Chapter 7: The First Obstacle II

[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

Walking out towards the front yard of her own castle in hasty steps, Asagi then wore on her dress as she walked up towards Michael, Gabriel, and some other angels she had summoned under Dalton the Commander of the first battalion under General Michael

Upon her arrival inside the place, every single mobilized angels in the front yard of the castle immediately bowed and greeted the arrival of Asagi

"Your majesty!"

As if getting used to being called by that nickname, Asagi then waved her arms about to dismiss her thoughts and called out towards her generals

"What's the situation? Is it bad?"

Upon hearing that Michael then replied

"It will be bad if we can't defende our kingdom agaisnt those 300 wyverns"

"But if we can defend from it, then maybe we'll just survive it out with only damages around the kingdom, sadly we still haven't established a barrier for our territory" added Gabriel as he shook his head

Hearing that Asagi then suddenly thought of a barrier that would really be quite useful in this kind of situation, unfortunately she doubled check her kingdom's defenses through the system and found out that such barrier is still isn't available for construction since her kingdom is still currently small

Pushing aside that thought she then declared her idea

"Unfortunately the barrier isn't available for now, then that means that we have to defend our kingdom through combat... so I want every soldier available out there in the sky and fight till your hearts content, make sure that those wyverns won't be able to destroy my kingdom, that is an order from your queen"

Hearing that instead of replying immediately with a salute, every soldier infront of her then suddenly became completely worried as they realized that if they all go out, then Asagi would have no bodyguard to defend her

After all her value was way higher than a kingdom, for she is their queen

Realizing their worry Asagi then comforted their worry with a simple wording

"Dont worry about me guys, I'm a level 99 character!!! Some ordinary mobs won't be able to defeat me you know"

Even though they don't understand the word level 99, but since Asagi gave them reassurance, they couldn't help but cheer for her as they don't want to belittle her or drag her spirits down by being overprotective

Of course Michael on the other hand had a complete confidence that Asagi can fend off for herself because if how many surprises she made for the past weeks, on the other hand Gabriel had another opinion for himself since he was still quite new towards Asagi

Nevertheless they didn't disappoint her as they all complied to her request

"As you wish your majesty!"

Starting from Michael followed by Gabriel, they then opened up their wings as they spread it out in the air and blasted off the ground with one flap

As if it amused a chain reaction, Dalton and the 19 other angels flew off in the air following their general's to battle

As for Asagi, she then activated the castle's emergency mode, causing the auto turrets to heat up prepared for battle and closing tight all doors leading to the interior of every building

Following that she then quickly flew up to the sky as she landed on her throne room's balcony and scoped out towards the incoming monster wave through magic

With that a 23 vs 300 battle then commences after a few minutes, whatever it takes Asagi will defend her current home

As if responding to her will the system deliberately remodeled her whole dress as it inputted various female armor on her body along with a battle skirt and chain mail applied

Letting her blonde hair fall down on her back and wings spread out, one could even mistake her as a war goddess or a valkyrie at this moment

Conjuring a bow of light with her magic, she then plans to fire the first shot of the battle and use one of her 20 high tier spells which is also in the game in her previous life

After experimenting for a few days she was confident that she could use her every spell she learned on her game in the past, with that she wanted to enact them for this day

After conjuring a bow of light, she then took aim towards the distance as her sight sniper towards the tiny dots flying towards her, assumingly the wyverns

Soon a huge amount of mana gathered around her spot as they were all concentrated to conjure her arrow out of it and ready for release

Taking in a mouthful of breath, Asagi then completely released her shot as she deliver the opening arrow towards the assaulting party

"Cosmic strike!!!"

In one breath she released her arrow as it quickly go off in a boom out of her hand and zoomed towards the flock of wyverns at the distance

With such huge magicule powered shot, it was evidently that Michael and the others to notice that insane skill to bypass their speed and targeted the flock of wyverns from afar, in fact they were completely astounded by the arrow spell that they nearly gape their mouth in shock

In just a few seconds the arrow that Asagi released had then collided against the unsuspecting flock of wyverns, in an instant burst 30 of the wyverns was then immediately burned to ashes upon colliding with the arrow

Of course such wyverns were the only creatures that were on the pathway of Asagi's arrow, thus they were eliminated easily

Nevertheless such a provoking shot attracted the attention of all 270 remaining wyverns, causing all of them to berserk and zoomed towards the sky castle with their claws and teeth baring out in agitation

Soon as the wyverns reach about a few kilometers near the pathway of the floating Kingdom, Michael and the rest who were hiding among the clouds for an ambush then unsheathed their swords, shields, and various weapon as they dived down from above and assaulted the flock of wyverns in their blindspot

In just a few seconds, a bloodbath was then ensued in the air as the angels completely caught the flock of wyverns off guard and easily slaughtered their Frontline

Even thought the wyverns on the ither hand didn't expect a quick retaliation from some unknown creatures, the wyverns on the ither hand never backed down as they rushed up towards them in a tsunami and bated out their wild instincts against them

Due to their sheer numbers, some even got passed Michael's and his battalion defenses, thus starting a huge cat and mouse chase in the air

Inputting mana unto his long sword, flames then engulfed Michael's sword as he rushed out towards the fleeing wyvern and slashed out his sword in a parabola, thus sending out a wave of flames towards his target and successfully burning it to cinders

Unexpectedly the other wyverns were also fierce enough to face him head on as one particular instances that a wyvern plunged him down from above and pinned down both of his arms with its claws

Having his arms restrained, the wyvern then opened up his mouth and tried to bite off his head, unfortunately Michael's reaction was fast enough to tilt his head to the side and dodge the bite of a wyvern

Through that he then wrestled agaisnt the wyvern as they jostled around while falling down towards the sea

But before they could crash unto the sea surface, Michael deliberately raise up his feet unto the wyverns stomach and kicked his guts away, causing the wyverns grip to let loose from that encounter

Taking the chance that the wyvern was still in pain, Michael then dashed away from it as it let the wyvern fall unto the sea below

Raising his flame imbued sword in the air he then waited for the wyverns head to resurface as he prepared to deliver a fatal slash

Just as he expected the wyvern did resurfaced from the water, but before it could fly off Michael had already swiftly beheaded it, thus ending its struggle

After killing off his target, Michael didn't linger around any longer as he launched himself upward and return back to the fray above

As multiple bodies feel from the sky due to the bloodbath happening around, the sky castle was in full assault as five auto turrets opened fire in all direction, trying to shoot down the wyverns circling around it

If one could see such a scene, one could even mistake it as a battleship scene were all guns and missiles were let loose all around as enemy planes circled it around the sky

As the sky castle was in a auto assault mode with the system manually guiding it, Asagi on the other hand fend off the wyverns with her magic in the throne room's balcony

At the current moment she was firing off low to intermediate spells in the air, while erecting a mana shield around her to defend herself from any attacks

Luckily for her Gabriel had rerouted back towards the sky castle just in time to help her find off the wyverns, thus lifting off some pressure from her

Unlike Michael who had a flame sword at his disposal, Gabriel on the other hand had a double crescent blade on his two hands as he jostled around and either beheading the enemy wyvern or crushing its heart with a thrust

With that it had cemetery shown that Gabriel had a completely different fighting style compared to Michael

If Michael is good at prolonged and heavy fights, Gabriel on the other hand is good at quick and swift killing, just like an assassin

Even though he can also endure a prolonged fight just like Michael, Gabriel on the other hand differs in taste

At this current moment Gabriel was fighting off against three wyverns at the same time, such fight was so intense that his wings even got bitten by a wyvern while he was busy beheading a wyvern underneath him

Nevertheless he still didn't gave up as he endured the pain and used his wings to pull the biting wyvern near him, in one thrust he had completely plunged his blade unto his heart thus killing it in a swift blow

Right after he then summersaulted back into the air as he soon glided around the houses and killed off an unsuspecting wyverns who got shot down by a turret

The fight was truly intense that it actually took about half a day to fend off the wyverns

When half a day passed the 300 wyverns that assaulted the kingdom had been reduced to merely 99 wyverns left, and upon reaching that number, the wyverns then frantically fled all over the place as they escaped their death from the hands of the warriors in the air

Of course Asagi's side didn't go out unscathed as out of 23 people alive before the confrontation, only 13 was left to survive the onslaught

Approximately 10 angels died from that confrontation while Dalton, Michael, and Gabriel were quite beat up and injured from the fight

Not only that but even some of the houses got demolished as the wyverns corpses littered the whole kingdom

Seeing this situation, Asagi really hoped that the system could fix all of this damages, or else they would have to spend a considerable amount of time to refurbished everything

Luckily for her the system can automatically fix everything in one night, thus lifting that burden off of her

With that their first confrontation with the creatures of this world then ended quickly just like how it started quickly

Right after that a system notification then popped out of nowhere right infront of her



You had succeeded on fending off 300 wyverns

You had recieved rune law and 5000 credits



Applying rune law to your archangel

Number of archangel 2x



Michael has received the rune law of Destruction



Gabriel has received the rune law of Space
