First of Jesse VI

I am here at the grocery store. Buying some stuff for my apartment. I didn't expect that I will run out of food and other materials for my apartment. I think it was a very long time since I bought groceries in my old apartment. Geez, I hate buying alone. If Matthew is not busy he would probably be the one buying this for me.

I sigh heavily because now I think maybe I am a big burden to him. Wait! Matthew loves Filipino dishes maybe I can cook some.

I am in the section vegetable. I wonder if I can cook a Filipino dish like Pakbet or chapsui but at least I can make food for myself. I am just randomly picking vegetables when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry sir" It is a guy maybe a college student and he is looking down at me with his furrowed eyebrows. Uh? Is he perhaps mad at me?

"Hey brat, didn't you see that someone is here? Or you just are wondering here because you lose sight of your mother?" He said in an angry tone.

What the heck he is saying? Am I really looking young for him?

"I already did say sorry right? Why are you angry anyway? And who the heck are you calling brat, I am much older than you so give some respect!" I yelled at him. He deserves it. This kind of attitude should not be tolerated. Luckily, the store has only a few customers here so we didn't attract any audience here.

"Older than me, really? Are you serious, you look like a high school student so stop fooling around and give me your I.D so I can complain at your parents or the school you're into" He is not yelling but I can sense he is serious but why does it sound like he's making fun of me? Let's see how long he can remain with that stupid attitude of his.

I didn't hesitate to give him my license. He is smirking at me like he was telling me that I am in big trouble. I am just looking at him while he grabs his phone in his pocket and he was about to type something when his eyes became bigger.

"W-wait, you are already 25 years old and a working adult?" He said with a surprised tone. His reaction is priceless. I want to laugh now but there is no time for that.

"Yeah and what now?" I said. Now I am the one who's smirking.

"S-sorry sir" He is the one apologizing now and he is looking down at the floor.

"How old are you now?" I said in a low tone of voice. I am just scaring him HaHaHa

"I am 19 years old sir" He answered still looking down. See?

"As much as I want to teach you a lesson, I am in a hurry so I'll let it pass," I said and he looked at me with a nervous expression.

I grab my license in his hand and am ready to walk out. I am not buying vegetables today, I'll buy them next time and Matthew will be the one who will buy them.

I left him dumbfounded. I was about to go to the cashier when I remember I didn't have any tissue in my apartment. I am tired of walking around the whole store so I'll ask the store personnel here instead.

"Miss, where is the tissue section here?" I asked her.

"Oh, kid. There at the left corner" What the! Kid? She was even smiling at me! Darn it.

I didn't answer her because I am already in a bad mood. I just went there and I was about to grab a tissue when I saw someone in a hoodie was looking at the soda section. He is kinda weird so I observe him a little longer and wait for his next act. When he grab a product I immediately approached him and grab his hand to stop what he is about to do.

He looked at me with a bewildered expression. I will not let a person do such bad things.

We didn't speak and let our eyes stare at each other. But wait- he is kinda familiar to me.

"Jesse?" He said. He called my name. Does he know me?

"Who are you, why did you know my name?" I asked still with a serious tone.

"You didn't remember me? I am Troy your high school friend!" He explained.

Oh! Yeah, I remember now. I slowly let go of his hand.

"Sorry, I thought you are a bad guy who will steal a product here" I apologize while scratching the back of my head because of embarrassment.

"Geez, Jesse," He said while he rubbing his head.

"But it's fine, at least you have a brave personality to confront something like that," he said smiling.

"Yeah, but still I'm sorry. How can I make up it to you?" I asked him because HELL it is very embarrassing at least to a guy like me.

"A coffee will do" he suggested.

"Okay, my treat. But before that, I'll pay this first" I said and he just nod.

He accompanied me to the cashier to pay. While paying in the cashier that I think is in her 30s or 40's complimented us that we are cute boyfriends. Troy just laugh but I am pissed off at the lady. I just sigh and we left the store to find a coffee shop.

We found a coffee shop near the store we have been to earlier. Troy and I decided to dine out since they have tables outside. We take our order and we started chatting.

"So Jesse how are you this past few years?" he started the conversation by asking me.

We are sitting across from each other.

"Not really easy because it is hard to adjust to a new environment." I answered him.

"Well, you didn't even leave us any words before you left. You know we are a little upset with you?" He said like he was sulking.

I sip at my coffee and I think it is best not to tell them the real reasons.

"I am sorry, my family decided it quickly so I didn't have a chance to bid goodbye to you" I lied. I am really sorry.

"That's fine, let us forget about it already." He said then sips his coffee.

We became silent after he said those words. I am really guilty for doing such things just because I feel rejected plus I lied to him.

"I remember!" He suddenly spoke which made me stop drinking my coffee.

"What?" I asked confused

"You give our senior a ring before right? I asked you why you gave him a ring and you told me that you'll tell me, but you failed to tell me. Now can I know the reason?" He asked and I was stunned for a moment.

A ring? Did I give Oliver a ring before?