First of Jesse VII

Did I give Oliver a ring before?

I can't remember when wai- that means the ring I saw in his hand before was actually the ring I gave him? But I can't recall a thing.

"S-sorry I can't remember that he-he-he," I said.

"Hmm, too bad, I was eager to know it," He said while pouting.

I just awkwardly laugh and we chat more about our personal life. I learned that he is a model so he was in that kind of disguise. I told him that I am a writer but I didn't tell him my pen name. We chat and chat until we finished drinking our coffee.

"Are you going home now?" He asked because I stand in my position.

"Yeah, you can come if you want" I invited him.

"I am happy too," He said and we started to walk.

We are just walking back into my apartment because it is not far where the shop and store we have been to earlier.

We didn't chat while walking and Troy is just following me from behind. I am still wondering about the ring he mentioned earlier. Now we are in front of the building. We use the elevator and when we reach the floor we walk a few steps to the door of my apartment.

We enter my apartment and I lead Troy to my living room. When I am already sitting on the other side of the sofa, he stands up and sits beside me.

"Why did you change your sit?" I asked unknowingly the real reason.

"I am just curious about this," said then pointed at the pile of papers on the table.

Shit, I didn't clean it before I go. I absolutely don't have an idea that I will have a visitor today.

"Uh, that is my works," I answered him.

"Woah really!" he said like he was amazed by me.

He picked a paper and read a part.

"Are you into a romance novel?" I asked him because he seems to enjoy reading my works.

"Not really but this is a blast. They are really sweet and it the ending?" he asked.

"Nope, that was only the 4rt chapter of that story," I explained.

"Ohh, then what would be the ending of this?" He asked again. I am afraid that I'll be spoiling my story but I think he will not read it anyway so...

"The ending is tragic. In the end, they will learn that the girl has an incurable disease. After that, because the boy really loves the girl he will take his life and follow the girl to death. That is the end!" I told him what the ending of my story is.

"What? I can't believe you can do such things even in your story! Haven't you felt the pain while writing this?" He asked me.

Yeah, I haven't felt any pain because I never felt love before, or I did feel it but I didn't remember how it feels. Anyways I decided not to answer him but I only smile instead.

"Geez—" he stopped because his phone is ringing.

"Wait I'll just answer it." He excuses himself and went out of the living room.

I think what he just asked me earlier. I know that I have felt something about Oliver before but is it counted as love? But what I felt before is just happy when we are together and all I think that day is that I want to be with him always.

"Hey, Jesse I'll go now, the management calls and they want me to go there immediately." He explains.

"Okay, take care," I said and I a saw a red spot on his face. Is he blushing?

"Yeah- thanks I'll catch you up later. Bye!" he said then walks his way out of my apartment.

Now that I am left alone, what will I do now?

Oh yeah! I'll cook lunch since it's already noontime. I'll call Matthew later to have lunch with him.

I proceed to my kitchen and made lunch. It is just a simple lunch, just meat, and rice only.

-Skip to the cooking process-

Now that I am finished cooking all I have to do is call Matthew. I called Matthew and he was not answering. Is he perhaps busy? Maybe I shouldn't bother him since I know that he is busy with his upcoming drama.

I place the plate on the table and prepare the food. I only put one plate because I know that I am the only one who will eat today.

I am ready to eat my food when I hear the doorbell. Is it Matthew? I check who is it and I am correct! It's Matthew.

"Hey! I thought you wouldn't come because you are not answering my call." I said.

"Sorry I was driving" He rubs his nape and awkwardly laughs. What the heck is wrong with this guy? He is not with his usual self.

"Why didn't you come inside, I already prepare lunch to let's eat together," I said but he just continues to rub his nape.

"Uh, Jesse actually... I am with someone" He said.

"Who is that?" I ask and he steps backward.

I saw a guy that I think has the same age as me. He is handsome though but why is he with Matthew here? Are they boyfriends? But he seems quite familiar. Hmm

"He is Zeus Sebastian, my co-actor" Matthew explains.

"Oh, perfect timing come inside, and let's eat," I said and lead them inside.

Once we are in the kitchen I let them sit and get the plate. We ate what I have cooked but I can't eat properly since Matthew has this awkward aura. What the heck is his problem really?

"Excuse me, but can I ask you a question?" I asked because Matthew is acting weird.

"Yes?" they said in unison and Matthew looked down and continues eating. I bet he is embarrassed.

"Well, are you two perhaps boyfriends?" I asked.

I and this guy named Zeus got surprised by Matthew because he chokes on his food. He is coughing and suddenly drinks water and he looks at me with a 'are-you-serious-look'

"Nope we are not, actually Matthew and I are only co-actors and we have to portray being best friends," Zeus explains.

"Oh I see, I thought you were since Matthew is acting so strange," I said with a mocking smile and looked into Matthew.

"I am not!" Matthew said really defensive.

"Okay then, but Zeus you look familiar to me. Have we met before?" after I asked that to Zeus I saw him flinch but I ignored it.

"I guess not." He answered.

Well he is an actor and maybe I have only seen him on TV, but I barely watched TV so maybe that is the reason why he is familiar to me.

"But can I know what will you portray in your drama?" I asked. I have an initial thought that it will be a Boys love series and they are partners.

"We are best friends in the series that's all and today we will receive our first script," Zeus said. I am wrong Geez.

Matthew is still quiet. Strange.

"I'm done eating, thank you for the food," Matthew said.

Yeah, I know something is up with this guy. He never like this awkward before, maybe it has to do with this guy.

"Uhm Matthew, we should go now," Zeus said while looking at his wristwatch.

"Okay coming!" Matthew said politely. Right! I know now that there is something between them.

Matthew is never polite like that. How could he hide something like this from me! I'll interrogate Matthew next time we meet.

"Thank you for the food, Mr. Jesse, we're leaving now," Zeus said and went out.

I grab Matthew's hem to gain his attention. He looked at me with a troubled expression and I muttered "let's talk later" with a creepy smile that no one can think I can do.

I followed them outside and I still have that creepy smile on my face just to mock Matthew of course. I am only looking at them while they enter the elevator but before it closes I saw Matthew's blushing face. Okay? I am not used to this kind of Matthew, but at least he is not annoying anymore.

I was still outside when the other elevator opens and someone that can make me nervous exited that elevator. I am ready to get inside my apartment when Oliver called me by my pen name.

"Mr. Red Wright, it's you!" he said with a gentle smile on his face.

My heart feels uneasy and I am nervous looking at this man. I wonder why he has this kind of effect on me.

He walks towards me.

"Mr. Wright, the president has a present for you because they like your story and he said that it is a thank you present." He said and he handed me the present he was talking about.

But something caught my eye. The ring that troy said that I gave Oliver before. Now I saw it nearer, it is a silver ring that has something written on it that I can't read because it was fast.

"And also the president said that say thank you to Mr. Matthew" He added then he left me outside.

Why is the president given me a present? And Matthew?


The present

The ring

And Matthew!

"No way!"