



???, Japan

Game Master wheeled his chair back to his main desk and took a look at the new Data readings that Sephiroth was sending. On the large, curved monitor he could see from the analysis that Sephiroth would have no trouble taking care of those two Touhou characters, Reimu and Marisa.

"Fu, always talking to much," he said, pushing his glasses up.

While it was true that GM needed those Dragon Balls, it wasn't the do or die situation he led Fu to believe. On the contrary, GM's plans would align well enough, so long as his new BETA could be released on schedule. All good things came to those who wait, and GM had waited an incredibly long time for his moment to shine.

"It won't be long Chisato. Then, you'll be doing exactly what I need you to do." He murmured.

On the wall beside his monitor were several photos, all of Chisato Shino. GM stared quite heavily at them, imagining that day they'd met as children.

"You promised me you wouldn't leave. But you did. We were supposed to be together forever." GM yanked the top most photo from it's push pin and looked at Chisato's brown eyes, caught on camera in a candid pose in her school uniform. It was his favorite photo of her, looking up at the sky, unaware that there had been a drone hovering and snapping images.

[The water splashed up around his ankles as he waded in after a flailing girl. Her hands were above her head as she struggled to overcome the fatal situation, shrieking for her father who he knew had left already. They were alone on the kaihen seaside.

He made it to her and grabbed her under the ribs. "Stop struggling!"

She glimpsed his face and ceased her arms and legs, gulping in a mouth full of water before thoroughly coughing it out. "Hak! My dad, where is my dad?" She asked him.

He pulled her one armed and wade the rest of the way back to the shore. There he looked over the damsel in distress, seeing her donning a red and white polka dot bikini that was more loose than it was form fitting. Her long brown hair was dripping water across her flat, sunken abdomen.

"Your father left earlier," he told her, plopping down onto the sand and recovering his breath. "I saw him leave in a taxi."

"He's gone?" She asked, blinking large deep eyes his direction. He was caught in them and their depths of every shade of ochre, surveying him with surprise.

"Don't you listen?" He said, sighing in aggravation.

"Sorry! Ano...for saving me..." she rose onto her hands and knees and dipped her head several times, as if he were some king. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome."

He looked around for his flip flops he'd discarded some feet away, seeing them by the umbrella and pile of textbooks he was reading. That's what he'd been doing when spying her fighting for her life in the water.

She shivered in the cool autumn air and clasped her arms around her tiny frame, teeth chattering. "T-The water was so cold, I just froze!"

"You don't have any subcutaneous fat to speak of," he observed. "Getting in the water this close to sun down wasn't very bright."

"Sub...cu..?" She repeated his words in a blinking daze. "No, ano...I have just regular fat. Not anything special like that."

Her dim witted response made the corners of his mouth lift in a reserved smile. "Subcutaneous fat isn't special, silly. It's a type of fat that's just under your skin." He pinched his thigh, "Like this. See?"

"Oh! Yes, I don't have that. Ano...it's hard to gain weight. I suppose that makes me appear quite unsightly." She had another shivering fit that ended quite pitifully. He glanced over again at his spot on the sand, seeing the beach towel he'd brought from home there. Within seconds he'd ran over, grabbed it and tossed it over her head.

"Here. If you dry yourself off with this it will help." He said.

She did so and handed the towel back. He shook his head, "Keep it. Your hair is still damp. Put it on like this."

Easily he wrapped her long hair like a burrito in the towel. She shook again, not from cold, and he observed it with a frown. "I won't hurt you if that's what you're thinking." He told her.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just..." her eyes fluttered down a little, "My mom left us. It's just me and dad now. And...he drinks a lot of sake, and what that happens..." she nibbled her lower lip, "Ano. Sorry. I'm talking too much."

"Not at all. You were explaining why you have a fear of men, right?"

"Ah...yes. Well...dad thinks I look too much like her. It makes him angry." She peeked up at him from her bangs, "I know you're not him at all."

"I'm not; no." He smiled and held out his hand. "Take it."


"Take my hand, silly. It's easy."

Slowly she placed her hand into his. He shook it. "Now we're not strangers. I'm Rai."

"Rai...? Ano...what an odd name. You mean to say it's written as [trust]?" She asked.

"Yes. That means you should trust me, you know." He dropped his grip and they sat still, listening to the water lapping in the background. "You didn't give me your name," he added.

"Chisato." She beamed a shy, timid smile. "You're not at all like the boys at school. They always pick on me for being so little."

"That's because I'm not a boy at school. I'm homeschooled, so I wouldn't know anything like that."

Boys were like a herd. If one did something the others chimed in to imitate the action, like a bunch of monkeys in a zoo messing with the gorilla. Rai wasn't at all like that; he was too smart to be just a simple boy. He thought on her words, of being picked on. Rai knew that boys did that when they secretly liked a girl, but she didn't seem to know that at all.

"Anyway, being picked on for being big is worse." He motioned to himself, "I have a lot of subcutaneous fat."

"Ano...Rai is fine the way he is." She stared at his face, adding, "Being big isn't a big deal. You're strong like that, right? And...probably not cold at all like me."

His pulse sped up. She said it so simply, as if commenting on the weather instead of his person. Rai's cheeks burned a deep red. "You're just saying that," he said bluntly.

"No! I'm not!"

Appalled by the idea, Chisato took his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. "Rai's hands are large and they saved me. They're very kind. Also...I think being picked on for being so little is just as bad as being picked on for being big." She looked at his face, as if calculating, "I would say it's the same feeling."

"I see. I didn't notice that it would be. I was able to save you pretty easily."

"You were! Like a prince saving a princess." She giggled and looked to the sun fading down the ocean. "Ah. It's getting late. I should go. But...father isn't back."

"Then just stay still. If you go off searching for him he'll come here and worry." Rai stood. "You can hang out with me while you wait."

She followed him over to his umbrella, where they both plopped under it. "Do you live nearby, Rai?"

His face grew warm at the use of his first name. Rai nodded. With a point to the outlining beach houses he said, "Over there. I'm here all the time."

"So that's why your skin is dark like honey." She giggled. "I'm very pale and burn a lot. I wish I had pretty skin."

"Pale skin is better," he said. "It's easy to be tan. It's a lot harder to have pale skin."

"I see. I don't really think that, but okay. Oh, what's that book? It looks very complicated." She pointed to the open book he'd laid face down. "I can't read well, but those kanji look hard."

He picked it up and snapped it shut. "It's a book on programming. I'm going to change the world one day. Make it the way it should be. For everyone."

"Eh? How will you do that? With superpowers?"

"Super powers? Well, maybe something like that." He smirked and added, "Mostly with brains. What would you do if you saw superman in person?"

"Super man? Ano, I don't know who that is." Chisato scratched her cheek, "But I suppose if he's famous I'd try to get an autograph."

That led into Rai discovering Chisato knew next to nothing about any popular games or idols. Rai shook his head in disbelief, "Super man can fly and save people. His only weakness is kryptonite."

"I see....hmm, then I guess he's not all powerful."

She looked down again at his books, seeing something colorful. "That one...does it say durangonballu?"

"Yeah. It's called manga. It's my favorite." He flipped through it's pages, landing on the arrival of Trunks. "This guy is like me. He's going to save everyone."

"Oh. What's his name?"

"Trunks. He and I...we're the same." Rai smiled and said, "But I don't intend to give anyone any medicine. I'm going to be the star, and give the world exactly what it needs. Heroes!"

"Heroes sounds fun." Chisato put her finger to her chin. "Could a hero bring someone's mom back?"

"Well yeah, I guess. What, you mean you want your mom to come home?"

She nodded. "Very much. Dad is sad all the time."

Rai took note of this. He would find her mother first thing and bring her home when he was older and wiser. "When the world is proper, she'll come back for sure. I'll make her."

Chisato's smile lit up the entire seaside. She bowed her head to the sand, "Please do! Oh, I'd be so grateful."

"Then...what will you do?" He asked. "Would you be my friend?"

"Eh? We're already friends, aren't we?" She giggled. "At least...I'd like to be. We can be together forever! We could play on the beach the whole day, with superman!"

Rai chuckled and sat down his manga. "Together forever huh. Okay!"]

The words spoken from a distant memory faded from GM's recollection. He grimaced, wishing that it had came true. But it wasn't meant to be; for when he'd finally found her mother, she was already dead and gone. Just like that. A sudden car wreck with no survivors. He'd been so devastated for failing, GM had all but given up on fulfilling his oath to Chisato. Then, years later, he'd found out that Chisato had fallen ill and had to stay at the hospital. Upon secretly visiting her he'd been heartbroken to learn that due to her high fever she'd forgotten all about him.

He'd left and never looked back, intent to rid the world of it's unfair ways. Lo and behold, Matsuri had came across Chisato at work, thanks to Shiroui Yuusuke's persistence in getting her counseling. It was fate. Rai knew it then; Chisato was meant to cross his path, be his vessel.

It wouldn't be long and he'd have her in his grasp, mold her horrible, useless life into a beautiful dream which changed the world.

What a great guy he was.

GM sat the photo down just as his companion came in the door.




Trunks brushed the edges of his lilac beard and looked up just as Tie and Shallot returned from Xenoverse. Shallot looked pale, as Trunks had expected, due to learning all that he had.

"You've returned," Trunks said.

Tie bowed. "King. Mother said she wishes to talk with you soon."

"I see. I'll visit as soon as we see to this matter," he replied, wheeling to his desk. There he folded his hands on it and looked Shallot over. "We have another problem."

Shallots head perked. "Another problem? Great. Just what we need."

Trunks began by relaying the information he'd learned from the data he'd collected from Reimu and Marisa. "You forgot the ball and radar," he finished with a tired sigh.

"Shit!" Shallot stood and looked back just as Zamasu came in, bringing along Shallots destroyer version. Both halted at the sudden curse word.

"That can't be good," Destroyer Shallot said. He folded his bulky arms across his bare chest. Zamasu, annoyed, gave Shallot a disgusted face.

Trunks once again told them the news. The first to show distress was Zamasu, who grabbed Shallot by the tie of his suit and held him there. "Idiot! You had one job and failed!"

"Hey it's not just MY fault! You were there, too!" Shallot shook him off and adjusted his tie back into place before shoving his hands into his dark slacks. "Tch. Let's just go get it then."

"It's not that easy," Trunks said. "Zamasu will have to bring you back. You'll re-load the watch and give us some time to collect the balls. We'll bring them here until they're needed."

Destroyer Shallot stroked his chin in thought. "Hey...that gives me an idea. Can't we use the balls here, in the future? We could sure use a wish or two right now."

Trunks nodded. He'd been thinking along those same lines. "My thoughts exactly. Your bad decision might just save our time, Shiroui."

Once things were underway to begin, Shallot and Zamasu took off for the past, intent to find the radar and balls and lock them away safely in the future. While there, it was their job to load Xenoverse per the King of Time's advised location and catch Trunks up to speed on things.




Chisato, Trunks and Tie, along with a tiny infant, left the Time Chamber together. They paused to look up at the blue sky and take in it's beauty, happy to be free of the Chambers infinite whiteness.

"It looks bluer," Tie said. He floated up in the sky, "Let's go! We gotta do stuff, right?"

"Not to fast." Trunks said. He put his hand to his chin in thought. "I have a feeling we're late to the party. It's not like my future self not to step in."

Chisato nodded in agreement. She'd been thinking that, too. "Ano...the King of Time is what you're called, right?"

Trunks, not used to that title, grew red in the face. "Er, yeah. King. Of Time. That's me I guess. Well anyway, you wanted to check in with Gohan first, right?"

"Yes. I miss Kolard and Gohan very much." Chisato looked to her newest addition, adding, "He'll be very surprised."

"Try mad." Trunks replied.

They held onto Chisato, who used her Instant Transmission and popped in to Gohans location.


He was to be found within his office, luckily part of the house that wasn't wrecked, thanks to being in a different wing. The rest of the house couldn't brag about that; it was in shambles, with rubble piled up here and there. Only the remains of the roof leading to the bedrooms were left, no sign of Chisato's room to be seen.

Gohan jumped so harshly the computer mouse in his hand flew from his hand and smacked the wall. He blinked at their group for a moment.

"Chisa? You're back! But..." his dark eyes narrowed. "I get the feeling I've missed a lot."

"Gohan!" Chisato gave him a bright smile as he walked over to inspect the baby and Tie. He took his time in doing so, and his thick brows lifted in want of an explanation.

"This is my son Tie," Chisato said.

"I...see...." Gohan rubbed his chin, "Seems like he's a lot bigger than when you left. Could be my eyes playing tricks on me, but I thought you hadn't had him yet?"

She nodded and told him the details of what had happened. When done, Gohan's ki shot out around his person and blew away all the papers on his desk. The wood floor cracked, and the baby Chisato held cried out in distress. Gohan looked to Trunks, who nodded at him in understanding.

"He...stole everything from us," Gohan said with venom.

"I-I'm back now," Chisato told him. "See? It's...it's okay..."

"Momma, you're wasting your breath." Tie chuckled.

Chisato handed her babe to Trunks and took Gohans angered hands in hers. She gave them a good squeezing. "Please understand, Shiroui didn't think there was another choice--"

"--There's always another choice!" Gohan shouted. He clamped his hands to her shoulders. "You belong here with us! Not with him."

"There's more..." Trunks said. He sighed, "Well, I'll leave so you two can talk about it. Tie, let's go see Kolard. Alright?"

"Yeah yeah." Tie and Trunks departed.




As soon as they were gone Gohan tucked Chisato to his white shirt and breathed in her familiar scent. "I almost never saw you again....Chisa...."

He stroked her back. Chisato leaned into him and smiled comfortingly, running her hand down his face. "I'm...going to be his mate, Gohan."


"Ano...please, don't be upset. It was Trunks' idea. He wanted me to do this."

He pushed her at arms length only to glare fiercely into her green eyes. She was reminded of how strong a saiyans glare was; her tail tingled with shock just like the first time she'd saw such a sight. "I won't let you!"

"G-Gohan--" She winced at his grip on her arms and took both hands, cupping his sharp jaws. "--I love Shiroui. You...know, don't you?"

"I..." A defeated Gohan dropped his hands and seemed to crumple a little. He allowed her to embrace him, and they stood like that for a time. "Chisa..."

"It's okay," she murmured, tightening her hug. "No, we'll be okay."

"With words like that, how can I argue?" He gave her a kind smile and leaned in, eyeing her lips. She closed the gap and their conflicting concerns flit away in the background. Their bodies meshed together as one, united with each other after a long period of time. Chisato didn't know she was practically begging him for more until Gohan chuckled and nipped her ear. "Easy, you're not recovered yet you know."

Only a knock at the door caused them to burst apart like bread from a toaster.

"Hey," came Trunks' annoyed voice, "Not to interrupt but that's my wife in there. You have your own."

"Uh--yeah! Sorry!" Gohan rose his hands in arrest. "I didn't mean to get carried away!"

Seeing Chisato's red cheeks caused Gohan's own to deepen in hue. He stepped away with a nervous chuckle. "Let's uh, go see Kolard. I know you're dying to see him."
