Chapter Sixty Two

Gil's eyes widened.

When he had just arrived, several editors were crowding around and whispering as if they were talking about something. Gil walked up to them and asked what they were talking about. And then one of the junior editors pointed towards the Editor-in-Chief's room. Gil's brow furrowed and then followed the direction indicated. At that moment, Gil saw the figure of Macy Cruz sitting behind her desk reading a book.

Gil cursed softly. The woman shouldn't be in the office. He put his bag on his desk and hurried to the editor-in-chief's office.

“Chief Cruz!” Gil exclaimed loudly.

Macy just turned and raised her hand as a greeting. Gil snorted again and walked over to his boss's desk. Gil watched the Chief Editor. The woman was dressed casually, with her cell phone, wallet and car keys on the table. Well, it seems Macy came without any intention of working.

“What are you doing here, ma’am? Shouldn't you be resting at home?" Gil asked.