Chapter Three

"What do you think, Andrew?" asked David.

Andrew glanced at his cousin slash manager who is currently driving. They had just finished a meeting from St. Haven, which will be responsible for publishing Andrew’s three novels. They didn't discuss much, especially Andrew because he was very satisfied with the work of the editor team. This is rare because he is not the type who is easily satisfied – especially when it comes to his novels. At every publishing office where he worked, Andrew always had complaints with the editorial team. He is that picky.

But this time, it was completely different.

When Macy Cruz, the editor-in-chief, gave an explanation of how they would be handling Andrew's novel, they worked and produced results that were beyond his expectations. Even though David slightly forced him to choose St. Haven, it didn’t feel wrong.

However, Andrew still feels that there is something a little odd about Macy.

“Hey, do you have any complaints? What do you think? Do I need to call St. Haven to arrange another meeting?”

"No, that's not it. If I had something to complain about, shouldn't I have said it earlier?” said Andrew who then sighed. He glanced out the window and saw other cars speeding along with his car. "I have something on my mind," he admitted.


"Macy Cruz," said Andrew briefly.

David's brow furrowed. “Editor Cruz? What's with her? The result of her work is very good. Do you have any complaints about her?”

Andrew leaned back and snorted. “David Lee, can you not make assumptions without listening to my explanation first? You're always like that. Let me talk."

His cousin chuckled. “Hahaha… Sorry. Forgive me. But it can't be helped if I work for you, Andrew Coangco. But tell me, what do you think of Editor Cruz?"

“Well, I don't know how to say, but the atmosphere of the meeting we had earlier…” Andrew turned to David. “Don't you feel that the atmosphere was so awkward? It was as if there was an invisible tension.”

"You mean they're having trouble?"

Andrew shook his head. "Not them, but Editor Cruz. I realized that the employees who attended the meeting sometimes paid attention to it.”

“And… that is weird because?”

Andrew became silent for a moment. He just can’t understand why he is so interested in his editor’s maybe personal problem? That was their first time meeting. It felt nothing so special. So what is he feeling now?

Andrew took a deep breath. "No. Of course, it's not strange.”


Macy smiled and waved her hand. A bubbly child laughed and ran towards her. His backpack shook violently as the boy ran with all his might. Macy then squatted down to match her height with the child's height. Then the boy came to hug her tightly.

“Mommy. you are finally here!” the boy exclaimed out of happiness.

Macy smiled sweetly at her son. She looks at him lovingly. Her hand then rose to touch her son's head. "Of course, I will be here. I promised you, right?"

"So are we going to Daddy now?" Marcus asked, his voice laced with hope.

"Sorry, baby. But not today. I can’t…” Macy stopped what she was about to say when she saw how her son reacted.

Marcus was silent. His enthusiastic expression turned somber. Obviously, Macy felt guilty seeing her son be like that. But this is the risk they all have to face. Marcus may be too young to understand, but he is trying his might to understand the situation his Mom and Dad are in now. Moreover, his dad also left their house three weeks ago. And since then Marcus has taken turns living with his mom and dad.

This week is Marcus’ turn living with Ken. Well, at the very least, the situation and agreement will be like that until the decision of their son’s custody trial is decided. After all, even though Macy and Ken are now officially divorced, it doesn't mean they would ignore Marcus. Their son will not lose his parents. It was an agreement between her and her ex-husband.

The only relationship that ended is their as husband and wife but not the relationship they have with Marcus because being a parent means you will always have a responsibility to your child.

"But tonight I will still sleep with you, right?" Marcus asked in his small voice.

Macy nodded. "Daddy will pick you up at school tomorrow."

"Then tonight, I want to have pork cutlet for dinner!" Marcus stated cheerfully. It was as if the gloom had never appeared.

Macy chuckled at how fast her son’s mood changes. "Okay, Mommy will make a pork cutlet. Do you want to visit Mommy's office today? You can have lunch there."

“Lunch with black bean noodles?!”

Macy couldn't help but shake her head. Ah, really!


Andrew frowned when he saw a small child waiting in front of the elevator alone.

He just got back from his studio – making sure that David didn't make a mistake in arranging the interior of his studio. There are many things that make him feel sensitive, especially for the place where he works. So, he had to keep an eye on his agent's work. As he walks, he suddenly feels hungry. And he cursed inwardly because he forgot to buy himself dinner. Well, at least the contents of the refrigerator are not empty. Maybe he can find instant noodles there to survive the night.

Andrew stood by the boy's side and occasionally watched him. In addition, he also pays attention to the surroundings of the entrance area. It seemed impossible for a small child to be able to wander around the apartment building area alone. And when the elevator door opened, the boy walked in, and so did he.

However, when he was about to press the floor button, the boy stared at him intently. "Is there anything I can help you with?" asked Andrew. Well, it looks like the kid is going to ask for his help pressing the floor button.

“Uncle, fifteenth floor please.”

Andrew was silent for a moment. That's the floor where his apartment is located too. Then he pressed the fifteenth button. He smiled faintly when the boy said thank you. “You live on the fifteenth floor? What unit?”

The boy turned his head back to him. “Unit 1504. Uncle is also on the fifteenth floor? But I've never seen Uncle before? Is Uncle a guest?”

Andrew smiled again. Judging by his height, the boy seems to be in the age range between five to seven, and if his assumption is correct, he is very smart for his age. "Uncle just moved to unit number 1502."

"Oh, Uncle just moved."

Then silence engulfs them both. Heck, Andrew has never felt awkward like this. Maybe because there was only the little boy in the elevator with him. But when you think about it, how could his parents let their child wander around alone like this?

"Why are you alone? Does your mother know that you are going alone like this?” he asked to break the ice between them.

The boy sighed. “My Mom asked me to go up first because she had to pick up some letters. Although I really want her company, she's always very busy and it's not a big deal anyway. I'm used to doing almost everything alone. And next year, I will enter elementary school, and that means I've already grown up.” the boy proudly stated.

Without realizing it, Andrew lets out a chuckle. Oh, his parents taught him very well. “Oh, really? You must be looking forward to entering elementary school.”

"I am! Sometimes staying with my parents can be really weird. I don't know how to say, but maybe I will be happier when I enter elementary school, and I can study math, which is one of my mom's favorites!”

"But my Mom's job now has nothing to do with math," the little boy continued.

His brow furrowed. "Oh, what does she do now?"

Marcus was about to answer him but then the elevator stopped and the door opened indicating that they are now on the fifteenth floor. Causing the boy to rush out of the elevator. Andrew followed him. Another coincidence that happened between them was their apartment unit which was opposite to each other.

“Do you need any more help?” Andrew offered again as he thought that the boy would be having a hard time entering the passcode.

Marcus shook his head. He tiptoed to be able to enter the door passcode. After succeeding, the boy opened the door slowly, but before he went inside, he looked back at Andrew.

"What's Uncle's name?" asked Marcus.

He smiled. “Andrew Coangco. How about you? What’s your name?"

"Marcus Kennedy Cruz, but you can call me Marcus since that’s how most of the people I know call me. Nice to meet you Uncle!” exclaimed Marcus who then closed the door of their unit.

Andrew was dumbfounded as he looked at the closed door.

