Chapter Six

Macy brought some manuscripts that had been checked and then walked out of the room. She noticed several other editors who were busy with their own work. Then she walked over to Gil's desk.

"Gil…" she said as she put the pile of manuscripts on the table. “Schedule a meeting with these writers.”

Gil raised his head and looked at Macy. "Okay, ma’am."

“And also discuss with the design setter for the cover. Maybe Cha and Jill or at least Moon and Lim. Most of the cover designs they made were more suitable for those manuscripts. Avoid Nami, okay? I don't want her to mess up again like last year," Macy added.

Gil nodded. "Understood, ma’am. Is there more?"

“Writer Coangco's Script.”

Gil then looks for three of Writer Coangco's manuscripts that are ready to go to the press. He gave it to Macy. “Shouldn't we still have one more meeting? I've contacted Agent Lee but we haven't got an exact date for the meeting. Writer Coangco is seeming so busy with his latest project.”

Macy frowned. Oh, she doesn't know that the great Andrew Coangco has started his new novel project. Then she looked at the three scripts. “This manuscript should be in in two days, right?”

"That's how it should be…"

Macy was silent for a moment. If it is just a short meeting that is needed, she could have come to the writer’s apartment. After all, they are neighbors – for now. Macy knew that the writer never stayed long in a country. Even though he was born here in the Philippines, Andrew Coangco grew up in America and since he became famous as a writer, he moved around from country to country for the sake of his novels. So, his stay in Korea will also not be long.

Macy assumed that Andrew would move to another country after the promotion of his novel in the Philippines was over. She then took a short breath.

“You know the address of Writer Coangco’s studio? I will just go there.”


Andrew stretched his back.

He had finished writing for today. After making sure it was saved, he immediately turned off his laptop and put it in a drawer equipped with a password lock. That is a precautionary measure that he always does.

Several years before, he had the bitter experience of having his novel draft stolen by someone else. At that time, he was still a new writer and too naïve. He always discusses about his novel with several people. Not much, just the editor, David and two of his friends. Honestly, Andrew really trusts in them.

However, who would have thought that his trust would cost him something?

One of his friends stole a draft of the manuscript and sent it to another publisher. Andrew only realized it when his editor gave him a copy of the novel. Apart from the title and some character names, all the contents of the novel were exactly the same as his own. He tried to contact his friend to ask for an explanation. However, there was no answer. The man had even moved out of his flat and blocked him on all of the man’s social media and cell phone number; cutting him out completely from the man’s life.

It was the biggest betrayal that Andrew had ever felt.

Learning from that experience, he always keeps his laptop in a safe place. He even has a password for the drawer where his laptop will be placed. Besides that, Andrew also never discusses his novel again, even with David who’s his agent and cousin. Maybe just for the little things. The rest, he will only discuss about his novel during meetings with the editor.

Andrew then grabbed his cellphone and saw that there were several incoming email messages. One of them is an email from Editor Cruz. His brow furrowed when he saw a message from his Editor saying that she will come to his studio.

“Why would she want to come to the studio? Usually, she would make an appointment first? Why all of a sudden?” he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Andrew was about to reply to the message, when David suddenly came with his hands full of bags. Andrew put down his phone and walked over to David who put all the bags on the table.

"What is this?" he asked while looking at the contents of several bags.

“Your fans' gift. Ah... I think there's some food and drink. Remember, don't touch it!" his Agent warned him.

Andrew snorted. He immediately separated the bag containing food or drink from the other bags.

"I'm not that stupid, David Lee."

Well, another bad experience that has been experienced by Andrew is that his fans have sent food and drinks that have been mixed with drugs. Not often, but it did happen a few times.

He was caught off guard and drank one of the juices sent by his fans. As a result, he had to be taken to the hospital three hours after drinking the juice.

Since that incident, all food and drinks given by fans must be thrown away by him. Even though Andrew actually knows that not all food and drinks will have drugs or any kind of medicine that should not be taken lightly, there is nothing wrong with reducing the risk. Honestly, he doesn't know why they have to do that if they claim to be his fans.

David nodded. “Oh yeah, looks like we need to hire some people. You know, they've already come to your studio, it's just a matter of time until they find out your address. They are that fast."

Andrew took out a doll and smiled faintly. "I’ll just leave it to you. Do as you wish. But that doesn't mean I want a bodyguard following me for twenty-four hours as if I need saving, okay?"

"Take it easy. Just for maintenance in your studio and home. They never dare to approach you, but we can't take the risk, can we?”

Andrew mumbled. “Oh yeah, Editor Cruz is coming to the studio. Did you set a meeting with my Editor without me knowing?”

"I didn’t. I only spoke with Editor Gil to decide when the next meeting would be. But since you're busy, I couldn't decide. Ah… the schedule to enter the printing press isn't there already. Maybe that's why she decided to come," said David.


David then took out his cellphone. "When will she be here?"

"Today. Maybe she is on her way now."

David nodded slightly "Oh, okay. I’ll go out to buy lunch first. And you better throw away the food and drink immediately."


Macy took a deep breath.

She is in front of Writer Coangco's studio door. She had sent an email about her arrival, but the Writer had not replied. Because of that, Macy felt a little doubtful. It feels rude to just come without getting confirmation whether the person she is looking for can be found in his studio.

However, since she had already arrived, she decided to knock on the door several times.

Hopefully he's not too busy. But if he doesn't reply to emails, isn't it…

The door then opened. Macy looked at Andrew who opened the door. The writer bowed slightly in greeting with a cellphone in his hand. At first glance Macy already concluded that the Writer is talking to someone over the phone.

“Ah…Editor Cruz. I was thinking what time you will come. Sorry that I didn't have time to reply to your email," said Andrew. "Please come in…"

Macy walked into the studio. "It does not matter. I should be the one apologizing since I came with a short notice. But… are you busy? You know, I can just…” she asked because she noticed that the Writer is still busy talking to someone on the phone. It seems like now is not the right time for her to come here.

Andrew glanced at his phone. “Ah, just a call from home. Can you wait for a moment? Please have a seat. Ah, you can also take your own drinks. I think it's time to be less formal."

Macy nodded slightly.

The Writer smiled faintly. "I will be right back." Then the man walked out of the studio and closed the door.

She let out a short breath and then walked towards the table where she saw several bags. She glanced at it and thought that these are gifts from the Writer's fans. Macy then put her bag on the chair and took out the three manuscripts she was carrying.

She then started to scan the whole studio. Macy may have come to the writer's studio she had worked with. But most of the writers' studios are also part of their homes. Unlike Andrew's studio.

Well, if he wanted a studio like the others, he wouldn't choose to live in that apartment building.

Macy then saw that there were several bottles of drinks and three boxes of food on the table. He turned towards the door. Seems like Andrew is still not done with his phone. Then she took a bottle and stared at it intently.

"He said I could get my own drink, didn't he?" Macy muttered.

But if you look at the appearance of the drink bottle, it seems that it was also part of the presents from Andrew’s fans. Hence, she is a little hesitant to drink it. In addition, Macy also saw a mini refrigerator. Maybe she should just get a drink from the mini fridge.

"But isn't this the same?"

She then opened the bottle and took a sip.


Because of that scream, Macy almost choked. David, who had just returned from buying lunch, immediately approached her and took the bottle from her hand. David's expression looks so pale and alarmed.

"D-did you drink it?" the Agent asked.

Macy nodded. "A little. Why? Can't I… Ah, sorry. Writer Coangco says I can take my own drink. So I thought…”

David immediately put the bag of food he just bought on the table. Then he closed the bottle again and threw it in the trash. Here with the other bottles as well as the food box. Macy frowned.

"Why did you throw it away?" she can’t help but voice out her confusion.

"Aish! You stupid. I told you to throw it away immediately," David muttered under his breath.

Macy blinked a few times. She really didn't understand why the Agent reacted like that when she drank the drink. Is it because it was sent by fans, so only Andrew can consume it?

"I’m sorry, Agent Lee. I didn't mean… I didn't…”

David then watched her carefully. “Editor Cruz, don't you feel anything strange?”

"Yes? W-what do you mean?”

Soon, Andrew returned after finishing his phone call. David suddenly looked at him with annoyance. “Yaaaah! I told you to throw it away, didn't I?! You should learn how to listen to me more often!” he shouted.

Andrew who walked closer looked at her closely. "What?" asked the Writer who was confused by his Agent’s sudden nagging.

“Editor Cruz just drank that drink, you idiot!”

Andrew's eyes widened. "Oh, shit!!"

David hit Andrew's arm hard. “Don't swear!”

"Is that the important thing now?" said Andrew, annoyed. He rubbed his arm and looked at Macy intently. “Editor Cruz, don't you feel something? Nausea, headache, stomach ache or something?”

The Editor blinked. She was really confused by David and Andrew's reaction just because she drank the drink that David had now thrown in the trash. "Eh? I do not…"

Then she was silent for a moment. She felt like she was fine, but she did feel something strange. It seemed the temperature in the studio had risen quite drastically. Macy then held on to the chair.

Her hands gripped the chair so tightly that her knuckles began to turn white. Macy tried to stay focused on her consciousness. But it's very difficult. Moreover, with every breath, her body temperature also increases.

David, who began to notice the changes in Macy's figure, became more worried. Because, no one knows what reaction will appear. If it's normal poisoning, they can take the Editor to the hospital but if the reaction is more than what they expected. Somehow, they had to do something to end it.

Macy's face began to look red with sweat pouring down. The editor's breath also began to pant. David almost held his breath. He may not be familiar with such symptoms. But he had to be prepared for any eventuality. He then suddenly remembers some of the symptoms given by the doctor for each different type of medicine. Although different drugs can have the same symptoms, David must be able to differentiate.

And when he saw another reaction appeared. Oh, this is a different reaction. Shit! Holy crap!

“Andrew, listen, you better take Editor Cruz away!” David exclaimed.

Andrew nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. He then took Macy's bag and also the three manuscripts she was carrying. Oh, looks like the Editor came to see him to discuss the final draft. "Where is the nearest hospital?"

David shook his head. "Take her back to your house!"


"It looks like the drink was mixed with stimulant drugs."
