Move 11: Gathering Information

Oli's POV

"Uhm, Sir Eli, is there a place where I could gather information? Verified and accurate information if possible."

I asked Sir Eli. What I lack the most at this moment is information. There's even a saying back on Earth, 'information is power.'

I needed some info about this new world, Chronos.

"Please. Drop the Sir. Just call me Eli, Baron. I'm just a mere commoner, not a Knight. I don't deserve such a title."

Sir Eli said politely, and I nodded when I heard that.

"If you want to gather information, I recommend you go to a pub. A pub where all the different individuals were gathering to drink, especially the small merchants.

The number one source of information was those merchants because they traveled from Kingdom to Kingdom to trade, and along the way, they gathered information that they could sell to anyone who wanted that information.

Since you want verified and accurate information, go to the Kuku National Library. There were books containing a lot of information that could help you.

But those books only contain basic information that was available to the public. Because books that contain critical information were being held at the Royal Palace Library."

Sir Eli explained.

"A library, huh? Can I enter that library?"

I asked while nodding after I heard his explanation.

"Anyone can enter the library, but one needs to pay an entrance fee before entering. One silver and five bronze coins."

My expression turned sour when I heard that there was a fee needed. I don't have any coins that I could use. We traveled from Leefside to here without any money inside our pockets. Though I had a lot of gold that I could sell, money from Earth was unusable here.

Seems that Sir Eli noticed my expression, and he threw a pouch on the counter. And based on the sound it made, it was coins.

"Use that for the time being. Though it's not that much."

Sir Eli said while looking at me.

"I will make sure to pay before we go back to Leefside."


A loud sound of the bell resounded throughout Kuku. This sound means the start of work for commoners.

The first bell is 7:00 AM. The second is at Noon. Last is 4:00 PM.

I immediately wore my extra tunic clothes. I checked my black ring located on my right hand and made sure that it tightly fit on my middle finger.

I'm going to the library by myself today. I would assign Michael and the brothers different tasks to do.

And if I encounter some trouble that threatens my life, I will not think twice about opening the portal, even in a public place.

I went out and go to the first floor. Upon arriving at the first floor, Michael and the brothers were there sitting.

They immediately stood up and greeted me.

"It seems that you enjoyed the event that transpired yesterday."

I said after I sat down. And their bodies froze when they heard that, especially Michael. He was about to stand up, but I cut him off.

"I'm just joking, HAHAHAHA. From time to time, we needed to enjoy ourselves."

They relaxed after I said that.

"But today is the day. We needed to do what business we came here to do."

They fixed their posture and expression after they heard my serious tone.

"Michael, Zuck, and Zock. The three of you were assigned to find which merchant we could trade with.

Zack, Zeck, and Zick. The three of you were assigned to find a builder slave on the slave house. And it seems that Sir–I mean, Eli was going to accompany you guys on that matter."

I said. And each one of them nodded after hearing the assigned task.

"Sorry if I sound rude, My Lord, but how about you?"

Michael asked.

"Me? Hmm… My task is to gather information that stack up in the library. You know that I came from a far away land, right? So, what I needed right now was information.

So, for the rest of the day, I think I'm going to spend my time in the library.

Is everything clear? Any questions? None? Then, we can start now."


I was looking at the one-story building in front of me. This building was made from bricks and logs. There are a lot of gold decorations displayed outside. Guards were standing at the side of the front desk. And on their back was a flag with a design of a boat and a coin on it.

After I finished admiring the building, I walked to the front desk to pay the required fee. When I finished paying, I went inside without delay.

After I stepped inside, what caught my attention were not the many books displayed on the shelf but on a large drawing that was displayed near the entrance.

"Is this… The map of Chronos?"

Looking at the map, I was truly on different world. There were only four continents. The Western, Southern, Northern and Central Continent.

I took off my attention from the map and started to look for vacant chairs and tables I could use but maybe because it was still early, there were few individuals in the library.

I started to find some books which I think would be essential to read. And it didn't take long to find the books I wanted. Luckily, the books were written in English.

"The Beginning of Chronos"

I read the book title.

"Million of years ago, while God Chronos was resting in paradise, a sudden thought emerged from Chronos' mind.

"I've been here since the beginning, and I'll stay forever. Alone.

What if I made a world? A world where someone could live for thousands–no, millions of years to come?"

Then the God Chronos created this world out of nothingness.

And if this world were going to be a livable place, it needed light and darkness. So Chronos created the sun and the moon.

But Chronos thought that something was missing in the newly built world, so Chronos formed and made a single enormous continent and oceans.

After that, Chronos still thinks that something is still missing.

Chronos clapped. Plants, trees, and flowers, different kinds of vegetation emerged on each continent. Not only that, but animals also started to roam throughout the world.

Then Chronos rested. Chronos rests while watching the newly built world.

But it seems that Chronos still felt that something were missing. Then Chronos thought...

"Why don't I make intelligent beings?

Beings that are capable of thinking, deciding, and capable on their own?"

And Chronos created the long-eared beings, known as Elves. The horned beings, known as Demons, and the beings that take after the image of Chronos, the Humans.

After this, Chronos finally rested while silently watching the world Chronos built.

At first, the three races were living in peace and cooperating, capable of understanding each other.

But this peaceful life didn't last long. As the three races were capable on their own, it didn't last long to show what they could do.

The elves showed pride. Because of their out-of-this-world appearance, they looked down on the two races. Believing that they were higher than them and Chronos favors them.

The Demons showed wraith. Because of their appearance, they were compared to animals. Believing that, they started imitating the animals. Survival to the fittest. They cursed Chronos for making them like this.

Lastly, Humans showed pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. Believing that they were the image of Chronos, Humans started to wage war on the two races. They wanted to lead them, conquer them, and most importantly, stand above them.

This event was known as the Emergence of War.

Infuriated at this, Chronos said this to the three races.

"Each one of you was consumed by vile attitudes! Starting from now on, you will be separated from each other!"

With that, Chronos' wrath echoed throughout the world. The single large continent began to separate from each other, forming a four separated continent.

Humans, Elves, and Demons spend their lives socializing with their kind."

I closed the book after I finished reading it. This is somewhat similar to the seven days of creation.

But reading this, mythical Elves and Demons are roaming here on Chronos.

And that is not a single Elf and Demon, but there is an entire continent inhabited by those two races.

I gulped in excitement. There would be a time when I could meet those beings? I hope so.