Chapter Five

Andrew looked at Macy closely.

This is their second meeting. Well, at least for Andrew's novels. After the surprise meeting in the apartment building, Andrew met Macy several times when he was about to leave or come home from the studio. The two of them greeted each other briefly. They don't even talk much whether it's about work or other things outside of work.

Currently, the editor is checking the final draft of the novel The Road, which has received input from Andrew, before Andrew's three novels go to print. The directors of St. Haven actually wanted Andrew's three novels to be published continuously – considering that the novels are part of a trilogy – and for that reason, Macy had to have a lot of time to prepare.

However, being quick-witted and smart as she is, Macy had come up with a more efficient plan.

Andrew's three novels were immediately worked on simultaneously, but the time of publication will be arranged according to the provisions given by the board of directors. In addition, Macy's plan will also make it easier for the novels to be filmed. It would be more profitable for St. Haven because they will have more stock for each novel later in anticipation of the huge reader demand.

Andrew exhaled heavily, but it seemed that it made the editor glance at him.

“What is it, Writer Coangco?” Macy asked.

"Oh? No, I just…” Andrew was silent for a moment. Thinking first if what he will say next would be okay. “Uhm, didn't the input I gave earlier help much?”

Heck, what are you doing, Andrew? You never asked that before? Why are you this bothered now?

Macy looked at him for a moment then smiled faintly. Then she returned her focus and attention on the draft of the script in front of him. “Your input is very helpful. But I just did some final checks before you also do the final proofreading. To further ensure that we have done according to your wishes."


Macy re-read the last part of the draft. And Andrew was stuck in silence. Well, he didn't dislike the situation, but it felt very awkward. Moreover, David did not accompany him and in Macy's office, there were only the two of them at the very moment.

Andrew may have entered the editor's office several times already, but Macy's office gives a very different impression. There is not much furniture. He can’t figure out yet if his editor is a minimalist or what. Even the room wasn't too big – maybe because of the effect of three large cupboards that contained many books and maybe the manuscripts of the novels that Macy had handled.

In the end, he concluded that the editor’s office was very minimalist.

"Writer Coangco..." said Macy, who then turned the draft of the script in front of Andrew. "I've checked. Maybe there is still need for some more improvements. But we can finish it before the printing entry date. You can check it again and can add other input. If it's needed."

Andrew glanced at the script that was now in front of him. He could see there were some red ink marks. Should he do the editing again? Isn't it the editor's responsibility to do this? Even with all the feedback that Andrew gave last week, isn't that enough?

However, Andrew didn't say anything and instead took the pen that Macy offered him. Then Andrew started reading the draft of the script. Honestly, it was really weird for him. Previously, he had never done editing like this after his script had been entered into the editorial team.

"While you're checking it out, I'll excuse myself for a moment," said Macy.

He just nodded.

The editor then left the room. Andrew took a deep breath. Even though he didn't really intend to do this kind of inspection, he doesn’t have a choice but to just flip through the pages while skimming through it.

Andrew also realized that the red mark was more of a spelling error or a mere punctuation mark. "Well, I didn't expect her to be so thorough," he muttered.

Maybe because she is very good at math.

The thought alone made Andrew silent for a moment. Somehow it just popped up. Maybe because Marcus is Macy’s son- once said that his mother was very good at math and even participated in the Olympics.

Jeez… focus on yourself, Andrew Coangco!

While Andrew was busy flipping through the draft pages, he suddenly heard the sound of Macy's cell phone ringing which was placed on top of the other manuscripts. Andrew glanced briefly at the caller's registered name.

Senior Hani? Oh, senior?

Andrew chose to ignore the phone ringing. After all, it wasn't his cell phone. So, he let it ring a few times. And the last ring that he heard seemed to be an incoming message notification. Andrew then put the draft of the script and his pen. He didn't find anything that needed to be edited again. After all, Macy has done a good job checking it.

Soon, Macy returned to his room. When she was about to sit down, she saw her cellphone notification. Her brow furrowed.

"It was someone who contacted you," said Andrew.

Macy looked at him and smiled. "Oh, yes. Only from my senior at university," she said as she put away her cell phone.

However, her cell phone rang again. Macy actually could have ignored the call and called Hani after her meeting with Andrew was over. But it looks like Hani will keep in touch with her.

"Yes, Hani?" Macy said as she sat down and looked at the draft script that Andrew had returned. "Oh, yes, I've read it. Hani, can we talk later? I'm currently having a meeting with one of the writers."

Andrew watched the editor carefully who spoke in a low voice.

"Alright, I'll go to your office after this meeting is over." Then Macy hung up the phone.

Macy then looked at Andrew again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. But it is quite an important matter.”

"Oh, it is okay. I can understand."

Macy kept her cell phone in the drawer. "Have you checked the draft?"

Andrew nodded. “I feel like I have nothing more to add. But I'm a little surprised that you're actually so thorough. Of all the red flags it is mostly a typo. The team of editors I've worked with usually only found other errors after the print samples were out for proofreading.”

Macy smiled faintly. “That is one of the rules I apply. Before going into printing, I want the manuscript to be one hundred percent ready without errors. If you have to wait for a sample from the printing department for proofreading to come out, the editor usually still misses some errors. Therefore, the editing process is much longer.”


Well, that seems to be a very efficient rule. Instead of having to do several times of editing and proofreading, it's better to do the editing process thoroughly so that they don't find any mistakes when they start printing.

“If you are satisfied, we will contact you again for the next meeting before the draft goes to print. Maybe two days before the agreed time," the editor said while writing a note on the post-it and pasting it on the front page of the draft.

Andrew nodded. "Okay, I'll be waiting to hear from you. Is that all?”

"That's all because you have no other additional input. Thank you for coming, moreover I contacted you suddenly.”

Andrew smiled slightly and shook his head. Then he stood up, followed by Macy who also stood up.

"That's okay. There's not much to do today anyway. Until we meet again, Editor Cruz,” said Andrew while holding out his hand.

Macy smiled back and accepted the outstretched hand.


“Honestly, I thought your trilogy novel project could only be published in a year since they got the draft from CR. But when I got the news that they had finished the dubbing process, I was so shocked. Even when I first came to St. Haven, they have shown very fast progress. Moreover, they also have to handle other novels,” he continued.

Andrew's brow furrowed. What's so weird about that? Wouldn't all publishers work like that? At one time they did not only handle one novel. Even an editor could handle more than three novels. In addition, he also saw several piles of manuscripts on Macy's desk. Then why did David act like it was something extraordinary?

David could clearly see how Andrew reacted to what he just said. “You must think that it's just a matter of course, don't you?”

One of Andrew's eyebrows rose. Looks like David's ability to read his mind is improving a little. "Of course. Isn't all the way team editors work like that?"

His cousin sighed. He then stood up and took a pile of paper – maybe a document – that he was reading and walked to Andrew's desk. The writer turned his body so he could see David who kept the document in one of the desk drawers.

Then David looked at Andrew from behind his desk. “I think I know the reason behind the strange atmosphere you felt at your first meeting at St. Havens."

Andrew is surprised that David remembers how he felt when he first met at St. Haven.

"What?" asked Andrew.

"When Editor Cruz was handling your trilogy novel project, he was also in the process of getting a divorce with her husband," said David.

Andrew's eyes widened. He couldn't hide his astonishment. It seems like just last week, he found out that the Editor was married and has a child – and that was because they accidentally lived opposite the apartment unit – today he found out that Macy was actually divorced.

"Later, I found out that the divorce was approved by the judge at the same time you first met in St. Havens."
