It only gets harder to lie p1


"Yes Matilda?"

"Can I ask you for a favor?" A uncertain Matilda asked, After realizing that Jasper and Yurei were at the hotel, Ned arranged for Fernando to teleport a bunch of them to the hotel but Matilda was one of those who decided to stay behind in the Valentino house.

...[Tiny Flashback]...

"I'll stay here in the house, and see if I can enchant it better than Yuri did, That's the most I can do for you at the moment, consider it a token of my appreciation for the care that you gave uncle doctor.

Also I am a giant, so even if magic failed, I doubt sheer physical power would Too." Kowa said to Ned, "I'll also stick around, as a cop and a werewolf, I'd like to believe I got what it takes to protect this place too!" Henrietta spoke-up.

Raising an eyebrow, "You just wanna stay here And flirt with giant girlie." Jade replied knowingly making Henrietta blush, "Absolutely not!" Henrietta disagreed.

"Worry not, this werewolf cop doesn't fit into my standards, I prefer a certain type of people, mostly him." Kowa said while pointing at Grey who was surprised she pointed at him.

"Your type is sickly pale on the verge of death half-vampire introverted bookworm men?" Fernando asked Kowa with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "Why? Are you jealous that I said your plaything boy is my type?" Kowa asked back.

While Looking at Grey, "Grey is not my plaything." Fernando said earning a confused look from everyone even Grey.

"He's my friend...with benefits...but still...a friend." Fernando finished his words hesitantly before he started walking away, not noticing how Grey smiled at him, "I'll be outside, come to me when you're ready to teleport." Fernando announced.

"Ugh, friends with benefits! People are weird, why do something so intimate like love-making with a friend! If you're not in love with a person, you shouldn't be having sexual relationships with them." Kowa said annoyed.

"What a highly modest principal you have there Kowa! Do you know that your bestie Lady fucking Orange gave birth to Matilda after she had a one-night-stand with Henrietta whom she only met for the first time that vey same night she met her?" Faunus said while smirking villainously.

Kowa was flustered by his words, she got speechless making Matilda snigger once.

"Nice one Fau." Matilda said.

"What's happening...?" Garrick asked Ned while he watched these different conversations unfolding Infront of him, "Let's be grateful, nobody is trying to kill anybody anymore...for the time being at least." Ned replied.

Suddenly, "Big brother." Nashoba who's also been silently watching how everyone interacted with each other especially Grey and Fernando, decided to talk, "I'm staying here as well, I believe it's a good idea to split our group and efforts, besides i can't leave kowa alone, she has a habit of deliberately starting fights."

"HEY! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Kowa who heard him, protested "I'm not the one you should be worried about when it comes to starting fights!"

"Whatever you say you little shit." Nashoba replied nonchalantly.

Chuckling, "I appreciate everything you're doing, all of you." Ned stated happily, "Hey Ned...I hope you don't mind but, I need a break from The adventure we're currently having so I'm staying here...I don't feel like going to the hotel." Matilda spoke-up.

Worried, "You're alright Mati?" Garrick asked, "Yeah... just tired, I know you guys can handle anything so I'm going to try and relax a little, but if things got too serious just call me... or come and teleport me, okay." Matilda replied.

Smiling, "Okay, You've been through a lot lately, you deserve to relax a little, so if this is your wish, go ahead." Ned said before giving her a hug.

"Oh I'm also...staying...I don't think...I want to...face Edward." Grey spoke-up, "Then stick with me, I could use your help." Nashoba replied.

"You need me?" Grey questioned, "I need someone who can help me do some research, and you're an avid book reader." Nashoba replied.

"Guess we should get going already then, Evil twin Freddie is waiting." Jade said, "Take care all of you." Matilda replied.

...Back to current...

"What kinda favor are we talking about?" Henrietta asked as she and Matilda sat all by themselves in the living room.

Kowa was somewhere else busy enchanting the house, Nashoba and Grey were occupied doing their research in the library, which left the father and daughter duo of Henrietta and Matilda all by themselves, relaxing Untill Matilda decided she's done relaxing, "Nash says that my curses should be broken, meaning that if I want, I should be able to able to... transform."

Nodding understandingly, "You mean Turn, you wanna turn into your wolf form." Henrietta replied.

" you think I can do it?" Matilda asked, "Well for starters... You're mother is human, I am a werewolf, and it happens in cases where one parents isn't a werewolf, that the child might not be able to turn even if they carry the werewolf gene." Henrietta explained.

Shocked, "You mean that even without the blood curse stopping me, I might not be able to turn after all? And on top of that I might not even be a werewolf, I could be just plain human?" Matilda questioned.

"If you were just plain human, That bitch Lucas wouldn't use a blood curse on you, so you must be a werewolf Matilda, we just need to help you turn once you're ready." Henrietta replied reassuring her.

"I'm ready now?! Can you help me try?" Matilda asked, "You mean like right now?!" Henrietta asked back, she didn't expect that Matilda would want to do something like that since she told Ned she was just going to relax.

Nodding, "Yeah! Right this moment!" Matilda replied.

In disbelief, Henrietta stood to her feet "No, this isn't the time nor the place not even how your first time of turning should be.

We need to have good, no not just good but perfect conditions!" She said adamantly.

Confused by Henrietta's sudden outburst, "What the fuck are you talking about?!" Matilda asked.


Frustrated, "I've searched all...the books you...gave me yet...I can't find anything...about a permanent cure... For my half-vampire...illness!

I mean you to look...for such thing? you think...I've never tried... before You Nash?!" Grey said, he tossed another book into the pile of books he was helping Nashoba research through.

Sighing, "It doesn't hurt to try, besides you should be grateful I'm taking the time of the day told help you, after all it's your life on the line not mine." Nashoba replied while flipping the pages of the book in his hands.

"Exactly!...I'm the one...dying! why helping me?" Grey asked.

"I'll answer you, if you tell me why are you lying about your feelings." Nashoba replied calmly.

Confused, Grey frowned, "My feelings?... what do you...mean?"

"The person you like." Nashoba said before putting his book down.

"Faunus? When did...I lie about...him?" Grey asked.

"You don't like Faunus, not anymore at least.

Grey, you're in love with Fernando."

With wide eyes, "Uh, I think... you're losing your...mind a dear Nash!...I like Faunus...not Freddie I ...mean Freddie and...I are like...he said friends... although be it... friends with benefits...but we're just...friends." Grey replied, his face has gone red and he started the avoid looking at Nashoba.

"Then tell me why, your soul yearns for him?" Nashoba said.

Surprised, "Yearns? soul yearns?...just what blabbering about!" Grey asked, his face got even more red.

"I can see people's souls, it's my gift, although it's confusing and sometimes I can't see them clearly, but one thing I can see clearly almost every single time is romantic feelings, because the soul does not lie and your soul and Fernando's somehow are linked.

Not as mates obviously, since you two have touched each other and no mating Mark appeared, but that doesn't mean you can't be soulmates, or at least be into each other that way." Nashoba explained.

Scoffing, "You're delusion Nash...I think I'm...going to take...a break from...this useless research...I prefer alone anyways." Grey said attempting to leave the room, but just as he made it to the door.

"In my past life I died suddenly...and my biggest regret was not being able to see my beloved mate for one last time, to say goodbye and say how much I loved him.

Grey, your life might end suddenly Because of your illness, you'll regret not telling the truth while you're taking your last breath." Nashoba spoke-up.

"I don't carry...such regrets since... there's no tell to...begin with Nash." Grey replied.

"You think you can protect people around you by pretending to have made peace with the fact that you're dying, so they won't feel sad for you anymore.

But the truth is that you're scared shitless, you're in the same shoes as a terminal canser patient, putting on a smile and show for their loved ones before they leave life for good, when in reality they're shaking with fear inside, Angry and sad that they're going to leave everyone behind because they have no other choice." Nashoba said, although Grey was standing with his back facing him, Nashoba could easily tell his words has cut right through Grey.

By the door, Grey stood trying to fight his body's urge to start shaking as his tears filled his eyes, "You don't know...anything about me...You're just delusional."

"Yet here you are, about to cry because of a delusional man's words." Nashoba replied making Grey turn quickly to face him, his eyes tearing-up and full of anger.

"I never be this...way... OKAY!" he shouted at Nashoba.

Taking a deep breath, "Life is unfair, we don't always get what we ask for, but that's the beauty of life we work to get what we want, we try hard so even when we fail we still feel satisfaction that we tried till the end.

Yet you've given-up on life long ago, you have no hope left, not even the tiniest bit that you might actually survive!" Nashoba said standing-up.


Finally having enough, "NO, THERE WAS A WAY FOR YOU TO SURVIVE BUT YOU'RE THE ONE WHO REFUSED IT FROM THE START!" Nashoba shouted back startling Grey.

"What do you...mean..."

"There's couple of ways Grey, but you weren't willing to live anymore which is why you've given-up so just want to die, don't you?"

"No...that's not true." Grey replied, "Then tell me why? When Edward switched bodies with you, you were in his healthy and strong pure blood vampire body, but somehow you've found your way back into your real body?

Also you've been fucking Fernando all this time, why didn't you ask him to make you a new body?! Don't make me believe you didn't know he crafted bodies!

Tell me Why are you hellbound on dying?!

Is this your way of suicide? Do you want this?" Nashoba asked.

With his tears streaming down his face, "I'm useless Nash... I knew what...he planned but I... didn't stop Freddie...from seeking revenge.

I want to...die before I...see him die...

Again...before he!

After all...Destiny loves to...repeat itself constantly." Grey replied.

Astonished, "You have your past life memories back!" Nashoba said.

Nodding with a sniffle, "I did love...Faunus first but...when Freddie came...into my life...I fell again...however he doesn' me and...he never will...he already three times." Grey replied.