Who am I ? that's a question

Reyna, the inspirational and motivating feminine writer. Youngest Asian Writers Award and MAN Asian literary prize. All above the girl who only follows the way guided by her heart. I started my career 7 years back, that was a long story. Before I adopted, I pretend to be strong and cold towards others so that no one will bully or act sympathetically toward me. More than that I'm afraid to mingle with others and always offends whatever provokes me. At the age of 16, one couple adopted me, who becomes my mom and dad from that day onwards. Learned to love care and believe in others. Started to trust and become more softie too. All these credits go to my dad. He never makes me feel lonely and taught me to love others and myself. 3years was the best time of my lifetime. Dada made me more socialized and always took me to his official meetings to let the world know me as his daughter. The day we went back from the office we met with an accident. I was riding the car a truck slammed into our car, dada wasn't fastened in his seat but I did by that airbag helped me to survive but the tire of the truck crashed into dada's seat and I lost him.

It took around a month to recover my consciousness, from the day back home onwards mama started acting strange and weird. She used to scold and beat me unnecessarily and got married to my dada's assistant. That was so unexpected. She doesn't even spare a glance at me. Always fought, 2 years later mom gave birth to a baby sister. She becomes more distant from me, always stand with my sister, and compels e to get married to her second husband's cousin. Within a year found part-time jobs and went for further studies. The lessons taught by dada were always there in my mind, "Never let my head down" Everyone saw me as unlucky and pathetic

While passing each and every day I made myself stronger and bold. Work and studies keep them on the same track and start to earn my own. Due to one fight, mom kicked me out of home, that never made me feel sad but missed my sister. I worked at cafes, and call centers, as a teacher and online tutor, and even as a babysitter. And will spare half of my earnings for home too. To ease my stress I started to write. Writing is one of my dream and passion that I enjoy a lot while sparing time for that is like pills for my stress. Uploaded in online sites and apps and got reviews. It was like snowfall in the desert. Little moments' worth of heavenly happiness.

When the story was completed Tiara's friend helped me to publish the book, due to my unsupported family and insecure feeling made me take a pen name to write, if my mom caught that definitely the whole writing career might get ended. We get into many fights when she kicked me out made me feel like getting freedom but felt sad because I lost a family even though they don't love me. While living with them they used to harass and suppress me in front of others and even degrade me too. Sometimes treats me like a servant, which really made me sad and depressed. Used to love and believe in me I gathered my confidence and get out of depression but should thank them. If I don't have them and never went through these, then never can be strong like now.

At first my first book "Not gonna run away" wasn't sold out, it took around 2 years but worth that achieved an award for most selling book, from there my career become more vibrant and joyful. Agencies contacted Tiara's friend for getting the contract. And all my life changed from there and become like this as you see. Ron, you guys know right? My assistant and the call I received while having food at university, my agency- requesting for a fan signing event. So many things….

"I'm getting hungry guys. Shall we eat something? I crave chicken. KFC?? Let's go!! I will give a piece of advice whenever you feel bad or lonely have something superb spicy. Spiciness can wash out your pain, then you only think about how to escape from that spiciness. And it's a good thing to have spicy food. Good for health too.