Officer Ramon Raya, P2

"You are that...cop." Muriel said.

"I'm Not exactly a cop...Also no need to panic, it's bad for your baby, I'm not a threat so don't worry." Ramon said.

Suspicious, "How Did you know I was pregnant?!" Muriel asked, "It's because he...can hear's heartbeat...He's a I understand...what I was... sensing." Tacito replied.

"Wait you can tell what I am?! that's amazing!" Ramon said enthusiastically, "Are you a vamp like me?" he added asking.

"No...but close enough." Tacito replied.

"That does not explain why you are blocking our Way." Muriel said.

"Oh sorry! but can you hear me out for a sec? sense of smell is like 10 times much better than any of my other Senses! *Giggles*, but the point is that while I was shopping, I smelled something.

Do you guys know, Big brother Ned?" Ramon Asked in a hopeful tone.

"Oh!" Muriel Gasped, "Ned?...We're his friends." Tacito replied, "He is my Half cousin, actually! we just came from his house for a walk." Muriel added.

"¡Eso es maravilloso! (That is wonderful!) Ramon said, "Can I know your names? I'm Ramon Raya as you already know!"

"I'm Tacito Tang...I'm also a guy."

"Me too, I am Muriel Spencer."

"You two are guys?! Wow! so that means you're Omegas right! so cool! Oh wait! I think I heard about you two! At least you Blondie!

I have a bit of a golden fish memory haha!" Ramon said giggling, confusing them.

Before Those two could ask anything, "I'm going to Big brother's house too!

I was actually shopping for some food and gifts first, I didn't know what to get! I suck at shopping Especially for other people! anyways, I still need to get him something, I can't go to his house to celebrate empty handed." Ramon said.

"Celebrate?...Also how know Ned?" Tacito asked.

"Oh! right...wait, should I tell you?" Ramon started blabbering to himself.

"Can you please focus, and it is okay not to tell us anything, however I should tell you Than we were not going back to Ned's place right now, He is not at home, and we are not done walking." Muriel explained.

"Okay! you guys can come shopping with me! since I'm not done yet! AND! I should also get something for Jasper! I'll ask Big brother Ned to allow me to meet him!" Ramon said enthusiastically.

Both Tacito and Muriel glanced at each other, this handsome looking yet bubbly extroverted Male vampire Just invited them for shopping, because they smell like Ned.

"C'mon! It'll be fun! I promise! I'm in such a good spirit today even though I'm supposed to be crying my eyes out in pain!" Ramon said further confusing them.

"Umm...should we?" Muriel whispered to Tacito, "Alright, but If...he does anything...slightly suspicious we...get rid of...him." Tacito whispered back.

"Hey that was mean! I can hear you!" Ramon said feeling hurt.

"Okay, we will join you...but do not test us!"

"I promise you I'm a good guy!" Ramon replied, "I guess...we can go." Tacito replied.

"¡Eso es maravilloso!" Ramon cheered.


Although together all of them, inside the crime scene, Jasper was silent and didn't contribute to the conversation, he continued staring at Edward's body.

As for Monika, She was taken by The hotel security team when they came to tell Ned that there's no security footage.

Apparently prior to the murder, Monika has attacked the security guards responsible to watch over the camera footage of the wine cellar, and she turned off all cameras.

"Are those guards gonna be okay?" Jade asked, "Yeah, they're thankfully alive, I've sent them all to the hospital with paid leaves...

I should take a day to fix the security issue in this place, it's so breachable." Ned replied.

"So it was All Monika? how did she do all of this?" Garrick asked.

"First of all Monika isn't human, She's a python Snake beast, Aka she's a lizard person like Thorn and Tacito.

She used to claim to me while we worked together that she's also a serial killer, who murdered a bunch of toxic abusive ex-boyfriends, mostly by chocking them since pythons are venom-less." Yurei explained.

"What the fuck..." Fernando said, "This is the first time I agree with you! indeed what the fuck!" Jade said.

"So she's more than capable of murder...but why Grey and Edward? what's the motive?" Ned asked.

"According to her, she has no idea how Grey ended-up in that room, she didn't bring him there, so he must've found his way somehow on his own.

Monika said That she killed Edward and placed his body that way, but it was for Money.

Someone anonymous has hired her... someone other than Faunus." Yurei explained.

"Mom why didn't you use your ability on her?" Jade asked, "At the time I forgot that I have that ability...I was focused on Jasper's wellbeing, so I told Yurei to handle things." Ned replied hesitantly.

"Oh right..." Jade said while glancing at her brother who was still doing the same thing, just staring.

"Since my security team have Monika secured, I'll go later and check for myself if everything that she told Yurei was true." Ned replied, "But for now, this is a crime scene and as much as I would love to allow you to investigate it with me, I'm gonna have to ask all of you to step-out.

You can't contaminate the scene anymore, not until I call the professionals." He added picking his phone.

"What professionals, Are you calling the police?" Jade asked, "Wait, you're talking as if you're the only one here with the authority to be at this crime scene.

I love you Ned, but being the hotel owner doesn't qualify you to be an investigator either!" Garrick said.

"Yeah! whatever he said." Yurei said, "I don't care to investigate this asshole's murder but I'm curious to know if you're asking us to step-out, for reasons other than crime scene contamination." Fernando said.

"I can't believe this? not even your family knows? Big brother you should stop having so many secrets that never lead to anything good!" Nashoba spoke-up confusing them.

Sighing, "Ugh...I guess It's about time to explain then...but I need to make this one phone call, I need this person to come here anyways." Ned said before he left the group and went outside to have his phone call.

...Some minutes later...

As they waited in the hotel's 'self-service' restaurant, "When will this mystery person arrive? and what does he have to do with the investigation and you?" Garrick asked, "Are you jealous?" Ned joked.

"Lovely...please." Garrick said, "Fine! he should be here any minute, I've sent instructions to let him go through." Ned replied.

Luckily, Jade managed to snap her brother out of his daze and brought him with her to the restaurant, but she couldn't get him to eat anything.

Fernando however was enjoying some coffee although he was bothered that he wasn't allowed to smoke, but what bothered him more was Nashoba sitting with him, because Yurei was also sitting nearby, Glaring daggers at the werewolf.

Soon enough, Yurei was surprised when his heart started to warm-up, he immediately Alerted Ned, "Hey! I think Taci is here!"

"What? why would he be here?" Ned asked, but quickly got his answer as Ramon, Muriel and Tacito Came towards them in a hurry with few shopping bags in hands.

As he approached Ned, Ramon accidentally locked eyes with A curious Nashoba, he smiled at him before turning his attention to Ned.

"Big brother!" Ramon said engulfing Ned in a big hug, "I came as soon as I received your call! I was going to your house anyways, lucky me though! I met two of your friends!" He said hinting at Muriel and Tacito.

"Baby why are you here?" Yurei asked Tacito worriedly, "I'll explain a minute...mi amor." Tacito replied.

"We came with Mr.Raya when we learned that you called him to the hotel, I think that you should explain to me how does this man knows you, Ned!" Muriel said to Ned.

Breaking the hug, "I'm sorry on behalf of Ramon, especially if he acted in a weird way! he must've smelled some of my scent on you guys, he has a habit of making friends with anyone related to me." Ned explained.

"So This is the guy you called?" Garrick asked slightly jealous, "I gotta admit, he's one fine dude, Awesome hair too!" Jade said complimenting him.

"Thank you! you must be Jade and you must be the lucky guy who's dating big brother! I heard so much about you two! I can't wait until I'm your supervisor!" Ramon said enthusiastically, confusing them.

"You know this guy?" Fernando whispered to Nashoba, "No I never met him, but if brother called him then I know what he does for work." Nashoba said while he stared at Ramon.

"What's...going on?" Jasper spoke-up as he began paying a little attention to What's happening.

"And you must be Jasper! you have no idea how much I wanted to meet you and tell you that you're not alone in your struggle." Ramon said hugging him, "Get Off Me!" Jasper immediately pushed him away.

"Sorry I forgot your mother said you're not much of a hugger!" Ramon apologized.

"Please Ramon focus...Don't let your ADHD win, this is a serious matter!" Ned said.

"Right right, ¡Entiendo! (I understand)" Ramon said, "Well, since the rest of you don't know who I am, or what I do and what's my relationship with big brother, I'll explain everything now." he added.

"Go on." Muriel said.

"My name is Ramon Raya... I'm an FBI agent who's from the supernatural crimes division.

We deal with Crimes where a supernatural creature could be the victim, or the perpetrator, or both!" Ramon said.

Surprised, "What?! FBI for supernaturals?!" Jade asked, "You're FBI?" Garrick questioned.

"Our division is relatively new, we were first established in 1980, however back then there were only few supernatural creatures that were also FBI agent, it started with 7 then grew to almost 70 agents by the first 10 years.

But Now we have almost 700 supernatural agents, positioned all over the country!" Ramon explained proudly, "I'm actually very proud to say that I have been an agent since the agency had only 70 agents." he added.

"Wait how old are you?" Nashoba asked, "I'm a vampire, no need to ask for my age Cutie!" Ramon replied winking, making Nashoba blush.

"Ramon stop flirting...with anyone and... anything." Tacito said, "Sorry I Must've Annoyed you while we were shopping! I can't help but tell good looking people, they look good!" Ramon replied sheepishly, his words made Nashoba feel more flustered.

"Don't bother flirting with pipsqueak over here, You're not his type! besides he might seem small but he's an Alpha." Yurei said to Ramon, "I'm an Omega dating an omega you inconsiderate idiot." Jasper replied to Yurei.

"Wait? is it because I'm masculine? do you think I'm an Alpha?" Ramon questioned, "You're not?" Garrick asked.

"What? no! I'm an Omega!" Ramon said.

"WHAT?!" Almost Everyone screamed even Fernando, except for Ned since he already knew.

"Just because I look manly doesn't mean I'm an Alpha!" Ramon said giggling.

"Is that why you were happy to find out we were Omegas?" Muriel asked.

"Yes! I love hanging-out with my people!" Ramon said smiling.

"What in the plot twist is this..." Yurei mumbled, "Now that I think about it, it's not weird, Stella's husband is just like Ramon." Garrick said, he was a little bit less jealous now that Ramon turned out to be an omega.

"Oh yeah! besides I'm an alpha and more feminine than most female alphas, so I guess we shouldn't stereotype much!" Jade said.

"Still wow...This is a surprise." Fernando said.