Officer Ramon Raya, p1

Matilda and Socorro were outside the living room, talking.

Faunus with the help of Yuri, have taken Grey to his room to further question him in privacy.

Seeing that Lady Orange Has arrived with Socorro and Kimberly, Thorn greeted only the assistant and the actress but made it very clear he didn't want to talk to the academy's headmistress.

So in order to avoid Lady Orange, Thorn volunteered to go cook something for the group that was growing in number.

Muriel and Tacito were also uncomfortable staying in the living room and even the entire house, it was obvious Henrietta wasn't happy with Lady Orange around, so the two excused themselves and went on a walk outside, until Ned and the others come back.

And as Henrietta stood facing Lady Orange in the living room, Rapunzel was behind Henrietta with few steps, narrowing her eyes with curiosity at Kimberly.

Kimberly refused to back away, she stood by Lady Orange's side while hoping that the tension between Henrietta and Lady Orange, won't make the situation escalate somehow.

" is nice to see you, you barely aged for the past 24 years." Lady Orange spoke with a soft smile.

Lady Orange could feel that she was unwelcomed by Henrietta.

"Cut the crap...Do you have any idea how pissed I am to see your face, now that I know how Matilda came to life!

When you left that baby girl on my doorstep, I didn't get angry.

I decided to forgive and forget you eventually because in the end I had only known your name, I Didn't Know You well as a person...I thought to myself maybe the Lady's situation wouldn't allow her to raise a baby." Henrietta said.

"Believe me at the time I was not in my right mind, giving birth itself was a traumatic experience for me...postpartum depression as they call it, Has took over me completely.

And I must admit that I also feared greatly for my reputation and work, if I did not give her up...

I was in a tough spot to be a mother at the time, I thought it would be for the best that she would be raised by someone who can be a good loving You." Lady Orange replied.

"Lady Orange..." Kimberly watched her speak sadly, "Henrietta, if I had known that Matilda was taken from your care, I would have came to help you find her, believe me!

For the past 24 years I wholeheartedly believed she was being raised and cared for, I had no idea that Lucas would even go after my daughter." Lady Orange said, but the moment the last two words left her lips, Henrietta quickly lifted her hand in the air.

Kimberly gasped as Henrietta has slapped Lady Orange across the face, Cutting her cheek slightly, "LADY ORANGE?!" Kimberly Yelped.

Seeing the tiny drop of blood slide from The cut on Lady Orange's Face, Angered Kimberly so she balled her fists, and for some reason Rapunzel smiled at that.

"Shit...I didn't...Ugh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that...I got pissed when you called Matilda your daughter. " Henrietta instantly felt regretful of her action, especially when Matilda and Socorro quickly walked back into the living room entrance, and locked eyes with her.

"Henrietta?! Are you insane?!" Socorro Asked Angrily while walking towards her.

"I'M SORRY OK! I DIDN'T MEAN TO?!" Henrietta screamed at Socorro, It was a gesture that Neither Socorro nor Matilda appreciated, "DON'T TALK TO MY GIRLFRIEND THAT WAY! HENRIETTA!" Matilda screamed back.

"HEY! I understand you're angry but slapping people is assault! Stop apologizing to air and apologize to Lady Orange now!" Kimberly said angrily at Henrietta.

"That was interesting..." Rapunzel mumbled before she started backing away without anyone noticing her.

"Kim is right, You have crossed a line here Henrietta." Matilda spoke again.

"Yeah! what you've done is unappreciated!" Kimberly said.

"I don't know who you are, but you're staring to get on my nerves Miss Kimberly." Henrietta replied to her.

"I'm one of Garrick's best friends since highschool days! and you can't talk to me Like that either!" Kimberly replied back.

Surprised, "You're one of my son's friends?" Henrietta said, "Yeah! And just so you know, I'm telling him that you slapped Matilda's mother!" Kimberly said angrily.

Matilda was surprised to see Kimberly this angry, she shared a curious glance with Socorro.

"Okay slapping her was a big mistake I admit, but This woman birthed a whole goddamn living being to get revenge over somebody! the fuck you're defending her for?!" Henrietta asked.

"I'm not defending what she did, I'm just saying that you don't have the right to assault her! there was no need for you to resort to violence to express your Anger! Scream all you want but don't touch her!

With this behavior You're further ruining the reputation of Us Alphas!" Kimberly replied, making Rapunzel smile again.

"I'm ruining what?! Hold on?! You're really getting on my nerves, I suggest that your Ass go somewhere else!

Garrick's friend or not, you don't belong in this conversation Kimberly.

Whatever this is, it's between Lady Orange and me, it's not your fucking problem!" Henrietta said fuming, she then stood hovering over the much shorter Kimberly to intimidate her, "Shut it before I force you to." She added.

"Norma...I mean Kimberly, please darling, it is okay, no need to get angry for me, I deserved what happened." Lady Orange spoke-up finally, "No you don't!" Kimberly replied.

"Kim is right, This is beyond disrespectful, Your child is right here Henrietta!" Socorro said pointing at Matilda.

Matilda was getting pissed, even if she too didn't like Lady Orange, Henrietta was being too disrespectful, and Matilda was about to say something when Suddenly, "HENRIETTA FUCKING STYLE!" Rapunzel screamed.

Once again, Rapunzel's violet hair color turned darker, and it began flowing upward as the same terrifying Dark aura from yesterday engulfed her.

Just like before, She went ahead and attacked Henrietta, wrapping her inside a magic bubble.

"HEY! LET ME OUT!" Henrietta begged while kicking inside the bubble, but Rapunzel instead lifted her hand and made the bubble fly upward until it hit the ceiling, and got stuck there.

"HEY! HELP!" Henrietta shouted again.

Kimberly, Socorro, Matilda and Lady Orange, were all surprised to see what Rapunzel just did.

"I suppose the years did you were always so patient and kind in the past, yet I see that you've become like your parents Henrietta." Rapunzel spoke-up.


"YOU HAVE DISRESPECTED SOMEONE OUR SON HIGHLY VALUES! I know All about my son's friends, this girl right here was one of the reasons why our son didn't let his unfair life Freeze his heart." Rapunzel said before she started swaying her hands.

"This will shut you up...OBSTREPENTE SILENTIO! (Deafening silence)." Rapunzel casted a spell on the bubble, "Now you can't hear us, and we can't hear you, So you can scream all you want, consider it free therapy." She added but of course Henrietta couldn't hear that.

Finally calming down, Rapunzel's colors went back to normal and her Aura lightened again.

"She'll be there for a while, does anyone protest her current situation?" Rapunzel asked.

No one dared to say no, so no one replied to that question, maybe they were terrified.

"Since the majority rules, Henrietta will stay there until Ned and Garrick return and decide otherwise." Rapunzel said.

"Fair enough, I guess..." Socorro replied nervously.

"I'm Sorry if I was being too heated." Kimberly spoke-up.

"I am the one who should apologize my dear, I caused this mess." Lady Orange replied.

"You two are fine, it was that creature above getting all heated-up and shit, like the fuck she thinks she's doing slapping people around?! it wasn't okay for me to get angry at her yesterday and attack her, But she can slap people?!

I don't stand for that kinda injustice." Rapunzel said nonchalantly, "Though, I hope Garrick doesn't get mad about attacking her this time, since she was the one who started it." She added slightly worried.

"I'm still trying to get used to the fact that you're here, but let me ask you something..." Matilda said, "Can we actually trust you? What'll make me believe that you're not a threat to Garrick?"

"There's nothing to ensure that!" Rapunzel said smiling.

Her Honest answer Surprised them especially Matilda, "It's your choice to trust me though...but as long as I'm in control of myself, my intentions are always the same, to protect Garrick." Rapunzel added.


"Do you think we should have stayed?" Muriel asked, "I'm glad I'm...not there" Tacito replied, "I have a...feeling a fight...has already broke...out."

Sighing, "You are right...Hey! I suddenly crave some chocolate, do you mind if we go buy some?" Muriel said.

"Sure...I want some...chocolate too." Tacito replied, and the two walked to a nearby supermarket store.

Going inside, almost every head turned to looking at The two Omegas, They were pretty and maybe too well-dressed For a supermarket.

"This is is making me miss how Normal our looks would be in Derora." Muriel mumbled, "Yeah...Let's get something...and get out...of here quickly." Tacito replied walking forward.

The two started searching for something that would suit Their taste while ignoring the looks they got from people, but they couldn't ignore everything, especially when two typical straight white males approached them.

One of them and without a warning, placed his hand on Muriel's hip, "Hey beautiful!" and Muriel's self-defense instantly kicked in, he grabbed the man by that hand and twisted it, making it make an audible cracking sound.

"ARGH?! LET ME GO YOU BITCH?!" The man screamed in pain, so his friend ran to Muriel to hit him.

But Tacito kicked the guy before he managed to touch Muriel who Still held the other guy by his hand, "What the hell...were you thinking?! Touching me?!" Muriel said angrily.

People who heard the commotion started to gather around, "Muriel release him...and let's leave...these animals aren't...worth our time." Tacito said.

"WHO THE FUCK YOU CALLING AN ANIMAL YOU WHORE?!" the guy Tacito kicked, screamed.

"You and your friend are disgusting." Muriel said.

"Stay down hate your...teeth." Tacito said to the guy, "LIKE I'D LISTEN TO A STUTTERING HOE!" The guy screamed again.

Tacito sighed, he thought about kicking this guy again, but he hated fighting Unnecessarily.

However, and before Tacito could do something about the obnoxious man, Someone else beat him to it.

Muriel and Tacito watched as an individual flashing a badge, came towards the two attackers, making Muriel finally release the guy he held onto.

That individual was A handsome looking guy With an insanely beautiful long curly black hair, Amber eyes, tanned skintone and a slight beard that was basically stubble.

He was of Tacito's height and built, dressed in a pair of suit pants and a white t-shirts that showcased his somewhat strong arms, "I'm officer Ramon Raya, and I've seen everything there's to be seen boys.

You two are going to come with me." He said pointing at the guys that attacked Muriel.

Hearing that, both of men stood-up and bolted out of the place terrified, so The officer ran out after them.

"That was...Weird?" Muriel said, "I'm glad that...happened!...I didn't hit that...guy again I...could've hurt him... badly...although he" Tacito replied, "Though I think...I sensed something...weird about that...officer."

"Aside from him being handsome? hehe! please do not tell Thorn I said that!" Muriel replied giggling.

As if nothing happened, The two picked a couple of snacks and headed outside, but they were surprised when the moment they stepped foot outside the store, That officer was somehow standing in front of them, smiling.