replied rubbing Ned's back.


"So basically, that's what happened...the quickest version of it." Matilda explained briefly the most important things Socorro needed to Know while standing right outside the living room.

"I see..." Socorro replied narrowing her eyes, "Well I can't say I expected things to be ordinary at the Valentino house, but this is quite much." She added.

Nodding, "Too much, just like how you and my 'Mom' seem to be getting along already." Matilda said slightly annoyed.

"Pumpkin! all I said was to hear the woman out!" Socorro said, "And I said that I don't want to!" Matilda replied.

Suddenly, a sudden loud slapping noise was heard from inside, and Kimberly's horrified voice followed it, "LADY ORANGE?!"

Matilda and Socorro quickly walked back into the living room entrance, to find out that Henrietta has slapped Lady Orange across the face.