Chapter 9: Monster Infested Town

[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

Soon later as Asagi was on the balcony sticking out of the throne room, she then finally saw the glimpse of land from afar as the breeze of the wind blew up her hair that was on her back

If one could truly see her this instant, one would be truly mesmerized by her beauty that could captivate any young men's heart, after all her appearance as of lately was neither ruler like or queen like but rather more on the side of a princess in a floating Kingdom

One could even say that she could even go toe to toe to any Disney princess or any fantasy princess that could be found in any web in the category of beauty, charming, and attractiveness

Of course during the course of their destination, she had already announced to everyone inside the kingdom that they were reaching land, due to that everyone was so tensed up as they held up their guards while they looked out towards the land up in the north

1 hours later the invisible kingdom among the clouds then silently flew on top of the lands shore, as what completely beneath is another foreign land or territory of another kingdom

With their presence completely hidden by Asagi's magic, added to the fact that their altitude was so high that they were completely covered in clouds, they then naturally realized a sea side town right beneath them by using some kind of projection magic provided by the system

Due to that Asagi then immediately held out a command for Gabriel and Michael to bring along 10 men each down towards the surface and survey the town itself

Of course both Gabriel and Michael was hesitant to leave Asagi alone, but nevertheless they knew just how much formidable is the latter's magic, in terms of all category aside from bending reality

With that both Michael and Gabriel took along 10 angel each from their own battalion and quickly headed down towards the town on surface below

Luckily with how much effective is Asagi's magic of concealing their presence, even a speck of the kingdom's shadow couldn't be seen below, much less any of its remnants

As if natural through the invisible kingdom above them, the light from the sun had completely passed through the kingdom's presence and directly showered down its light and heat unto the land below

One could even say that the kingdom was almost non-existent

With a skillful dive Michael and Gabriel's group then finally reached out the passable viewing altitude for the town below, unfortunately no matter where they look all they could only see was the sign of destruction and debris as if a storm had swept pass this area

As they observed the area, a sudden rift in the void formed right beside them as Asagi's figure came out from it like a mirror of some sort

Of course Asagi herself was inside the throne room of her own castle, nevertheless despite ordering Michael and Gabriel to observe the surface, that doesn't mean that she couldn't spy on them like a God of some sort

Through the provided spell from the system Asagi could open a void in any location near the kingdom and directly see it with her own eyes

If one were to compare it would have been similar to her looking through a mirror in the void, the only different is the mirror will show her the location in which she wanted to see

With that she naturally saw all the destruction around the town and came up with the same hypothesis just like what Gabriel and Michael had thought, nevertheless one can never be sure of some outcome without any kind of proof

(Asagi:"Looks like the town is devastated... what about you guys? What's your say in this?")

As Asagi asked that question through the void, both Michael and Gabriel then simply reported what they thought in their mind

"We can come up of two possible reason for this destruction" said Michael

"No make that three" corrected Gabriel after thinking up of a possible third reason

Hearing that Michael then simply nodded at Gabriel's interjection as he continued

"Then three... the first one is most likely a storm just passed by this land thus causing destruction, the second one is maybe because of the migrating wyverns"

(Asagi:"The wyverns? Why would you bring them up?")

"Simply put by analyzing their path trajectory, i can assure you that the wyverns must have passed by this area" answered Michael

(Asagi:"I see... you've got a point, but what about the third reason?")

As Asagi asked that Gabriel then gave out his answer

"Even though my answer will be most likely impossible, but such possibility isn't low, it must have been some kind of an attack from bandits or enemy territory, nevertheless judging from how this town looked at this moment, I can conclude that there is indeed a fight happened in this area, especially that dried up bloodstain as a proof"

Hearing him both Asagi and Michael then looked towards the bloodstain in which Gabriel was pointing at and

finally me their touchdown

Soon after the other angels then followed suit as they begun to traverse on the surface below

Upon landing they naturally saw additional details around the town which is impossible to spot when one is above it

Such details include bloodstains, eaten flesh, weirdly shaped corpses, the foul smell, and the especially the smell of rust in the air which was carried along by the wind

Realizing that there was indeed a fight that had broke out in this area, Asagi then gave out her thoughts

(Asagi:"Indeed! Its impossible for a storm to cause all of this, it is most likely an attack from an enemy")

Of course Michael didn't reject her conclusion thus silently praises Gabriel for his insights

With that after seeing the situation of the town, Asagi then gave out an another order for the people around her

(Asagi:"Listen up! Search for any survivors in this area, there must atleast be one human alive in this place, along

that investigate what actually attack this place, after all we currently lack knowledge of this world, thus I wanted to know more about it... is my orders clear?")

Hearing her words everyone then responded

"It is clear your majesty!"

"We shall follow your command!"

"As you wish!"

With that everyone then separated from each other as they widen their searching scope and begun looking around this seaside town, unknown to then however something was actually observing their movements from the depths of the sea beside the town

As some angels flew over the rooftop of some houses, others in particular just went and straight up walk around the corners

One example of such angel was Gabriel as he scourged around some wreckage in order to find some clue to whether what actually attacked the town

As they search all over the premises, they often saw some corpses of humans categorizing from adults, children, to infants

Some particulars however were some corpses of animals lying about the streets of the town, but one thing is for sure was that all the corpses they found has signs of being eaten by something

They don't know what thing ate those corpses all over the town but there was one thing they were sure of it, and that is that whatever attacked this seaside town was a hostile monster that can't be reasoned with

Soon after a soldier called out towards Michael as it found a peculiar corpses of neither human or animal lying on the floor of some weapon shop

Hearing its call Michael then actually headed it's way towards the weapon shop as it entered the building and saw the corpse of a strange monster riddled with swords

Covering its nose from the foul stench of the corpse Michael then begun analyzing the corpse right infront of him

Of course naturally Asagi also appeared out of a mirror void just right beside him and also saw the corpse infront of Michael

(Asagi:"Monster? What type?")

Seeing her confusion and curiosity kicking in, Michael then simply poked the corpses before circling it as he said

"I think its a type of a sea monster, depending on its fin attached to its back and limbs... such characteristics are unique to monsters who dwell in the sea"

(Asagi:"So that means the town was attacked by a huge group of monsters that emerged from the sea")

"Most likely so" replied Michael

Hearing his answer Asagi then pondered her options for a bit before giving out her orders

(Asagi:"Alright! Bring the corpse back here in the castle! We need to completely analyze it, after all we maybe able to find something rare in such corpse if we experimented on it")


(Asagi:"Yes! Absolutely!")

"Understood! As you wish"

With that Michael then ordered for one soldier to bring the corpse back to the castle, as per Asagi's wishes

While that was happening on the other side of the town, Gabriel on the other hand had entered the slum area where the poorest and dirtiest people live

Of course the situation in the slum area was almost identical towards the main are of the town, nevertheless there were also many corpses in this place

Naturally the people of the slums have no way of defend themselves from the attack, thus causing for such a horrendous scene to play out infront of him

But soon after as he goes deeper into the slum area, as if his six sense have been triggered, Gabriel noticed a slight movement from some dark area, followed by its rough breathing

Following his instincts, he then followed that source of noise that he kept hearing until he eventually noticed the flipped plated metal infront of him

With force he then flipped the metal over as if it was nothing as he saw a twin children consisting of a boy and a girl ranging from an age if 7 to 8 yrs, hiding beneath from an indenture and a metal plate cover

Of course the twins were naturally flipped out and scared when they saw Gabriel, especially when they realized that he was not human due to the wings stretching out from his back

But either way they hugged each other tightly as they stuck close to each other while trembling in fear of their fates

But instead of being killed on that exact place, the twins on the other hand realized that something was amiss when they saw Gabriel calling out to some people instead of killing them

Soon after their minds were quite shocked when they saw multiple winged people flying towards their direction, completely encompassing them in a complete circle

Right after Michael then landed beside Gabriel as he saw the trembling twins infront of him, following him of course was the sudden void mirror projection of Asagi who was quite curious of the twins

"Good job! Survivors if I may presume?" Asks Michael

"Naturally! Based on how they were trembling when they saw me, I can say that it is the likely case" replied Gabriel

"I see... then with them around we can then know what actually happened on this place" said Michael as he looked at the surroundings

"Yes! Pretty much this twins are our invaluable informant, we need to keep them safe" suggested Gabriel

"I second that notion!"

As Michael and Gabriel were conversing with each other, Asagi on the other hand came close to the twins as she smiled and comforted them both

"Waahhh! What a cute twin... one is a boy and the other is a girl... don't worry little kids you'll be safe with me"


Hearing no reply from them due to the sudden events that transpired, Asagi then naturally smiled comfortingly as she continued to reach out to the twins

"Do you want to come with me? You'll be safe! You'll have a home, food, clothes, and people to talk to"


Once more another silence met her approach, but this time the girl from the twins suddenly jolted upon her words as she hesitated to reach out her hand nor speak some reply

Nevertheless Asagi didn't backed down as she further offer more help towards the twins

"If your worrying about your protection and safety, then you'll be safe with me... I promise that I will protect you.... will you trust me?"

This time Asagi said such words while stretching out her hand, of course such an act was futile since its only her projection was present in such place, nevertheless such act naturally attracted the twins

Seeing her nature and the way that the winged people not being hostile around them, the twins naturally let go some off their guard as they responded with a hesitating reach

On the side however both Gabriel and Michael smiled in awe as they saw Asagi trying to comfort the children, after all such a sight was rare even for them since Asagi often acts goofy around them

But before they could actually marvel at such a heroic and motherly approach from Asagi's action, a sudden cry from one of the angel's at the back then called everyone's attention

Naturally they were all alerted from that shout much less the twins, thus with that everyone then tensed up as they take flight and saw the incoming attack from a hostile enemy

"Incoming!!! Enemy emerging from the sea!!! Raise your weapons!!!"

At the same time a system notification popped out infront of Asagi


Sea Goblins

The Sea Goblin (Inimicus didactylus) is typically various shades of browns and reds, though coloration of this species is highly variable. It is common to see these fish walking over substrate searching for prey or lying motionless on the substrate or on rocks, waiting for its next meal to enter the vicinity.



Defend the twins and kill the sea goblins


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