
Chapter 1: Prologue

Moving to the left side, jumped into the air and with a swift spin, he slammed the ball right into the hoop. Memories of the past warmed him inside as he recalled the familiar similar movements he made back then when they were in middle school, playing against each other. He felt a thrill of excitement chilling down his bones and he could never get enough of it. A triumphant smirk was placed on his lips as he landed nicely on the ground, looking over to his rival who was silently flaring in excitement as well.

"Don't get cocky just yet, Lukeman. I was just warming up," his rival uttered as he went to position himself over to the half-semicircle line, in the middle of the basketball court, ready to go all out.

He 'tch' out loud as he lazily passed the ball over to his challenger who caught it with ease and started bouncing the ball with his left hand.

"Warming up? As if you could win, Hunt."

He stood with his shoulders and knees apart, in a defence position. His arms were spread wide open, ready to tackle the ball from his opponent. He knew he could not take his rival lightly like last time. ‘But a little tease wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it?’

His smirk was still evident on his face as he taunted the man standing before him, "But whatever. You're here to help me kill time anyway. There's not a single chance you can win against me. After all, 'the only one who can beat me is me.' Cool motto, right?"

His rival scowled at him as the burning passion in him ignited in flames, "I'll make sure you take those words back after I beat you in your own game."

His lips parted into a grin as his blue eyes raged with satisfaction. He clenched his fists in anticipation. The real game has just begun.

He took the queue to move as the redhead ran past him. The two of them start dancing around the court together at lightning speed. Lightning made of red and blue electricity sparked through each other. Anything and everything revolving around them was long forgotten. It was just them, the ball, the court and the basketball hoop/net. Memories of them playing against each other so many times began to play out in their heads. They could easily read each other's moves and tactics. They could predict them as well. Thus, they could never determine the outcome of the match and that excited them even more.

These two teenagers were once enemies in the eyes of each other as they played for a different team during the basketball tournament. They were once best friends since childhood. Though, everything changed when they entered high school. They decided to split their ways and pursue their dreams in different high schools. Not more than six months since they have enrolled in their new high school, things changed between the two best friends and they had a rocky friendship.

One was a sarcastic and heartless teenager who thought basketball was an easy game to win. After all, he was the strongest of them all and there was no way he could lose in the game he was dominating. He had been consecutively winning on his own ever since he joined the basketball team. All of his opponents quit playing and all of his teammates could not keep up with his God-like speed. He was just too fast for them. His name was Chris Lukeman and he was the main Power Forward in the All-Star Academy's Basketball Team. He has the heavy-seed ancient blood of the Forest Wolf running through his veins and he was born as an Alpha. Therefore, making him the heavy-seed Alpha werewolf hybrid.

Whereas, the other was a hardworking and determined young man who wished to prove his opponent wrong by winning the game. Despite what the pair of aqua-blue-eye-teen did to crush his ambition, he never gave up trying and did everything he could, even when he was past his limits. Not for one second, he doubted he would lose to the said "monster" who was his best friend. His name was Nathan Hunt and he was the main Power Forward in Phoenix High's Basketball Team.

Unlike his best friend, he was a middle-seed were-tiger hybrid. He did not have any significant secondary gender yet and people thought he was born Beta. He was able to stand against hybrids with Alpha’s blood on his own and he was not afraid of standing up for others. Thus, Chris had assumed Nathan was an Alpha like him.

The day finally came when Nathan proved him wrong and not only did he win against Chris and his basketball team. However, the Phoenix High's Basketball Team had won the Summer Cup tournament itself for the first time. They held the trophy with pride and happiness.

It made Chris feel sad and a bummer. Nevertheless, he felt happy in losing the game he's been dominating for the first time in many years.

He had never felt so alive before, so anxious when the game was out of his control and he wanted to win badly. This was what he was looking for in his entire life; a true rival. One who could beat him at his best. One who could change everything in a single battle and the one who never ceased to amaze Chris.

After the tournament had ended, Chris and Nathan sought out a truce. Their friendship was then mended and the rivalry of the duo began. Over the days, weeks and months being together, they had grown closer to each other. It was the best feeling they ever had.

After all, two Alphas dominating the game was never unheard of, but this was entirely and completely different. This had never come close to anything Chris had ever experienced before, not even once since middle school. Nathan has changed and he was on a whole new level. He was like the best Alpha he ever played against—or so, Chris thought Nathan was still an Alpha.

Till one day, Chris Lukeman finds out the real truth about his childhood best friend.