
Chapter 2: “Friends”

The soft melody of the school bell was being played throughout the school.

Students were immediately released from classes and the corridors were crowded within seconds. He was making his way down the stairs with a few of his classmates. They were happily smiling and laughing about things, which he did not care about. He left them halfway and used his long legs as an advantage to skip three steps down, reaching the ground floor first. Being the best basketball player he was, he could easily slip himself through the hordes of overcrowded students till he reached the school's gate.

His name was Chris Lukeman,16, and he was in his first year of high school, the All-Star Academy. He was known as the "infamous" Ace of the school's basketball team, due to his tardiness and delinquency as both a student and an Alpha werewolf.

He was tall, standing at 6'4. His black ink hair was kept in a tousled hairstyle and he had a unique pair of aquatic blue eyes, which could not be looked away from, as if they were enchanted. Even though he was seen wearing a typical school uniform; a blue coat with a white collared button shirt and blue pants, people could still see his outline ripening muscles down to his legs.

Instead of walking home, in which he intended to, but went against it. He took a sharp left turn once he had stepped out of the school gates. He made his way down towards the familiar pavement at a rather slow pace. Slowly, Phoenix High's school building was in his line of sight.

On that same particular day, it was supposed to be the game day he and his best friend, also known as his rival, Nathan Hunt, had planned out together. However, his best friend had made a last-minute ditch through a text the night before, telling Chris that he, unfortunately, could not make it. Chris felt annoyed and displeased. This was not the first time Nathan had pulled such a terrible stunt like this on him. Just like any other time Nathan had deserted the game last minute, he always found an excuse for Chris to forgive him.

The excuse for this time around was that his basketball team's coach held them back till late evening for a training session. Chris snickered at that.

If he was in Nathan's shoes, he would get himself out of there and play against his very own rival. Then again, this is Nathan Hunt after all. Unlike Chris, Nathan had never abandoned anything related to basketball club, nor school, even though he ranked somewhere in the middle in class and always scores average, up to 75 points out of 100 points in every class test.

Chris knew a lot regarding Nathan’s studies since both of them compared each other's test results for every semester, even back then in middle school. Chris' class test scores fell in the range of 85 to 90 points. Chris was proud to flaunt his score sheets around whenever he scored the highest, especially towards the people who had been looking down on him for a very long time. For someone who skipped school often and never bothered to pay attention in classes as he dozed off on his table, he was still able to earn more than 80 out of 100 points in all of his test subjects.

‘What can I say? I’m just too good! Anyways, back to Hunt.’ Chris narrated.

Nathan always made an effort to be there and on time for all training sessions. There were times he would nag at Chris for skipping basketball sessions and school. He punished Chris before, by making him run around the court field with 10-20 laps, whenever Chris lost to him in their one-on-one matches. Nathan was possibly worse than Cecilia Cooper, their close friend from middle school, had ever treated him. Everyone knew she would just nag all day with no action taken. As compared to her, Nathan was different—totally way different than what Chris had imagined him to be. 'In other words, he's plain ruthless!'

Since then, Chris had tried making an "effort" to go for basketball training and attended classes. He was not afraid of Nathan.

‘Keyword: Not.’ Chris chided.

Chris gave Nathan a “little” payback whenever Nathan lost against him. Nevertheless, when Nathan was determined to teach Chris the rights and wrongs of his actions, Nathan was never one to hold back in their one-on-one games till Nathan had proven his point. In other words, he would not lose to Chris and that was just plain scary for Chris.

As Chris was walking down the street, a few blocks away from Nathan's school, unexpectedly yet not surprisingly, he spotted Cecilia near the traffic light. Whenever they did not have a basketball training session—which is rare and also, on that particular day just happens to be that day as well—Cecilia would visit Nathan in his school, during after school hours. Other than that, she would be busy ogling Nathan's classmate and basketball teammate, Isaac Martin.

Isaac Martin was an average-built guy. He stood at 5'5 with darker brown hair and he had a pair of sapphire blue eyes, in contrast to Chris' pair of aquatic ones. He was a mixed hybrid between a winter wolf and a leopard. His mother was a light-seed Omega werewolf and his father was a middle-seed Beta were-leopard. Thus, making him the middle-seed Beta werewolf. He held the main position for Small Forward in the Phoenix High’s basketball team. His skin was as pale as snow and he may seem weak, due to his skinny body. However, never let his appearance fool you. He was the fastest runner in the team, second to Nathan. He was a tough opponent to face as his passes with the ball were precise and in range. He hardly missed any.

Ever since the last basketball tournament they had participated in six months ago, the three of them would go home together and Cecilia would hover Isaac all for herself. Everyone knows Cecilia has a big crush on Isaac and from what Chris knew; Isaac has little to no feelings for her.

'And yet, they call me a 'monster' when it comes to rejection of small tit girls. It's not my fault I have a big boobs fetish.' He sulkily pouted mentally.

Cecilia Cooper was tall, standing at 5'4 and she had a nice curvy body. Her blonde hair was long and it went past her slightly muscled shoulders. As for her eyes, they were a beautiful pair of chocolate brown eyes. Similarly to Isaac, Cecilia was a mixed hybrid as well. Due to her both mothers being the light-seed Delta were-rabbit and middle-seed Gamma were-fox, she was born as the light-seed Gamma were-rabbit hybrid.

Other than that, Cecilia was not your average girl with an average slim body, as there were visible muscles built underneath her clothing.

The last time when the four of them; Nathan, Cecilia, Isaac and Chris himself, decided to go for a swim, Cecilia was seen wearing the typical swimsuit that nearly exposed her cleavage and four-pack abs. Her body was like those of women athletes.

'You guys seriously can't blame me for checking her out. She just looks good in her swimsuit, even though she was tanned.' Chris blushed in embarrassment as his ears turned rosy pink.

Moving forward, Chris does not seem to understand Isaac at all. Isaac was a Beta werewolf and most Betas Chris knew of; has gone crazy for Gammas like Cecilia, no matter their gender and hybrid status. Other than her ridiculously enlarged bosom, her whole body was a perfect top-notch. As compared to Nathan's and Isaac's Gamma basketball coach, Alessia Miller, Alessia was shorter than Cecilia, standing at just 5'2. Unlike Cecilia, Alessia was one rank higher than her when it comes to status as she was the middle-seed Gamma were-rabbit. Despite having well-built bodies, Chris found Alessia lacking in the chest area as she has a flat bust. Besides that, she was a lightweight. Another thing Chris had observed from her was that her skin tone was light and she gets red easily (on her face) whenever she's embarrassed and/or angry.

Moreover, Cecilia has a good attitude and aces in all her school subjects. She is good at doing house chores too.

'Well, except for her cooking 'cuz they're not edible at all, and let's forget about that part for now.' Chris mentally skipped out.

If Chris were to be in Isaac's shoes, he would be dating Cecilia by then. Most Alphas were attracted to Gammas and there's no explanation for that. Though, in reality, due to their close relationship that represented them as 'siblings', he did not see her in that way, even if he was tempted by her ridiculous big globes. Furthermore, Cecilia would find him weird and immediately reject him on the spot. She would not hesitate to beat him up if he ever did bring it up.

"Chrissy!" Chris looked over to Cecilia who was grinning widely as she waved her hand up high.

"Chrissy! Come here!" Chris facepalmed himself mentally.

She would not drop that horrid nickname. It was a nickname she had given to him since middle school. ‘Well, it was indeed better than Nathan's 'Natty'.’ Chris mentally cringed at that and casually walked up to her.

When he was a few steps away from her, he greeted back with a small nod, "Hey, Cecile."

Chris could have smiled, but it seemed somewhat foreign to him. He was still not used to being the good guy who smiles a lot and always being active in everything.

'That sounds so much like Hunt. I'm nothing like that. I'm far from it.' He thought sullenly before he shook the negative thought away.

"Where are you going, Chrissy? Your house is in the opposite direction. Wait... Don't tell me Natty didn't tell you that he—"

"And his team is having basketball practice till late evening, I know that. Hunt texted me last night. I thought that today I could go over and see... ya’ know, how they train there," Chris scratched the back of his head, feeling awkward for giving out the worst lamest excuse he ever came out with.

He did not even know the reason why he was heading towards Nathan's school in the first place. It was highly likely he had a strong urge to play with him badly on that day till his legs brought him to Nathan’s school unconsciously.

'A day without Hunt feels weird. Every day, after school, we'll meet up for our one-on-one game. This isn't the first time he couldn't play just because he's busy. So, it's weird without him by my side—wait. That sounds so wrong, and I'm sure you guys know what I mean. It's weird not to be with him at all—oh clutz. I'm gonna shut my mind now.' Chris cussed in his mind.

He dropped his hand to the side before looking at Cecilia, "Anyways, what about you? What are you doing here? Martin and Hunt wouldn't be out till late evening. You know that right?"

She was frowning by then. Cecilia was about to utter something when a figure ran towards them with loud thumps of footsteps and came to a stop in front of the two. His heavy pants came out in huffs as he slouched in front of them, trying to catch his breath.

It was Isaac Martin.