Chapter 10: Sea Goblins

[Azure Kingdom, Sky Castle]

Inside of her throne room, Asagi was naturally alerted as well as she quickly stood up from her throne and walked towards the balcony attached to the room

While she did that she momentarily split her system's vision unto two screens which showed her both Michael, Gabriel, and the twins location on one screen and the army of sea goblins on another

Seeing the overwhelming number of sea goblins popping out from the sea itself, Asagi then concluded that such numbers were quite larger than the wyverns which attacked her castle some time ago

With that she begun to ponder on herself as she mumbled her way in

"That staggering number... is it possible that the town's citizens were overwhelmed by this amount of number? Cause if it is... then that will surely be the case"

Following that she then instructed the system to count the sea goblins present in the situation, whether one is out on the surface or hiding beneath the sea blanket

Soon after the system gave her the approximate number of the goblins present in the area


Sea goblins present



Seeing that humongous amount of troops, Asagi then finally reached her conclusion on what may possibly happened on this town

Following that the system then gave her some additional info about the approaching enemy


The sea goblins are a counterpart to goblins on land

Similarly to their counterpart, sea goblins also must have likely taken in the women from the town and impregnate them to create even more similar creatures such as themselves

With their high libido, it is likely that they also considered other women of different species as their prey and target for copulation

Likely they don't have that much difference from the goblins on land

The only thing different from them to their counterpart is their blood, which gave off foul stench and most likely acidic enough to rot one's skin off


When fighting such creature, make sure you don't get some of their blood spilled on you host


Seeing that notification from the system, Asagi then silently nodded in understanding as she then gave out an order


[Destroyed town]

Back on land as Michael was assigned to take down the commanding leader of the enemy force, Gabriel on the

other hand was tasked on protecting the twins on land, thus the latter assigned three angels to assist him on defending the twins

As for the other angels under his command, they were then temporarily handed over towards Michael to help him fend off the enemy

But just as they were about to make their move, Asagi once again popped out of nowhere and told them her thoughts

(Asagi:"Brace up! I'm planning to use some of my magic to cause disturbance on the enemy's troops, following that im gonna send the remaining angel's in the castle to assist you... make sure you don't get hit by my magic")

Upon hearing that Michael simply smiled back as he nodded in understanding towards her caution


At the moment however the sea goblins started to flood the bay of the seaside town as they slowly crept out towards the brick houses like a full house army

Some of them even started climb up the sea walls that were used to block heavy waves from the ocean, while wielding a type of bone spear with its tip coated with poison unknown to Asagi herself

Soon upon reaching the housing area, some of the sea goblins shriek in a quite a high pitched noise as they charged in towards Michael and his group of angels

Right after that they they flooded the streets with their numbers, as some even took the chance to climb over the roof of some houses

If one sane person could see this, all they could probably think off was the word mess, after all such word perfectly describe the current scenario

Raising up his sword while engulfing it in flames, Michael then opened up his wings as he slowly hovered in the air as he tensed up all of his muscles for the oncoming onslaught

"Get ready! Hold your ground! You guys aren't allowed to die until I ordered you"

Saying all those words to raise his charisma, every person in charge of the assault then tightened their grip unto their weapons as they readied themselves for the collision of two forces

Right then as time passed by all the angels including Michael raises their warcry as they chatged towards their opponents and begun their confrontation


With a flap of his wings he then charged at the forefront as he brandished his flame engulfed sword and struck down two sea goblins who lounged at him head on

Following that he then charged towards the wave of sea goblins and struck down the front row of enemy, before pushing them off to the forces behind them, causing a domino effect

With that domino effect, many of the front row enemy sea goblins fell unto the floor, which was then taken advantage by some of the angels as they struck them at their blondspot

Not letting up Michael swiftly brandished his sword once more as they quickly flew up due to the sea goblins acidic blood, which is dangerous even for them

Once more he flew over the top of some houses and begun slashing out his sword in multiple direction, when six sea goblins assaulted him in every direction

Of course the other angel's didn't backed down at all as some flew up to slay some sea goblins in the air, while some stayed unto the ground to prevent the wave of sea goblins to overtake them

As the battle on the surface grew intense by the minute, the other angels which were sent by Asagi as a reinforcements from the sky castle, then flew over the broad sky right above the town

Seeing the situation below, Dalton on the other hand who was leading the reinforcements, then planned to intercept the enemy on the town's Bay head on, in order to lessen the burden on Michael's group

With that thought formed in his mind, he then led the 190 angels behind him and dived down towards the front lines

"Destroy the enemy of the queen!!!"

"Dive! Dive! Dive! Dive!!!"

Just like a parade of birds aiming towards their targeted prey, all of the angels then dived straight unto the forntlines as they charged in with their warcry and collided with the enemy forces

Meanwhile at the location where the twins were located, Gabriel on the other hand had quickly unsheathed his crescent moon blades on both of his hands as he took his stance infront of the twins

Infront of him there were three angels under his lead as they opened up their wings to form a singular three layer man wall while unsheathing their own weapons towards the only entrance of their vicinity

The reason why they were in their own stances wasn't because they heard the warcry of their fellow angels from afar, but rather they took their stance for the reason was they heard the charging stampede of sea goblins who bypassed Michael's walls

Of course since the town has many routes all over the place, Michael and his group naturally wasn't able to cover up all the perimeters around them, due to that they were stretched out thin which enables some of the sea goblins to bypass them under the pressure

Realizing that a fight was about to break out, Gabriel naturally opened up his wings in tension as he completely covered the twins behind him and started to leak out his murderous aura

Nevertheless the act of bravery from Gabriel, the twins on the other hand held no hope to such meager attempt to protect them, thus beside being confident cause of their protectors vigor, they instead felt more fear towards the approaching sea goblins as they held each other tight

Soon after just what Gabriel had anticipated, the sea goblins actually stormed in the tight pathway as they've gone crazy and assaulted Gabriel's group

In an instant all angels including Gabriel showed their might as they fend off the overwhelming sea goblins infront of them

"Defend the twins! Kill them all!!!"

With that order Gabriel then started to move about as he pushed some of the sea goblins away wing his wings, while smashing them against the walls with his weight

Following that he begun handling his blades in an impeccable way as he slash, spin, swipe, and dash anywhere while killing off sea goblins that goes near him

At one point some of the sea goblins even jumped off the roof of some houses as they thrusted their poisoned tipped spears towards Gabriel, unfortunately the latter immediately took notice of their action as he swiftly dodged their strike while smashing them agaisnt the walls with his heavy wings

Upon smashing them, he would then deliver the finishing blow by a slash of his blade, thus completely killing them in one strike

He even did some of the unbelievable maneuvers which he rolled and summersaulted through the air while taking down enemies from his left and right

By the way he swiftly handle his own, despite the burden of the size of his wings, one could truly say that Gabriel has a talent for combat, even in tight spaces

As he kills off his enemies which attempted to ambush him from every direction, Gabriel of course always made sure that the twins were tuck safe on the corner as he often glance at their direction

In one point one of the sea goblins accidentally saw the twins upon crashing near them, naturally upon noticing the twins the sea goblins itself then marveled at his new prey, unfortunately Gabriel suddenly swooped in and killed him in one strike, thus ending its idea

As the battle goes on for the two forces, the leader of the huge army of sea goblins naturally crept out of the ocean surface

With its noticeable bone crown on its head, it was pretty obvious that such creature was the leader for this whole army of sea goblins

Unfortunately with that fact out, Asagi naturally didn't miss such a huge target as she aimed her magic towards the troop around it

Hovering above the sky for about a few meters with a flap of her wings, she then arrived just right above the enemy forces

Condensing a high graviton mana on her palm, she gently lift it up into the air as mana rapidly converge towards it like a suction

As it float higher into the air, the ball of mana started to also grow in size as it kept rapidly collecting mana around it

Soon after reaching a certain height, the ball of mana was now comparable to a size of a modern family car, but with it containing a huge ambient mana, one could even say such ball of mana was really a sight to behold despite the dangers in may pose

Right after it finished absorbing the mana around it, multiple magic circle numbering about 12 of them then appeared around it, some of it even overlapped with the other magic circle that came to manifest first

With such an amount of mana circles appearing out of nowhere in a snap, even the void of space around it started to tremble under it might

One could even sea the sky suddenly turning dark as this magic condensed into Asagi's attack

With that Asagi raises up her hands unto the air as she controlled the ball of mana to crumble into tiny pieces in the air

Along its crumble, the huge ball of mana then instantly got converted into smaller ball of lights numbering about a couple of hundred, which almost identical to the stars in the night sky

Under her command Asagi then directed her magic unto her target as she delivered her judgment towards their opponent

"Cosmos Star Fall"

Under her swift action, she then directed all of ball of light around her to descend unto their enemies like a God delivering its judgment unto its creation

Soon multitudes of streak of light pierces pass through the clouds as they fell unto the the enemy ranks below

If one were to see such a scene, such a scene was almost identical to how meteor showers over the earth for the course of its year, unfortunately this time this showers of light were there to bring judgment unto Asagi's enemy

In an unexpected situation, Asagi's attack rained down unto the army of sea goblins as it caused havoc and destruction through its ranks

The enemy on the other hand were quite shocked upon that sudden rain of magic which caused so much destructions around them, the next thing they know was that they were struck down by that very magic as if the stars fell unto them by force

Even the leader of the sea goblins who was once confident to defeat the angels through overwhelming them with numbers, was quite shocked by this sudden rain of attacks

Never did he expect that such attack would actually come down above their heads like a guillotine

Next thing he realizes his mere army of 3000 sea goblins has been reduced to nearly few hundreds, but not one of those lights ever targeted him which caused him to tense up

Unfortunately Michael's load had been lifted when Asagi dealt with the majority of the sea goblins numbers, due to that he flew up into the air to have a look at his surroundings until he saw a peculiar sea goblin wearing a bone crown on his head at the middle of the destruction

Sensing that the peculiar sea goblin was the leader, Michael then naturally charge in on a assault as he raises up his flame engulfed sword towards the leader of such monster

Never did he expect however was his rune law to accidentally activate upon his heist towards the enemy

Due to that when Michael delivered his attack by slashing down the leader of the sea goblins with a strike of his sword, never did he expect that his attack would contain the rune law of destruction which splits the sea with one slash

When the sea splitted upon Michael's attack, not only was Asagi shocked by that revelation, even the surrounding angels were quite shocked as they stared directly towards Michael, thus enveloping the battlefield with silence