
Chapter 5: Weird...

The morning came as the sunlight slipped through the bedroom window. The alarm set on the phone had gone off on the bedside table. The owner of that said phone was long awake and he could not reach for it to turn it off. He had found himself being stuck in an embrace of another and the position they were in was completely different from the night before. Instead of Chris being on top of him, Chris was laying beside him and they were in some sort of a “spooning” position with Nathan in Chris’ strong arms.

He wondered how they had ended up this way. However, what freaked him out the most was the fact that Chris had slept with only one layer of clothing; which is his undergarment. Nathan recalled that Chris had his basketball jersey and short pants on the night before. Without turning around, he could feel the other teenager’s firm as well as bare muscular chest against his back. He could also feel Chris’ soft rhythmic breathing on his nape and his heart thumping aloud on his back. Aside from this, Chris’ bare thighs were rubbing against his as their legs tangled against each other.

Chris has never slept shirtless, nor without pants, with him before, despite being best friends for almost 11 years of their lives. This was his first time sleeping with an almost-naked-Chris. Nathan tried to free himself from Chris' embrace as he shifted over and got out of the bed. However, Chris' arms were a hindrance. They always found their way back to Nathan's waist and pulled him towards the sleeping owner, cuddling him tightly. These blunt actions of Chris made Nathan feel embarrassed. He had never felt humiliated and shy over such random actions, especially when these actions were too intimate. Though, deep down, he could not deny that he felt comfortable in Chris' arms for the first time. He had never slept in another's embrace, nevertheless with men. It was all too weird for him.

He shook his head immediately and mentally cursed himself. 'What was I thinking? Come on, Nate. Snapped out of it.'

He snapped back to reality and was once again attempting to free himself from Chris when out of nowhere, the hold on his waist was tightened and he felt Chris' face nuzzling into his nape.

"Nate..." His voice whispered against his skin and Nathan felt a chill running down his back.

His heart was beating intensely yet rapidly in its cage, as though it would jump out of his chest any time. He was uncertain as to what he was feeling but it was slightly uncomfortable and he needed a way out. He let out a cough before turning around with slight difficulty since Chris was holding him close and tight. As he turned to face his best friend, a pair of drowsy eyes stared intently at him. The gaze enchanted him and he had never seen pure blue eyes similar to Chris' this close.

It took a while before Nathan snapped out of it and averted his gaze to somewhere else. He was not sure why his heart fluttered and his guts were swirling around wildly. He ignored these senses as he quietly muttered, "Hey. You're awake. Could you let me go now? I need to get ready for school."

For a moment there, his voice trembled and he cursed at himself quietly as he tried to get a grip of himself. He could not comprehend why he was being vulnerable then. Chris, who was lying there silently, did not move nor talked. His eyes remained fixated on Nathan before he leaned closer into his best friend and his head was buried in Nathan's neck. He let out a groan as he assaulted Nathan's neck and sniffled the alluring scent dreamily.

"You smell really good..." Chris uttered out sleepily.

Nathan felt weirded out. Chris was never like this, and neither was he. He needed to stop Chris from going anywhere further. He harshly removed Chris' arms around him and swiftly sat up before one of his arms pinned Chris' face into the bed. A moment later, he realised Chris was neither struggling nor moving below him. He was not cursing like he usually does. Nathan’s face paled with worry.

He slowly loosened his grip and pulled his trembling arm away from Chris. He thought he had seriously injured his best friend then. However, upon seeing the sight before him, his expression turned grim and he scowled at the sleeping male.

With his mouth forming into a grin, Chris was snoring away as he slurred out his idol's name happily and drools escaped his thin pink lips, "Megan~ Fox~"

He felt anger burning in his heart and without knowing any reason as to why he had the urge to murder Chris right then and there. Without thinking twice, he grabbed onto a nearby pillow and flatly slammed it onto Chris' face. He made sure to cut off Chris' air supplies till he was actually struggling madly underneath Nathan.



They bickered back and forth up until Nathan decided to drop the topic and head for the showers instead. He knew if he wasted more time with Chris, he would be late for school and receive a useless detention slip to waste his hours on the after-school period doing nothing. After watching Nathan's retreating figure, Chris slumped his back onto the bed and resumed his sleep. Not long later, he felt a wet cold towel was being slammed onto his face. He jolted awake and immediately sat up on the bed. He glared at Nathan who was snickering.

"Hurry up and shower already. I'm going to make breakfast. Don't blame me if you're late for it and there's nothing for you to eat," said Nathan as he left the room with a towel being thrown at him.

Unfortunately, Chris missed his target.

"And they say you're the best ace in the basketball team," Nathan mocked.

Chris hissed, "Shut up. I'm sleepy."