Move 15: Trade II

Oli internally sighed and signaled the two it was okay.

Then he continued putting the glass of wine inside the window. The curtain fluttered after he put his hands towards the window.

A few minutes passed since Oli put the wine glass inside the window, but the man remained silent on the other side.

Then numerous sounds were suddenly heard from the other side. Sound of stumbling and fallen chairs, but the distinct sound was the voice of the man saying, "Quickly! Call His Highness! There's a product that he needed to see!"

After that, the loud sound of the door followed.

'Seems that they become crazy after seeing the wine glass. Well, that's a given reaction. This was the first time they saw a crystal clear cup. And for the Nobles, this glass wine is a top-tier luxury thing.'

Oli thought as he smiled internally.

Soon after, the other side suddenly became silent, and the words "Your Highness" were heard.

Zack and Zeck froze after they also heard that. As for Oli, he remained calm as he waited on the other side to speak.

"A crystal clear cup… Hahahaha! What a beautiful thing. I'm sure Nobles throughout Chronos would fight each other just to get this. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" A clear voice of a man echoed on the other side.

"How much do you want me to pay for this?" The man added.

"We couldn't do a proper negotiation while we're here, right? I feel that we need to talk face to face to have a formal deal.

Additionally, that wine glass was not the only thing I had. Because I assured you, my other goods' are out of this world. What do you think?" Oli said.

Silence prevailed to everyone in the room. Even a child would realize that the man on the other side was the owner of this shop.

The older brother of the Emperor of the Literra Empire.

The man has the same authority as the Crown Prince of the Literra Empire and is higher than the Prince of the Literra Empire.

The man who ruled the independent region of the Literra Empire, the Archduchy of Terra, Archduke Wyatt Stuart.

"You commoner! Do–." Another voice resounded, but it stopped midway.

"Young man. Do you know who you are talking to?" If earlier, the tone of the Archduke was friendly, now it is serious.

"I know. You are the Archduke from the Literra Empire." Oli answered.

"You knew. Then why are you talking to me like that? You were also a demanding one. You know that with a single snap of my finger, you could be beheaded on the spot. Along with the others. Knowing all of this, you still want to continue?" Archduke Wyatt proudly said.

"Yes, I am. I still want to continue. You are a powerful individual, and anyone bowed before you. And yes, you could kill us in a snap of your finger, but if you did that, you were going to lose the only person who could supply you with such luxurious things. At the same time, you were going to lose an enormous amount of money that could flow into your treasury and pocket." Oli replied.

Oli was acting like this because this was the first time he met someone who had a higher position next to the King or Emperor. And was he from Earth. He had no idea how the Noble society works. Oli knew and watched movies, but at the end of the day, movies were still fiction.

The Literra Empire was known as the wealthiest Empire on Chronos because the Alpin Imperial Family were known as the 'Great Merchants of Chronos.' The Alpin Family built and shaped the Literra Empire into what it is now.

Oli was sure that Archduke Wyatt was not going to do what he said. According to the book Oli read, Archduke Wyatt was a merchant and a general. Archduke Wyatt, as a merchant, knew that this crystal clear cup called wine glass would bring an enormous amount of money.

"Then how about we make a bet?" Oli added.

"Bet? What kind of bet?" Archduke replied.

"The bet was simple. We're going to talk face to face, and I will be going to present to you the best product I have right now. If you win and don't like the product I have right now, I will give you this wine glass for free, and additionally, as long as I live, I will supply you a wine glass without asking for even a single bronze coin. All the money you get while selling the wine glass is all yours."

"That's my condition, right?" Archduke Wyatt asked, and Oli nodded his head. Then Archduke Wyatt continued, "How about your condition?"

"My condition was quite simple. If I win and you like my best product, you will listen to my demand. And you don't need to worry because I won't ask for anything impossible. How about it? Do we have a deal?" Oli said.

There are a lot of voices and words that could be heard on the other side. Like 'don't listen to that commoner, Your Highness!' 'Kill him, Your Highness! For disrespecting a member of the Imperial Family!' 'Just say a word, Your Highness. I will call the Knights to cut the head of that commoner!'

But all of those words were useless because Archduke Wyatt only laughed at Oli.

"I like it! I like your brave attitude! How many years has it been? Five? No, ten years! This is the second time someone talked to me like this, similar to that kid! Very well! Deal! We have a deal! I accept both conditions!

We are going to talk in my office. For the time being, wait here while my servant cleans and organizes my office." Archduke Wyatt happily said.


Thirty minutes had passed since Oli and Archduke Wyatt made a bet. And now, Oli and the others were waiting for the servant of Archduke to get them.

It takes a lot of time because Oli requests a few things from the Archduke and the Archduke agrees to all of Oli's requests.

"Please follow me. But I'm sorry to say this, but because of safety precautions, you'll only be required to have one servant to accompany you." A servant came inside the room to notify Oli.

Oli looked at the group and decided that Michael would be the one to accompany him. Among them, Michael was the only one who knew how to fight. If anything happens, Michael could protect him. And in the worst-case scenario, Oli would open the portal just to be safe.

The two followed the servant, and they walked toward the second floor. This floor was different from the first floor because, in every corner, there was a variety of luxurious decorations. Along with it was the polished floor.

They stop at the front of the room. At the side were two guards in full plate armor and halberd. They checked if we had any weapons, and when they confirmed we didn't have any, they opened the door.

"Please. His Highness was waiting for you."

The servant slightly bowed before leaving the area.

The two entered the room, but Oli was stunned when he saw the entirety of the room.

'This is not a room! This is a house!' Oli thought as he looked around.

The rooms' were so enormous that fifty people or more could fit inside. There were also decorations inside the room, from different kinds of textile, paintings, porcelain, and exotic and rare animal skins.

"You're here. Come take a seat." Oli looked at the one who was talking.

He looked to his left. From there, he saw a man sitting on the couch that was arranged like a sala set.

The man was in his early thirties. He has black hair like Oli. His eyes were brown. Because he was sitting, Oli was not sure how tall he was. His body was buff, symbolizing that he's not forgetting to exercise.

'So, he's Archduke Wyatt Stuart.' Oli thought while he was walking towards the location of the Archduke.

'Hmmm… Black hair and black eyes. His body was thinner than expected and average height. From the way he acts, he's like a newborn child who doesn't know about this world. But most importantly, he has no battle experience.' Archduke Wyatt thought while looking at Oli.

"Let's review the conditions. If I win, I will take all the goods you have right now. Additionally, you will supply me with this crystal cup as long as you live, and you are not going to take any revenue from sold goods.

But if you win, I will listen to all of your demands as long as it's not impossible to do so.

These are the conditions. Do you want to change or add something? Or do you want the prerequisites to be as it is?" Archduke Wyatt said.

"I want the conditions to be as it is," Oli replied.

"Well then. I swear to my honor. I will abide by the conditions we agreed upon." Archduke Wyatt said while extending his hands.

"I will remind you that once you swear to your honor and shake my hands, you need to comply and do the conditions we agreed upon." Archduke Wyatt added.

"I swear to my honor. I will abide by the conditions we agreed upon." Oli said while shaking the hands of Archduke Wyatt.

"Well then. Show me the product you were proud of." Archduke Wyatt proudly said.