Chapter Four

Macy took off her glasses and closed her eyes while massaging her forehead slowly. It felt like she had taken too long to read all the manuscripts that came into her desk. Even though Macy only needed to do a final check, she had to make sure that the editor who was responsible for all the manuscripts didn't miss a single mistake –even the smallest one.

Macy then opened her eyes after a few seconds and looked at the watch she had removed. It's almost lunch and Ken should have come to pick up Marcus' belongings before her ex-husband goes to pick him up from school.

She didn't really want to meet that man, but does she even have a choice not to? Of course not. It’s inevitable. Macy then pressed the intercom button.


“Yes, Chief Editor?”

“Has Writer Reyes arrived?” Macy asked.

"Yes, ma’am. Currently Writer Reyes is meeting with Senior Gil.”

Macy was silent for a moment. “After Writer Reyes is done, tell him to come to my office.”

"Noted, ma’am."

Then Macy disconnected the intercom. She leaned back in the soft chair and took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. She felt like she wanted to go home and sleep. Even the IV and vitamins that the doctor gave her a few days ago when she was forced to leave by Hani didn't have any effect on her body. The doctor did say that she should relax and avoid stress, rest more and eat on time.

But for Macy, all that advice was impossible for her.

She didn't know that she closed her eyes for a long time – even almost fell asleep – until she heard a knock on the door. Macy suddenly opened her eyes and put her glasses back on.

"Come in…"

Writer Reyes –well, Ken Reyes, who incidentally is his ex-husband- entered the room. Oh, Macy can't even remember the last time she met her ex-husband. Even during their divorce proceedings in court, they are always represented by their respective lawyers. The last time Macy saw Ken's face was three weeks ago.

When the man gets all his belongings out of their house.

Macy cleared her throat and watched Ken who walked over to her desk. “Writer Reyes…”

“Chief Editor Cruz,” said Ken.

Of course, the atmosphere was so stiff and awkward. Who would have thought that their seven-year marriage could end in just a matter of months? Even a professional relationship alone cannot make the awkwardness disappear.

Ken Reyes, before marrying Macy, was a writer at St. Haven. Their meeting began when Macy got an assignment from the previous editor-in-chief to handle the writer's novel. Starting from a professional relationship for almost eight months, the man finally asked Macy to go on a date. And after almost two years of dating, Ken proposed to her and she agreed.

Of course, their relationship was known to the staff of St. Haven. Some even say that their relationship is like a romantic story which is almost always the main theme in a novel. Many say that Ken should have written a novel based on their relationship – maybe not really in the course of their relationship.

However, when news of the divorce began to spread, St. Haven’s staff, especially those who are close to the two, didn't even show a surprised reaction. They seemed to see it coming. Macy herself thought that it was a sad irony. Perhaps the romantic story can only be seen in fiction. When it appears in life, however, romance will become tragedy...

"Marcus’ bag is on the sofa," Macy said.

Ken then turned towards the sofa and saw a rather large bag. Then he looked back at Macy and nodded. "School finishes before one o'clock, doesn't it?"

"That's how it is. But maybe you should go now. It's Friday, usually it finishes early every Friday," She stated.

Ken nodded again. Then he took the bag that Macy had prepared.

“You… where do you live now?” Macy asked in a careful manner; not wanting to intrude the man’s privacy since they are no longer husband and wife.

Ken turned around. “I rented a flat. Just for a while until I find my own apartment. I can't even go back to living at my parents' house."

The man paused, and as if something struck him, he looked at Macy with a disappointed look.

“Macy, do you think-”

"No!" Macy was quick to dismiss the accusation. "I mean, no. I didn't think that you… would live with her.” In her head, Macy cursed herself but then she laughed inwardly.

They just got divorced, it seems like Ken can't live together with… Oh, never mind! Macy now has no right to interfere in Ken’s affairs anymore. Except for Marcus’ business. She is still her son's father. She has all the right to anything with regard to her own son.

"You should go, don't let Marcus’ wait. He won't like it," Macy said dismissively.

Ken then walked towards the door. Macy watched her ex-husband goes out of her office. She was actually grudging that her ex-husband had found a girl so soon. She even wanted to call him back and scold him. But it was in vain.

The divorce papers were legalized and Ken had already walked out of her office and her life.


Andrew saved the file then stood up from the chair and did some stretching movements. It feels like his muscles, especially his back, feels so sore. Then he glanced at the digital clock on his laptop screen and grinned. No wonder his whole body feels sore, he has been writing for more than eight hours non-stop.

This is a record in itself.

Usually, Andrew can only write for about four to five hours non-stop. But he was so enthusiastic about this new project. Especially with the whole story line that continues to flow non-stop. His brain continued to work and his hands kept moving, pouring the words into the files.

Andrew took off his glasses and noticed the figure of his agent sleeping on the sofa. He smiled slightly and walked over to his cousin. He can see some of the food on the coffee table. Oh, looks like he just remembered that David had said that he was going to buy lunch.

However, it's almost dinner time.

Andrew then patted David's arm gently. “David, wake up! David Lee!"

The agent's body jumped with his eyes still closed. Andrew just chuckled. He sat on the other sofa. Slowly, David came to his senses. His eyes started to open and he could see Andrew clearly.

“Oh…!” David groaned. "Are you done? Bloody hell!! How long have you been writing, eh?”

"About eight hours. Why don't you just go home?" Andrew answered.

David snorted. “And get a call just to hear you're grumpy? No, thank you. Look what you did! The food is cold!!” he exclaimed, irritated.

Andrew took a pair of chopsticks and tried one of the dishes. "It's still edible. Is there something I missed while I was writing?”

His cousin stood up then walked to the small refrigerator and took two bottles of water. "There is none. I just picked up the last box that was shipped from Singapore. You can arrange it yourself,” he said as he returned to the sofa.

Andrew mumbled as he continued to put food in his mouth.

“Ah, Editor Gil emailed me. Regarding the final draft of the novel The Road. I already forwarded it to you. But he said that you should reply to Editor Cruz's email.”

Andrew just mumbled again.


Macy was so tired.

Now she just wants to sleep. After turning on the car alarm, she walked towards the basement elevator. She pressed a button and pulled out her phone as she listened to an incoming email notification. Macy groaned in annoyance when she saw the name of the sender of the email.

Writer Coangco.

Oh, God! Macy hoped that the man would send his email reply tomorrow morning. She could just ignore the email now, but tomorrow morning she would be busy with dozens of other emails to come.

The elevator door opened and Macy walked in. She pressed the fifteenth button and stood leaning against the back of the elevator. She should read and maybe reply to the email now. At the very least, it could reduce her work tomorrow.

Even though tomorrow is Saturday, which is her day off.

Macy was so busy with her cellphone that she didn't notice that someone else was taking the same elevator as her. Well, she doesn't care for now. That person was probably another resident of the apartment. Macy frowns as she reads the emails sent by Writer Coangco and sometimes mutters to herself.

After reading it, she put her cellphone in her jacket pocket. She will reply via laptop once she reaches her apartment. Just then, she noticed a man standing in front of her. A tall man with a broad back and well-built shoulders. Oh, Macy thought that she had never seen that man before.

However, if you think about it further, she doesn't know much about her neighbors.

Macy then glanced at the LED screen and showed that the elevator had just passed the tenth floor. She took a deep breath and lowered her head and closed her eyes for a moment.

'Change clothes, wash your face and brush your teeth, reply to emails and then go to sleep. Change clothes, wash your face and brush your teeth, reply to emails and then go to sleep. Change dress…'

Those words kept repeating inside her head. She was so busy with her own thoughts that Macy didn't notice that the elevator had stopped.

Until a voice woke her up from her reverie.

"Sorry, this is the fifteenth floor. You don't want to go out?"

Macy opened her eyes and lifted her head. She wanted to say thank you, but she was too surprised by the figure she is seeing right now. The man who was in the same elevator with her looked just as surprised as she was.

She blinked a few times. “Writer Coangco?”

"Editor Cruz..."

The figure of a man with sturdy shoulders – Andrew Coangco was looking at Macy in shock. Either this is just a coincidence or maybe a manipulation of the universe. Of the hundreds of apartment buildings in Seoul, Macy and Andrew actually live in the same apartment building and on the same floor.

They were so stunned that the elevator doors almost closed, but thanks to Andrew’s fast reflexes, he immediately pressed the button to hold the door. Macy also immediately realized that she had to get out of the elevator. The man walked out first and Macy followed.

"Oh, good evening, Writer Coangco. Do you… live here?” Macy asked to which Andrew nodded.

"I just moved. I really can't believe we live in the same apartment.”

”Yup, even the same floor. And just opposite to my house?!” Macy smiled faintly. Then the atmosphere became awkward. Well, what are the chances that it could happen if the writer you are working with also lived in the same apartment building as yours? It feels like Manila is as small as the palm of her hand.

"I..." Macy said slowly. “Uhm… regarding the email you sent, I will reply with the details you asked.”

Andrew, who didn't know how to respond, could only nod. Then Macy walked to her apartment unit. Likewise, with Andrew. Macy entered the door code then opened it slowly and before going inside completely, she once again turned back to Andrew.

“Uhm… good night?” she said rather hesitantly before the door of her apartment closes completely.

Andrew was silent for a moment. He didn't have time to reply because Macy had already entered and closed her apartment door slowly. He exhaled slowly then entered the door code.

Andrew then walked in and was about to take off his shoes when he remembered something.

Quickly, Andrew opened the door and looked at the apartment door opposite to his. The apartment where Macy Cruz had just entered after she said good night to him.

Goodness, even though we are neighbors and live next to the door.

He looked closely at the four numbers on the door.


Just then, Andrew realized that it was the unit that Marcus entered – a child he met yesterday. And another fact slapped him on his face hard.

The Editor-in-Chief is married and already has a family of her own.
