New tantrums and surprises...

"Bunch of idiots!! all are acting strange, it is already 10 all smell like reeks of alcohol. What happened to them?" I was busy with my chaos and setting the dining table. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms around my waist. "Don't you see what I'm doing? let me go." the hold tightened. "What happened, Sookie? Are you weeping? Has anyone hurt you?" he denied. Such a crying baby. I slowly turned around and tapped on the counter. He put me on. Then only I can reach out to his face. All of them are tall. I'm the shorty. while wiping his tears I asked again, it puffed his eyes, looked like he cried a lot, then it should be something serious. "Tell me when you're ready. Ok," he hummed, and I patted his back. "Don't disappear suddenly like before. I felt so lonely when you went. Like no one to care for or play with me, to take care of. I missed you a lot. Stay with me forever. Please." He is sobbing hard. I felt so bad that what I did hurt him badly. "You don't know how much I love you. I can't live without you, paapa. you're my everything. Promise me you won't disappear like that now!!" I felt like someone was stabbing my heart.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but I was so angry. My mind manipulated a lot over my consciousness. Not gonna happen again, promise, Ok?" He nodded. "Paapa you know Korean. It was the first time we were hearing Korean from you. And you're good though!! when did you learn it?" "some long before but not confident to talk. That's why I stick to English. it is easier to communicate." "We are stunned when you shouted in Korean, we didn't expect that. So now onwards you gonna talk in Korean to us?" "No I'm not, I will continue in English," he pouted. "Stop it Sookiyaa!! you already look tired, if anyone saw us like this they gonna blame me for making you sad." "It's okay!! if you were there for me," he is really acting like a koala, always tugging on me. "let me do my work Sooka, leave me," "aniii (no)," when I want to move he holds my top and walks along with me. It felt like a kid chasing mom while feeling sick. Such a baby boo. his hyungs really spoiled him. We both arranged the rest. It is already 20 minutes. Arine came towards me. She ain't said anything, just standing without uttering. What's with her? "Arine, what happened? Wanna say something?" "paapa I think Arine and dal hyung is hiding something!! they look suspicious. Don't you feel so??" Arine gives a death glare to Sookie, "what? I'm not lying!!" he simply sneaks out. "Arine, is there anything you wanna discuss with me?"

"babe I think I'm in love with him. I haven't confessed yet. Even he didn't mention it though. Do I feel infatuation or love? I can't understand that. What should I do now?" Me too, I'm confused from the beginning about my relationship, and today I realized how hard I fell for him. So how can I help her? She is still looking at me. What should I reply to her? "hmm we see that babe!!"

While the time while having food, none of them talked. This is really an awkward thing. Usually, we talk a lot but now… I cleared my throat and asked why they didn't have food on these days and cleaned the home. Like the same, no one responded. I looked at Seong. He is also keeping his head down. "What's with you guys? Just tell me. What I have done is not pardonable. I knew that. I'm sorry I won't repeat, I promise. Stop doing this. It is making me feel bad to hell. Please!!" "What you have done was all about you and him. We won't come to the middle of it, but how dare you leave the home without our permission? Do you know how worried we are? Even not attending calls? what do you think you're?"

It's the first time Ha-Jun oppa is raising a voice for me. More than sad, I felt happy. Don't know how to react but am happy to realize how much they care and love me. I rushed to him and hugged him, "I'm sorry not gonna make you worry anymore, really sorry." I don't know why I'm sobbing. He hugged me back. "It's okay but doesn't do it again, ok!" I hummed. "What about you two of them?" "We solved it, I confessed everything," Seong replied. "you okay??!!" I nodded, "We thought you…" "whatever it is, he is mine, even if we fight I can't stay away from him, I can endure anything when we are together. The only thing I need to take care of is to protect myself more, and I will." When I stopped, I saw everyone adoring me more. "Seongaa, tell everything to her. Everything, including what happened yesterday, too. I won't let you make her worry anymore." Everyone looked at Byung ho Oppa. can see clear, frightened eyes. Seong's head is down now.

"What's new now??!