How to avoid sleeping on the couch.

"You two have a lot to explain!" Was the first thing Ned said to Yurei and Jasper when he and the others made it to the hotel.

Luckily for them, Yurei wasn't the only one capable of teleportation, since Fernando's high level dark magic allowed him to do things the average mage can't do.

Although teleporting through a Portal made of fire that Fernando summoned, is definitely more scarier and dangerous than just teleporting the way Yurei does, the small selected group of people arrived safely.

Understandably, some people decided to stay behind and not go to the hotel, that includes Grey, Henrietta, Kowa, Nashoba and Matilda.

The others went instead, Ned, Garrick, Jade, Faunus and of course Fernando, all now standing in the wine cellar.

"Hi Mom glad you finally decided to join the party!" Jasper said almost cheerfully, it made one of Ned's eyebrows lift in curiosity.

"Just what in hell is happening right now?" Jade asked, "A lot of things..." An unhappy Yurei responded.

"You good?" Garrick asked the chestnut haired young man, " mate is gone!" Yurei replied angrily.

"I'm pretty sure that by now, all of you know that something happened to Taci, I don't know how but he's not himself, like literally." Jasper explained.

"Yes my love we know, and we suspect he might be possessed by Edward." Faunus replied.

"Well aren't you right on the money!... Almost." Jasper said with a frown.

Worried, "I know that you must be upset since this man has hurt you in the past, how are you feeling my love? Do you want me to find a way to hurt him for you?" Faunus asked.

"I'm okay Fau, I'm perfectly fine especially now with you here." Jasper replied making Faunus smile shyly at him.

Skeptical, "Are you sure honey? That you're okay? This is Edward we're talking about?" Ned asked, "I've decided to focus on the good side of my life, Edward is not that.

Besides he's still dead, just because his soul is possessing Taci's body, doesn't mean that's gonna last forever, I'm sure we'll find a way soon to undo the possession and send him back to hell where he belongs." Jasper replied with a big eerie smile.

"Right." Ned nodded still feeling skeptical, "Is it me or is Jasper somehow unbothered by Edward being almost alive again?" Garrick asked Ned whispering, "He's not the only one, Jade hasn't tried to kill Edward yet, she's not even screaming at him! I think my children went insane." Ned whispered back.

"My love, how did it occur to you that this was not the real Tacito?" Faunus asked.

"Edward is a bad actor, I've seen it when he tried to act like he's Grey." Jasper replied.

"That's not what you told me!" Yurei spoke-up angrily, "You still angry about what I said about Taci?" Jasper asked, "I am!" Yurei replied.

"What did you say my love?" Faunus asked, before Yurei could even answer, "Nothing much, Yurei is just sensitive, besides he should know that whatever I said doesn't matter, after all I have you Fau." Jasper replied confusing Faunus.

"Jasper, I suggest you do less flirting with my brother, more explaining on what's going on." Fernando said.

Sighing, "Unfortunately we're too confused to explain it ourselves, and to be honest it's best if you hear the explanation from the source itself." Jasper replied ushering them to go inside the prison room in the hotel's wine cellar.

Upon entering the room, "Mhmhmhn!" The sound of someone moaning in despair hit the group immediately.

Edward who was obviously in Tacito's body, was somehow tied-up and even had his mouth taped shut by something invisible, his shackles were unseen almost as if there's no shackles, but he was definitely tied-up with something.

"My love! I can Sense some sort of bindings tying this imposter up, but why can I not see them?! How did you make invisible bindings!" Faunus asked in awe.

"I have been secretly working on a new craft, I used your shackles rings Fau as an inspiration." Jasper said, he started murmuring a spell before closing his eyes, then all of the sudden, he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly a silver-like ring with a dark stone appeared around Jasper's middle finger, the spell that concealed the invisible shackles was broken, and the shackles themselves became now visible to everyone's eyes.

Now able to see what's tying Edward up, the group could see dark purple bindings that look almost like tree branches, coming out of the ring and extending all the way to Edward, wrapping themselves around The imposter body and face.

"Mhanhnmmm!" Edward moaned again, he gave Ned a very scared and pitiful look hoping that Ned would help him, "Don't look at me like that while you're wearing Taci's face, I'm almost pitying your ass." Ned said to Edward.

"This is all confusing, I regret not staying behind with Matilda." Garrick said sighing, "Do you want to go back now?" Ned asked, "No, I still want to be with you lovely." Garrick replied.

"As the genius that I am, I managed to find a way to make the shackles I've made invisible, it helped with capturing Edward without him suspecting my attack, it's easy to not dodge what you can't see after all." Jasper explained, "However, I'm using a lot of my mana to actually power these restrains, so I won't be able to keep this up for long, if you have anything to do or say to mister pedophile here, you gotta hurry-up a little or find someway to help me regain my mana because I'm gonna be falling asleep very soon." He added before yawning.

"Then maybe this is a good opportunity to see if I can redo the controling spell I used on Tacito before."Fernando suggested.

"You mean the fuckin spell you used to make him bite half my neck off?! Don't think for a second that I've forgetten about that Freddie!" Yurei said, "I'm sorry about that, I misjudged you, I thought you were an obstacle in Tacito's happiness, now unfortunately I understand how much you're important to my son, although I still don't like you, I can't do you anymore harm... for Tacito's and Ned's sakes at least." Fernando replied surprising everyone especially Yurei who couldn't come-up with a reply.

"Wow... Freddie is becoming nicer and nicer by the minute!" Jade said.

"About your controling spell, would it work on Taci's body even if he's possessed by Edward?" Jasper asked, "Maybe yes, although I'm not so sure." Fernando replied.

"Then let's test it." Jasper said, "Okay." Fernando replied.

Ned and Faunus glanced at each other, they can both tell something was unusual, Jasper and Fernando were agreeing with each other and behaving like comrades, not to mention Fernando was being nice and Jasper was unusually calm.

Suddenly, "I need a breather, I'm gonna head to the hotel's café, I need something to drink before my head pops!" Yurei said and walked out.

"Btw, what should we ask this piece of Shit!" Jade spoke-up.

"Are you sure you should be here Jade? Why didn't you stay with Matilda back home?" Ned asked, "If you want to go Jade, I'll go back with you?" Garrick suggested.

Annoyed and rolling her eyes, "Mom, and Garrick, I'm not gonna kill Edward, at least not while he's in Taci's body." Jade replied.

"None of us would hurt Taci or his body, but he's still possessed by Edward, why aren't you like screaming at him or something?!" Ned questioned.

"Seriously why are you Valentinos obsessed with Tacito?!" Fernando asked.

For some reason, the three Valentinos decided to answer the question finally.

"Because I knew him since he was 7 years old, he's like my own kid, in a way!" Ned replied.

"I like Taci Because he's so nice, beautiful and humble and loves a lot of the stuff that I love like cars and fashion!" Jade said next.

With a raised eyebrow, "What about you?" Fernando asked Jasper.

"He's hot." Jasper bluntly replied shocking everyone else except Fernando, "I see." Fernando replied back.

"MY LOVE! How could you speak of my nephew this way?!" Faunus shouted with a red a face, "What? It's not the only reason I like him, that's for sure...but... He's really hot, good job for you Freddie and Thorn too, you guys got hot and bothered one night and brought Taci to life." Jasper replied giving Fernando a thumbs up.

Ned and Garrick facepalmed themselves, "I am going to join Yurei in the cafeteria! I cannot take this disrespect!" Faunus announced angrily, he was on the verge of tears.

Realizing what he's done, "Hey! Don't take it seriously Fau! You're hot too! I like you better! You're literally my mate!" Jasper said trying to comfort him.

"No! I am angry and jealous right now! Leave me alone!" Faunus replied and walked out of the room, "BUT BABY! I was being honest that's all! You know you're my destined mate! You have nothing to worry about! I love you!" Jasper replied but Faunus kept leaving so, "Freddie I gotta follow him, let's do what you said earlier quickly." Jasper said.

"Sure thing, you idiot." Fernando replied while trying not to laugh, "Do you think this is funny?" Jasper asked.

"Watching my brother-in-law call my own son hot in front of my twin brother's face? Well that's a good damn comedy right there haha!" Fernando laughed.

Sighing, "You're an asshole Freddie." Jasper said, "And you're sleeping on the couch tonight! Good luck trying to make him forgive you!" Fernando replied smirking.

"I'll never get used to these two being best buddies." Jade said, "What do you think I feel about this? I'm watching my ex-boyfriend who's also my killer in my past life being all buddy buddy with my son!" Garrick replied, but he got confused when Ned smiled at what he said.

"What?" Garrick asked, "Everything has gone to shit, yet seeing my children having lovers and making friends makes everything somehow feel a little bit better, hopefully Yuri is alright too and we'll find them soon." Ned said.

"Mom, no wonder you're Muriel's cousin, you're an angel too." Jade replied, "I'm no angel, I'm just trying to be good enough for the people I love, I hope you and your brother always chose to do the same." Ned said hugging his daughter close to him.

...Few minutes later...

"Fau? Fau!" Jasper called his lover's name as he walked into the café, "Here's your boyfriend." An annoying Yurei said as he spotted Jasper coming Their way, Faunus was sitting right beside him drinking a large cup of boba while Yurei had a coffee in his hands.

"Fau..." Jasper said gently as Faunus looked away from him, "Jasper I do not wish to speak with you."

"I'm sorry if I offended you, i wasn't joking when I said I like you better." Jasper said sitting across from his mate, he extended his hand over the table to reach for Faunus's hand.

Grabbing his mate's hand in his, "Fau, I'm sorry if what I said about Taci upset you, if you want me to never say things like that again, I'll do it, just please know that no matter how many beautiful omegas I'd see and meet out there, you're the only one on my mind.

Our bond is something special, no one can break it, it's just you and me, for each other." Jasper said, his words made Faunus heart beat faster and he started blushing.

On the other hand, hearing those loving words made Yurei's anger go down a little, he smiled from behind his coffee cup as Jasper stood-up still holding Faunus's hand, he went over to Faunus's side and helped him on his feet.

"My love." Faunus whispered before Jasper gently pulled him into a kiss.

As he watched them, "Right in front of my coffee, damn bastards!" Yurei said chuckling.