Move 16: Trade III

Oli smiled after he heard what Archduke Wyatt said.

Then he looked at the two full-plated guards standing behind the Archduke. Oli didn't know their expression, but he knew that they were ready to act if something transpired.

And Oli switched his glaze at the man standing to the side of the Archduke. He is the Viscount who welcomes them. And he has a sour expression on his face. He is not happy about Oli being here.

"I do and bring what you have requested. Do you have anything else you want to add?" The Archduke said.

Oli shakes his head and then says. "I'm sorry for requesting something like this. But my product won't shine if we don't have this." Then Oli tapped the pot placed on the table.

Oli opened the lid of the pot. Smoke rises from the stew showing that it is freshly cooked.

"It was cooked by the best chef here on Kuku. And to be honest, it's one of my favorite dishes." The Archduke said.

"It's good to know that this is the Archduke's favorite. Then, let me ask you a question, Archduke. What do you think about this dish?" Oli asked casually. And this kind of tone infuriates the Viscount on Archduke's side.

"You damn commoner! How dare you speak like that to His Highness? You are just a lowly commoner that should bow before your masters." The Viscount blurted.

Oli looked at the Viscount with a dead expression. Well, he is indeed a commoner both on Earth and here on Chronos.

But ever since Oli received the Baron ring, he entered the Nobilities social rank, not officially, though. But he took off his Baron ring before entering the Archduke's office so the Archduke, along with his servants, would think that he's just a servant of some Noble.

The Archduke raised his left hand and said, "Could you shut the fuck up?! How dare you interrupt our bet when our honor was on the line?!

I've been too lenient to you, Viscount Westly. Do you think I don't know that you are using my name in your corrupt activities?! If you weren't my wife's blood relative, I have long ordered you to be beheaded!

So if you don't have something good to say, just shut the fuck, or I will go to kick you out of this room." The Archduke blurted.

The Archduke took a deep breath and then continued. "You ask what I think about this dish, right? Preparation, appearance, and taste. It's the same as usual."

"Same as usual, huh?" Oli mumbled while smiling internally, then he thought, 'I can't wait to see your reaction after I put this spice on that stew.'

"You don't notice anything? How about the taste?" Oli asked.

"Sighed. I don't know why you keep asking me that, but as I said, it's the same as usual." The Archduke replied while shaking his head.

"How about the bland taste?" Oli.

"Bland… Taste? What do you mean?" The Archduke asked in confusion.

"Well, for you, Archduke, the taste was the same as usual. But if you ask me, and those with me, we will give you a common answer. The taste is bland." Oli.

Archduke's forehead furrowed even more when he heard his meaningful words to Oli. "Just get straight to the point! What do you mean by that?!"

Noticing the impatient expression of the Archduke, Oli raised his hands to give a signal to Michael standing behind him. Michael stepped forward and put the three bags he was carrying on the table.

"The contents of these bags were the reason why my companions and I have a different observation on that dish," Oli said while slowly opening the bags.

Upon opening, the Archduke looked at the contents of the bag only to see white, black, and red powder inside.

"These powders' was the reason?" The Archduke asked.

"Yes. And to show you what these powders do, we should do a taste test." Oli said, then he took the serving spoon and bowl.

Oli scooped up some stew and placed it in the bowl. Then he gave the bowl to the Archduke along with a spoon.

Archduke Wyatt took the bowl and the spoon and looked at Oli. 'So, he wants me to taste this, huh? Just what is he up to?' The Archduke thought as he scooped the stew and ate it.

"It's the same. Usual." The Archduke said after he finished.

Oli smiled and repeated what he had done. But this time, he sprinkled the salt on the stew, but before he gave it to the Archduke, Oli tasted it first to show that there was no poison on it. Oli even took a small amount of salt, ate it, and looked at the Archduke, waiting for his confirmation.

The Archduke nodded after confirming that everything was safe. Then Oli repeated the steps, but this time, he gave the bowl to the Archduke.

Archduke Wyatt took it and looked at it. Nothing has changed in the stew. Thinking that it was still the same, he shrugged it off and ate it without thinking.

After the Archduke put the stew in his mouth, he chewed it, and slowly, his eyes widened! And the Archduke consumed the remaining stew in the bowl!

Speechless, he looked at Oli.

"Now, Archduke. Do you understand why I call that stew a bland?" Oli said as he smiled.

"I-it has a different taste. I-I don't know how to explain it because this is the first time I tasted something like this, but this is very delicious!" Archduke said while still looking at Oli.

"Now now now. We are not done yet, Archduke. We still have two more to taste. I hope you are ready." Oli smiled as he readied the remaining two spices and another serving.


Archduke Wyatt Stuart.

The eldest son of the previous Emperor of the Literra Empire. The ruler of the Archduchy of Terra. A Royal Blood.

In Earth's tongue, he's an elite among the elite.

He grew up and is still living a lavish lifestyle. In his thirty-five years of living, he ate all the food that every Continent could offer.

But because of the powder that this black-haired young man sprinkled on the stew, he feels like he's been reborn. He tasted a heavenly taste!

And he knew it. After this, he couldn't eat proper food without this powder.

Archduke Wyatt woke up in his stupor upon noticing that he had already eaten all the stew. He looked at the black-haired young man who was smiling widely. And Archduke Wyatt knew it. Even if it is hard to admit, he lost this bet.

Then he looked at the three bags on the table.

"What… Do you call it?" Archduke asked.

"These were called spices. These were specifically food ingredients. Spices are mixed into the ingredients while preparing or while cooking. So that food could achieve their delicious taste." Oli replied.

'Spices, huh.' The Archduke thought while still looking at the spices.

'These spices could change the entire culinary cuisine on every Continent. I'm sure of it. All the Nobles will become crazy when they find out that there's a product called spice that could change the taste of the food they eat to a different level.

Putting aside that wine glass, I don't even have to think about how much profit I'll get when I sell these spices.

And I'm sure of it, aside from this young man and his companions, the only ones who knew about this were me and this lowly lives with me. Because if this young man showed this spice to others, they should have already publicized and sold it. They were not going to miss the opportunity to earn an enormous profit.

Not to mention, I haven't received any information related to this, even in the black market run by the Secret Organization.

I will throw away the idea of torturing this young man until he confesses where did he get this. Because I could see in his eyes and expression that he could escape here, anytime he wanted.

So, the best way is to gain his trust and favor until he introduces me to his master.

No matter what happens, I should gain the monopoly of these products.' Archduke Wyatt deeply thought.

"You won the bet. Then tell me. What's your demand?" Archduke asked in a friendly tone.

Oli smiled internally upon hearing that. 'So you wanted to gain my trust and favor, huh?'

"Well, it's not a demand but a proposal. A business proposal.." Oli paused. The Archduke furrowed his brows upon hearing, but before he could comment, Oli continued.

"But before we proceed into that, I wanted crops seed, farming tools, livestock, and lastly, horse and carriage."

Archduke Wyatt raised his left hand, and Viscount stepped forward.

"Get what the young man asks. Get a bag of each crop's seeds, farming tools that were made from iron, healthy and fat livestock, and strong horses, and tell the best craftsman here on Kuku to create the best carriage immediately."

The Viscount was stunned after hearing what the Archduke said. If it was a bag of crop seeds, it's not a problem. But it's a different case when iron farming tools, livestock, and horses were asked. Now that the war between the Credia Empire and the Literra Empire was brewing, they needed every resource they could get.

Not to mention, the carriage made by the best craftsman would cause a hefty price. It's not a problem for the Archduke as he could buy as many carriages as he wanted, but for the Viscount, the cost was the same as his territory's treasury and own pocket combined.

"B-but Your High–." The Viscount was about to voice his opinion, but the Archduke shouted at him. forgetting

"I think you forget that this is none of your business, Viscount. So don't poke your head into this because you have no right to interfere or voice your opinion, you lowly Viscount. I think you started acting big because of all the favor I gave you. Don't forget that I'm an Archduke, and you're a Viscount. Go and do what I have asked!"

"Y-yes! I'm sorry, Your Highness." The Viscount said while bowing his head. But before the Viscount leaves, he glares menacingly, and Oli glares back with a tiresome look.