Move 12: Gathering Information II

Oli's POV

Since I finished reading the beginning of the world of Chronos, I put the book on the side and took another book.

"The World of Chronos"

I read the title. I flipped the cover and started to read the contents.

"The continent of Chronos was once an enormous single continent, but since the three races received Chronos' wrath, it separated from each other forming four continents that became the home of the three races.

First is the Northern continent, where the Demons lived.

The Southern Continent where the Elves lived.

And the Western and the Central continent where the Humans roamed."

I looked at the map drawn in the book. So, the world of Chronos have a four continents.

Western Continent was an enormous chunk of the continent.

The Central Continent was also an enormous chunk of the Continent.

While the Northern Continent was not as large as the Western and Central Continent, the Northern Continent was the home of the Demons.

And the Southern Continent is not as large as the Western and Central Continent. The Southern Continent was the home of the Elves.

I immediately flipped to the next page to read the following content.

"Kingdoms and Empires on Chronos"

"The Western Continent is dominated by the Human race.

The Western Continent is composed of the Northern Territory, Holy Theocracy, Empire of Zulus, Principality, Militaristic Kingdom of Exercitus, and some small Kingdoms.

The Northern Territory is located in the Northern part of the Western Continent. It is inhabited by different tribes. Each tribe was led by the Chieftain. Northern Territory was known for its cold climate and numerous mines of the Demon killer material, the Ether.

Holy Theocracy. Led by the Supreme Pontiff as the ruler.

This land has a long history since its foundation and is one of the superpowers in Chronos. Their religion was focused on the teachings of its founder, to defend the human race against the Demons.

But, since it's been thousands of years since the death of the founder, at the same time, numerous Supreme Pontiffs have been appointed, the interpretation of teaching has changed, leading to the current situation.

They wage war after war. Conquer lands. Kill people that have different beliefs."

I stopped reading when I heard the bell ring. So, it's already noon. I stood up from my seat and walked towards the small bread shop inside the library.

There were different kinds of bread, and each kind had its price. I took the coin pouch from my pocket. There are one silver and five bronze coins remaining. Then I bought the cheapest bread with two bronze coins. This bread was somewhat similar to a baguette, but it was not as long as the common baguette.

I went back to my seat. Before I started to read again, I bit the bread on my hand, but soon, I regretted buying this bread.

This bread was too hard, and I could use it as a blunt weapon, along with the bland taste. But even if it was the case, I continued eating it and started reading again.

"The Empire of Zulus shared its border with the Holy Theocracy. While the Holy Theocracy was practicing the teachings and worshiping the founder, the Empire of Zulus worshiped the God Chronos, resulting in religious conflict between the two.

The two have been waging war known as Bellum sacrum. This Empire was once a flourishing superpower Empire, but because of the continuous warfare, the Empire of Zulus began to slowly fall.

The Principality was composed of a Kingdom led by a Prince. These Princes were battling each other to get the throne and crown on King's Landing and were hailed as the Overlord. Though focusing on their internal conflict, Principality was one of the superpowers if they united as one.

The militaristic Kingdom of Exercitus. Led by Dictator and this Kingdoms' goal was to conquer all the lands by waging war on every Kingdom. Throughout the years, this Kingdom invested everything in its military, ensuring that they were far superior to any other Kingdom.

The Central Continent was also a continent that was dominated by the Human race. The Central Continent was composed of Credia Empire, Literra Empire, Confederation, Federation, Silvrout Kingdom, and small Kingdoms.

Credia Empire. The largest Human Empire ever existed.

The Tai Dynasty has been leading this Empire ever since it was founded. It is believed that the Tai Imperial Family were the descendants of the first Human. This belief shaped the people of the Credia Empire that they were above and superior to all the Humans on Chronos.

Literra Empire. The wealthiest Empire on Chronos.

Like the Credia Empire, the Alpin Dynasty has been leading the Literra Empire since it was founded. Similar to the Tai Imperial Family, the Alpin Imperial Family were also believed as the descendants of the first Human resulting in the conflict between the two known as the Eternal War.

The Alpin Imperial Family were known for their lavish and luxurious way of living.

These two Empires were on each other's throats ever since it was founded, resulting in war after war. These two were also superpower Empires.

Confederation. The union of Kingdoms that band together to eradicate at the same time conquer the territory of their South, the Federation. At the same time, defending against the advances of the Credia Empire.

The Confederation was the ally and influenced by the Holy Theocracy. So, it's no wonder that the two shared the same belief resulting in waging war against the Federation.

The Council of Five were the powerful Kingdoms inside the Confederation and acted as its leaders.

The Federation, also known as the Fallen Kingdoms' were located South of Confederation. The Federation was established because of the racial threat caused by the alliance of Confederation and Holy Theocracy.

The war conflict between the Federation and Confederation that was supported by the Holy Theocracy was because of the appearance of the people living in the Federation.

The people of the Federation have a horned or tail on their body, but these two were the characteristics of Demons. Because of the appearance, the war conflict started.

The Federation was led by the Gilal Kingdom, which was under the rule of the Wales Royal Family.

Sharing the border between the Credia and Literra Empire, located the Silvrout Kingdom known on its epithet, the Fortress.

The Silvrout Kingdom was surrounded by tall walls making it unconquerable even to the two powerful Empires on their border. The Silvrout Kingdom was also the largest armaments producer on Chronos because of the iron mines located inside the Kingdom.

Lastly, the Central Continent was also composed of small growing Kingdoms.

The Northern Continent was known as the Demon Continent. The arch-enemy of the Human race.

The Northern Continent was the home of the Demons. The Demons were vicious and warlike beings. They only want destruction and blood. The Demons were led by the Demon Lord along with the four Infernal Generals leading the Demonic Army.

The Southern Continent was the home of the prideful Elves, known as the Elven territories.

The Elven territories were divided into six territories which were led by the six prestigious Elven Families. But the most known Elven Family inside and outside the Elven regions were the Aethelwulf Family.

The Aethelwulf Family was known as the descendants of the first Elves.

Though the six families were managing the internal affairs of the six territories, the High Elven Council was managing the external affairs and military movement in the Elven territories.

The High Elven Council was composed of six leaders from each territory. Though the member of the High Elven Council from the Aethelwulf Family held a significant influence.

Archipelagic Island. Though Chronos was dominated by the four continents, outside of those continents were the numerous Archipelagic Islands.

These Islands were free to conquer, but because of the immense amount of resources needed to invest, only a few Kingdoms and Empires owned these islands.

But the most infamous Archipelagic Island was the Votras Archipelago. This island was the home of the pirates and under the rule of the self-proclaimed Pirate King, Blackbeard.

Lastly, the unofficial Continent, Ikoris, is known as the Dark Continent.

Located in the Southernmost part of Elven territories. Only a little information was known on this continent because no individual who goes to Ikoris came back to tell the tale.

Few Kingdoms and Empires sent their exploring brigade to this mysterious continent, but this exploring brigade also experienced the same fate. They didn't come back.

Until this day, the mystery of Ikoris remained unknown."

I closed the book after I finished reading it. Now that I read this book, I feel like something has changed.

And based on the contents of this book, this world was full of agony. There is a war from different sides of this world. There's no Kingdom or place written here that was at peace and comfortable to live with.

I stood up and walked towards the bookshelves to find some books I could read. But I couldn't find any as the remaining books displayed were all useless to read.

The bell rang while I was looking at the books. This is the last ring, symbolizing the end of the day. Before I went out, I opened a small portal and entered my finger. After that, I immediately went out and started to walk towards Sir Eli's pub.


It was in the middle of the night when I opened the portal. It opened in the library, in the exact position where I last opened it. I stealthy navigated this dim light library and took what I needed. The large map is located near the entrance and the books I read earlier. I felt sorry for the management, but I needed to do this.

When the library opened in the morning, there was an uproar because the map and a couple of books went missing.