Chapter 8: Signs of Land

[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

With the loss of some people in the confrontation against the wyverns, Asagi couldn't help but lament those people who died, even though its only been a week since she had known them

But nevertheless the clean up work for all the corpses around the kingdom isn't a work for a queen such as herself, through that with both Michael and Gabriel's persuasion, they had then eventually forced Asagi to take a rest back on her throne as she set the whole castle off from its combat mode

With her leaving the work to her own people, Michael, Gabriel, and some of the remaining angel's then begun gathering the corpses all around the kingdom, luckily the town and houses around the kingdom was still unoccupied by civilians, thus avoiding innocent bystanders to be caught up in the battle

Unlike the wyverns corpses lying all about around the kingdom, the corpses of the fallen angels are all system generated, through that if they died they won't leave any bodies behind but instead disintegrate into mana particles as it returned to nature

If one could see such phenomenon, one could even mistake it as if the angels themselves are just merely entities that originally belongs to the world

Since the angels in the kingdom are created from mana through the system, they would then return to mana when they die, such a saying is the same as in the Bible verse on genesis which all humans will return to ash if they died

With that Asagi sat on her throne all alone as she relished the feeling she encountered during that confrontation, even though she had experience in fighting monsters through her games, she couldn't help but differentiate them

Killing monsters on game and killing monsters on real life is completely different, if the former you could experience excitement, then the latter you would feel the intensity, nerve-wracking, and magnitude of such fights

Such is a difference in experience

Soon after as she seated back on her throne, she then awaited for almost 3 hours inside it resting on her arm rest, when both Michael and Gabriel finally entered the room to report their findings

Upon entering, they actually saw asagi nodding off in a daze as they understand her tiring situation, nevertheless they still reported to her

"Your majesty! We can only recover the bodies inside the kingdom, as for the bodies that fell unto the sea, I believe they are a lost cause since they sunk" said Gabriel

"Unfortunately if you look at it on the bright side, you will realize one potential good news for this..." said Michael

Hearing his words Asagi then opened her eyes wide to wake herself up and stare back towards the both fo them as she waited for their news

Feeling her anticipation Michael then continued his words

"With the presence of the wyverns, we can conclude that somehow we are nearing land or a country if we further go up north"

"We can either take this as a good news and bad news at the same time though" added Gabriel

At that Asagi asked Gabriel

"What do you mean? Is there any problems we could meet upon reaching land?"

With that Gabriel took a slight glance towards Michael before answering back, naturally Michael also wanted Gabriel to report his own opinion

"The good news is that we can finally see land after being surrounded by sea for quite awhile, the bad news on the other hand means that we will be invading a foreign territory and possibly occupied by another kingdom, meaning were gonna invade their Arial space"

At that Michael nodded in understanding, while Asagi somehow realized that fact too

After all it would be quite a shocking news or potentially catastrophic for a kingdom, if ever another country invaded their Territory, much less their Arial space

One primary example of this are the countries back on earth

With their floating Kingdom traveling in the sky with no definite territorial area, them flying over it would mean an invasion of private property thus leading to war

With such acoustic culture much less the same as the middle earth movies, one could even say that political talks are quite problematic in this very era

After all if this world follows the common traits to every other world anime and novels, one could say that some nobles might be quite problematic, since they geld much more power in politics than a king could ever had

Such is the flaw in nobility, but if they wanted to head up north, they would have to find a solution for such a problem

"Don't worry about that for now! Maybe we could do something about it and try to conceal our presence by applying an invisibility magic all over the kingdom"

Hearing her words Michael then nodded

"I agree with that! As long we apply invisibility magic and fly among the clouds to conceal our presence, we could literally bypass any Territory without ever being noticed"

"That may be possible, but how would we apply invisibility magic? Is not like we could just wish it to happen?" Asks Gabriel

At that moment Asagi laughed shyly as she realized that she had a magic skill which could literally turn anything invisible, as long as she doesn't turn it off, the object she hid would never reveal itself

"Well I had a skill or spell that I could use for that.... ehehehe"

With a snap of her fingers she then applied another high level magic all around the kingdom, as she concealed their presence with invalidity

"Cloak of Athena!!!"

Under her cast, she enveloped the whole kingdom with a barrier which enables the whole land itself to be invisible to the naked eye, thus concealing their presence

With that both Michael and Gabriel was astounded by that spell as their jaws actually dropped in shock

Nevertheless all they had to do now was to raise their altitude to completely conceal their existence from everyone in the ground

With the problem of concealment easily solved just like that, Asagi then moved on to another interesting topic she had in mind regarding the previous system notification

"Well putting that aside! I feel like the both of you had actually changed, I don't know on what particular part you've changed, but I can ascertain that the both of you have gotten stronger... something around rune law?"

"Rune law?" Both of them asked in confusion

As they said that particular word, they then suddenly remembered something changing within them when they were taking care of the wyverns corpses

In fact it they felt a lot stronger after some mysterious power flowed inside of them which gave them a boost in power

Alongside that kind of refreshing power up, a mark then appeared before the back of their palm as if it was a tattoo imprinted on them

As a matter of fact, they were quite shocked and confused by the sudden appearance of the mark on the back of their palm, they even tried to take it off with magic and their own weapon, nevertheless it was all useless as it was still intact no matter what they do

One thing for sure was that, they felt an immense power coming from their crest mark

Soon after when they accepted the reality that was imprinted unto them by force, a sudden whisper then blew by their ears as it told them its power

While Micheal heard the word destruction, Gabriel on the other hand heard the word space

But now with Asagi mentioning something about the crest, both of them then came to a sudden realization that Asagi must have done something which made a crest to appear on the back of their palm

"Your majesty! You knew what this crest is?" Asks Gabriel

Seeing the crest on the back of his palm, Asagi then answered

"If that is the rune law, then perhaps I do know of it, you can think of it as a reward for defending this kingdom as my generals"

"Reward?" Asked Gabriel in confusion

On the other hand Michael simply accepted the fact that Asagi had said as he replied

"If it is a reward coming from you, then I'll wholeheartedly accept it... this crest will be my honor and a sign of my loyalty"

Seeing Michael's act Gabriel then followed suite as he repeated what the former replied to Asagi

Seeing their reaction Asagi simply cringed at that moment as she waved her hand to forego of that matter

"Nevertheless you need to master that kind of rune law, after all it might help you in your future adversaries... but remember you need to be responsible, as the saying goes from my hometown... with great power, comes great responsibility"

Hearing her words both Michael and Gabriel bowed once more as they appreciated Asagi's reward

After dealing with that topic Asagi then glanced at her credits as she said

"Well anyway I'm planning to summon more soldiers, so I'll leave it to the both of you to orient them"

At that moment when she announced those words Gabriel sprung up for joy as he had been waiting for this moment

After all Asagi did promised to give him a battalion just like what Michael had at his own disposal

For a whole week he had been envious of Michael for having people under him, thus when he heard this words

coming out of Asagi's mouth, it was then the best news he had ever heard om that moment aside from the rune law

On the other hand Michael simply cast a disgusted look towards Gabriel as he saw the latter joyfully celebrating like a child

As for Asagi she simply sheepishly smiled as she stretched out her hand before a whole blanket of mana covered the whole throne room

Soon after for what seems like awhile, human figures then appeared on that blanket of mana as their numbers filled the spacious throne room

One had to know that the throne room is so wide that it can literally fit 200 people in it

Soon after asagi summoned about an exact 200 new angel warriors at the cost of 1500 credits right infront of her, following that they were seemingly astounded by Asagi's presence by the very first time they saw her and

immediately regarded her as their queen

With that Asagi split the 200 new warriors to both Michael and Gabriel, thus causing them to have 100 each new people under them

On the matter on how they will distribute them for themselves is up to their choices

Having Michael and Gabriel take over the things regarding the new warrior's, Asagi then took a closer look at the numbers of her people inside the castle which numbered about 113

For awhile she had remembered the time when the castle only consist of both Michael and her, but looking at her current situation, she now had a lot of people to govern from this very moment

With all of her work pushed aside for the later dates, Asagi then immediately went to bed when the moon rose up from they sky indicating that it was nighttime in that world

Cozing herself with plump soft bed and pillow, followed by her warm and soft sheet, she couldn't help but be engrossed by the feeling of softness, as this literally soon put her to an immediate sleep

With that the queen in the sky castle has finally taken a break from that tiring day


The very next day, nothing unusual happened at all

Michael goes to his daily chores inside the castle, Gabriel looking out towards the distance from the top of the castle's highest tower, the other angel warrior's roaming around the forest and the houses down below, and Asagi simply sitting down on her throne as she reviewed all of the functions that her system had to offer

As this goes on until noon, a sudden rise of action came from Gabriel as he quickly flew down towards the throne room and quickly reported towards Asagi about his findings

Barging in inside the throne room without honorific being done, Gabriel then kneeled on one knee as he said

"Your majesty! We have discovered land!"