Uninvited Sleepover

Chapter 4: Uninvited Sleepover

It has been two weeks since their last encounter with each other. Nathan and Chris still texted each other from time to time, just like any other best friends would do. Alas, they hardly have any time for themselves to meet-up, due to their busy schedules. Nathan had his hands full with his upcoming class tests. Whereas, Chris found himself occupied with training sessions for the upcoming basketball matches.

Chris tackled the ball from his opponent and ran towards the opposite direction with the ball dribbled in hand. He ran past his opponents and evaded their tackles with ease. As he entered the opponent's home field, he leapt from the ground and jabbed the ball right into the hoop. That was the last ball in when the whistle blew, indicating the coming end of the training session.

“A'right, boys! Pack it up! Good work today!" The coach's thick hoarse voice resounded through the hall as he clapped his hand.

The boys huddled closer as they patted each other on the shoulders for a job well done. Some of them made a ‘bro-hug’ as a way to congratulate. Others just shook their hands and uttered small words of encouragement.

Everyone played their part in keeping the hall clean by throwing away the used water bottles and keeping all the rented basketballs in the storeroom before all of them headed towards the locker room. The room was filled with chatter and immediately, the scent of stinks and sweat were mixed in there. The majority of them were shirtless by then and were heading towards the shower area.

Chris decided to stay behind and went to his locker. He rummaged through the bag for his phone. Once retrieved, he shut his locker closed and sat on one of the nearby benches. He then turned on the phone, anticipating his rival's text messages. Whenever he was done with training, Nathan would be the first to text him. It became a habit for Chris to look out for it.

Once the phone lit up, his smile faltered. There were no new text messages. He checked for miscalls and again, he received nothing from the other. He let out a sigh of disappointment. Though again, this was not the first time Nathan had forgotten to text him after Chris’ training session ended. Ever since Nathan engaged himself in self-studies, Nathan hardly sent out a text to Chris. If Chris had sent out a text to him, Nathan would reply hours later. It frustrated Chris with his slow responses.

Before he could dump his phone back into the locker, the phone vibrates in his hand with a 'ding’, indicating there was an incoming text for him. His first thought was Nathan sending him a text message. He immediately switched it on and again, his smile dropped when he saw it was someone else.

|| Cecile ||

Sorry, Chrissy!!

I can't go home with you today >.<

I'm going out with Isaac!!

Chris felt the urge to roll his eyes upon seeing that name. 'Isaac, Isaac, Isaac. It's always Isaac.'

His fingers hovered over the virtual keyboard before he typed in rapid speed.

|| Chris ||

Sure, whatever. *shrugs*

It's not like I need a babysitter to take me home.

Almost immediately, another text message came in.

|| Cecile ||


You're the most annoying baby I have ever looked after!!

He snorted at that. 'Baby? Me? Yeah right.' He was about to turn off his phone officially when another 'ding' came in. He let out an exasperated sigh. He had forgotten how chatterbox Cecilia was when it came down to text messages. Before he could tell her off, he froze.

|| Cecile ||

I almost forgot.

Natty got himself injured in school.

I don't have the specific details, but he was involved in a fight.

Luckily for him, he wasn't suspended.

Isaac said not to tell you but...

You deserve to know.

His heartbeat quickened with anxiety as he read through it all over again. He had to pinch himself, thinking it was just a dream. Unfortunately for him, the sharp pain he felt was real, and so was this. Seeing Isaac's name was mentioned yet again, he rolled his eyes. However, he did not dwell on Isaac for long as his mind was occupied with Nathan.

He immediately spammed a couple of text messages as his heart clenched in worry for his best friend.

|| Chris ||

Where's Nathan now??

How is he?!

Who's that son of a B— Nathan took on?!

I'm going to break their legs.

Chris was kind enough to censor the text since he knew Cecile never liked profanities. He did not have to wait long for her response. As soon as she replied, Chris skimmed through it. When his eyes spotted a familiar name, he let out an animalistic low growl.

|| Cecile ||

He's fine now.

He was dismissed from school earlier on.

And, you wouldn't like it when I tell you...

Jake Ambers.

That name was enough to set his world ablaze. Jake Ambers was his nemesis back in middle school. He liked to mess around a lot and bully others in school whom he deemed to be weak. He usually took on the weak Omegas, as compared to Alphas. Chris loathed an Alpha like Jake the most. They would always be seen arguing over trivial matters. Chris could not stand the guy and he almost sent him flying to the hospital whenever a fight broke out between the two Alphas.

Chris did not bother to reply afterwards. He dumped his phone into the locker and grabbed the necessary items including a spare towel before shutting the locker door close and heading towards the shower. He needed to blow off some steam.

Nathan woke up to a terrible headache as the door to his house was knocked non-stop.

'It's more of a pounding to break in rather than knocking to be let in.' He slowly sat up as he looked around for a t-shirt to put on.

The whole house was dark, so he had a hard time navigating around. Once he reached the living room, he turned on the lights and he almost cursed aloud when the light blinded his eyesight temporarily. It took a moment for the clouded blur to leave his vision as he blinked his eyes repeatedly and slowly rubbed them. As he achieved the not-so-perfect but still-doable pair of eyes, he made his way towards the door and opened it.

He had a double take and rubbed his eyes harshly, thinking his eyes were playing tricks on him. His clothes were dishevelled. His hair was not combed properly and those pairs of aquatic blue eyes staring at him with a dark look. Nathan's palm began to sweat as the reality dawned on him. Chris was there; at his doorstep.

Chris was standing at his doorstep and his facial expression was gloomy. He had his furrowed eyebrows pulled back into a glare. Nathan saw his fists clenching tight by his sides, till his knuckles turned pale with white. At this point, Nathan knew Chris was furious.

“C-Chris… What brings you here, man…?” Nathan slightly stuttered.

Seeing his best friend standing behind the gate with a blue-black bruised face, not only made Chris boil with anger, however, he felt an intense urge to kill someone right then. Unbeknownst to him, his Alpha pheromones were released unconsciously and rage was slowly building inside him.

“I’m gonna kill that son of a gun,” was Chris’ final words before he walked towards the elevator.

Not more than three steps away from Nathan’s apartment, his hands were being pulled back. He turned around, just to see Nathan’s panicked face.

“Dude! It’s okay! I’m okay! These are nothing, man! Chill!” Nathan quickly explained.

Though, Chris’ angered expression did not simmer down. Not knowing what to do, Nathan pulled Chris into a hug. Almost instantly, just like before, Chris felt his anger dissipated and his pheromones were back to normal. He was not sure how Nathan did that. Whatever Nathan did, it always made Chris feel calm and at ease. Carelessly, he took in Nathan’s scent and he realised they were not the same as the ones he had always smelt.

Realising what Chris did, Nathan untangled himself out of the embrace and gave the other a small awkward smile, “I’m fine. I punched him back at least…”

Chris nodded his head in approval before he grabbed Nathan’s wrist and walked into Nathan’s apartment with the owner trailing behind. This was not the first time Chris visited Nathan’s place. They had been to each other’s places countlessly. Nathan lived alone since his parents were divorced. His father was a businessman and he spent most of his time away from home. Whereas Nathan’s mother remarried another man and she has built another family with him. Thinking how sad and lonely Nathan was, Chris would make an effort to come over and keep him accompanied for days in this lonely quiet apartment. Thus, making Nathan’s apartment his second home.

“Where are we going…?” Asked Nathan, hesitantly.

It took a while before Chris answered him, “Sleeping, of course. I’m tired.”

Chris securely locked the door to the apartment and turned off the lights. He then proceeded to drag the other into the master’s bedroom. He gently pushed Nathan down onto the bed before climbing atop of him. The two stared into each other in the dark before Chris leaned forward and took a big whiff of Nathan’s scent.

“You smelled… different today. Honestly, it’s sweet like lavenders... Bought a new shampoo or body wash recently?” Asked Chris, curiously.

Due to the darkness, Chris did not realise Nathan’s cheeks were tinted with pink and Nathan tried his best to glare at the other in distaste, “What the heck are you doing? Get off me, man. You have your room to sleep in.”

As tiredness filled him, Chris let out an accidental short yet small yawn. Nathan could smell his breath since their faces were just inches away from each other. ‘It smells like mint…’ Nathan thought. He felt the other shifted around before strong warm arms wrapped themselves around Nathan’s waist and a whole weight collapsed on him.

Nathan let out a gasp of surprise, “Dude, what the—you’re heavy, man!”

Chris hummed as a response. His face was hidden in Nathan’s neck and he never let go of Nathan’s waist, even after his breathing had evened out. Nathan struggled to get Chris off of him, but it was hopeless. Chris still had a tight hold on him, despite being asleep. Nathan sighed aloud as he wrapped his arms carefully around Chris’ back. One of his hands reached for Chris’ short tousled hair, caressing the dark soft strands.

“I didn’t think you could smell it… I wonder if you will still see me as me, or something else…”

Nathan closed his eyes as the darkness engulfed him and he fell asleep with his best friend in his arms.