Move 17: Finishing What Started

"Sighed. I'm sorry for the interruption. I will make sure to discipline my people. Going back, I order what you said, then what about the proposal you were talking about?" Archduke Wyatt.

Oli wanted to laugh hard because of the sudden change of tone of the Archduke.

"No problem, Archduke. Anyway, it's a business proposal. As you know, we don't have an influence, connection, wealth and established name to sell our products. You, Archduke Wyatt, on the other hand, have all of these characteristics that we don't have." Oli said.

"So, what you wanted to say was that you will use me, my name, influence, connection, and wealth to sell your products, right?" Archduke Wyatt seriously said while putting his chin on his arm.

Oli smiled and thought. 'He is definitely from a great merchant family.'

"What you said, Archduke, was right and wrong at the same time. The word used is a little bit. Didn't I say it? What I am proposing is a business proposal, a partnership.

You will handle all the marketing-related stuff, from advertisements and such. While we are going to supply you with the spices and wine glass." Oli paused a second, then continued.

"Fifty-fifty. We're going to share the profit equally. What do you think? Archduke?"

Archduke Wyatt was shocked at what Oli said.

Truthfully, this proposal was beneficial and sufficiently good for both sides. Archduke Wyatt was expecting a seventy-thirty or eighty-twenty sharing profit, and of course, he would get the lower, and he's willing to accept even if it became ten percent.

Archduke is willing to go to such lengths just to get the favor of Oli.

"It's a good proposal. I'm willing to accept. As you said, I will handle all the business-related stuff while you act as the supplier. Is that right?" Archduke Wyatt said.

"Yes. And let's talk about the contract the next time we meet." Oli said. Oli only bought a small number of spices and one crate of wine glasses as a sample product.

And the next time he goes here on Kuku, Oli will bring a suitable amount of spices and a wine glass.

"Oh, before I forgot. Archduke, these bags of spices and the crate of wine glass was a gift for you. Please accept it." Oli said while pointing at the spices on the table.

Archduke Wyatt couldn't help but smile when he heard Oli. Archduke Wyatt, still smiling, raised his hand, and the Knight behind him turned around. The Knight took a small black chest and brought it to the table.

The Knight opened it, and there were ten pouches inside.

"To commemorate our meeting, please, accept and give these to your Lord. These pouches contain one hundred platinum coins, and overall, there are one thousand platinum coins on this chest. And here." Archduke Wyatt put something on the table. Oli looked at it and saw a Crest.

Oli read it once. A crest is a specific symbol of each Royal or Imperial Family here on Chronos. And, depending on what Kingdom or Empire, a powerful symbol. That could either help or harm you.

On the Eastern part of the Central Continent is located the Literra Empire. And every Kingdom in the Eastern part of the Central Continent was either an ally or subordinate Kingdom of the Literra Empire.

The symbol of the Literra Empire was a treasure chest with coins surrounding it.

Only a few individuals could receive such a crest.

One thousand platinum coins was a jackpot. But this crest was a real jackpot! All the transactions or journeys that Oli would go to plan on the Eastern part of the Central Continent would become convenient because of this crest.

"Well… It's nice meeting you." Archduke Wyatt looked at Oli.

"Oli," Oli says his name.

"It's nice meeting you, Oli. Looking forward to working without you." Archduke Wyatt.

"Same here, Archduke," Oli says back and shakes Archduke Wyatt's hand.

Without the world noticing, one of the most current powerful men in Chronos started his connection with the future Emperor of the great Empire that was later would be hailed as the strongest and ever to exist.

This is the start of the powerful alliance between the two.


"Hiyaaah! Woahh Woahh!"

"You are a fast learner, My Lord. I remember when I first taught you horse riding, you were trembling. HAHAHAHA!" Michael said while clapping his hands.

"You can't blame me because it's my first time riding a horse. Luckily, Tucker was a great horse, so I didn't have too much difficulty learning." Oli said as he got off and petted his brown horse, Tucker.

It's been two weeks since Oli and his group, along with Eli, went back here on Leefside. And six months when Oli first discovered and came here on Chronos.

After Oli and Archduke talked, the group stayed on Kuku for two more days because they were waiting for the carriage to complete.

And after they got all the things they needed, the group immediately set off. Along the way, Oli saw Michael riding a horse because he was scouting ahead, and Oli thought about what it feels like to ride a horse, so he asked Michael to teach him how. Oli could now properly ride, but he's still far from being an expert.

"My Lord! Please come to the farmland! The seeds that we've planted!" Oli and Michael look at Zuck, who is excitedly calling Oli.

In those past two weeks, a lot of things have happened and changed in Leefside.

First on the list is they started the production of the farmland. The next day after Oli and others came back to Leefside, they began plowing the fields. But because the farmland was so broad, they only furrowed a small area.

They changed their previous field system into the four-field system like what Oli instructed. With the help of the organic fertilizer Oli brought on Earth, everything smoothly went as they planted the crop seeds.

It only got challenging when they started watering it. Because there is no irrigation, they engage in manual watering, which takes a lot of time.

"T-the seeds were now sprouting!" Oli exclaimed after he saw the seeds they planted were now sprouted.

Then Oli stood up straight and looked at the distance. From there, he saw some villagers practicing firing a bow.

In the two days Oli's group stayed on Kuku, Oli requested a few armaments from the Archduke. Such as bow and arrow, sword and shield, and spears. With these armaments, Oli finally could equip the village with some weapons and armors and ultimately proceed to his second plan.

Train the villagers on how to fight!

That's why he tasked Michael to train all the villagers, and Oli was not an exemption. Oli also attends classes to learn how to properly use a sword, shield, fire a bow, and spears. If Oli wanted to survive in this world, he needed to learn how to defend himself. train

When Oli looked through the books about all the wars and conquests that happened on Chronos, the common is strong versus weak. The superior Kingdom versus the inferior Kingdom. The laws were simple. The strong will eat the weak. The strong will prevailed while the weak will bowed down.

If Oli wanted to avoid that situation, he, along with his people, needed to learn how to protect themselves, their families, and their lands.

Now that their King and the Nobles that were supposed to be protecting them with their army were tossed aside.

So even if they only held farming tools their entire life, this was the time when they needed to learn how to wield a sword, how to fire a bow, and how to thrust a spear.

Oli thought that Michael was going to have a hard time instructing these farmers, but to Oli's delight, the four brothers, Zack, Zeck, Zick, and Zock, were all fast learners, and they were absorbing everything Michael instructed. While their youngest, Zuck, was stuck on the farmland.

And lastly, Oli looked at the walls around the village that were halfway finished. Oli was shocked at the speed of Eli's work. And every time he asked Eli about this, the answer he always got was always, "Well, these walls were made from wood, not from bricks and concrete, so I can even do this with my eyes closed." Eli said.

Oli was expecting that it would take months to finish building the walls, but that expectation was once again shattered when Eli was already halfway finishing the walls.

Everything was going smoothly and exceeded Oli's expectations. It's only a matter of time before Leefside Barony flourished once again.

But before it happens, Oli must first defend his Barony from the attackers that are now planning to attack Leefside.

And two weeks from now, Oli will experience his first battle and his first human kill.


Earth. 9:00 PM.

Oli turned off the shower and took his towel, and dried himself. Then he gets his robe and wears it. After that, he walked toward his study table and opened the drawer, and touched what was inside it.

"Only two more weeks before the soldiers from the Credia Empire attack the Leefside. I did and prepared all the necessary things that were needed. It's up to the villagers whether we're going to succeed in defending Leefside. If things go south, I don't have a choice but to use you." Oli said while looking at the Colt Cobra revolver and a few .38 S&W ammunition inside the drawer.