Snooper: The weirdo

"What's new now??! I swear I did nothing!!!," get more furious than ever. "it's not with you paapa, it's… Seongaa, you should," Ha-jun oppa interrupted and he hummed. But nobody discussed what it was, instead of that we spent a lot of time together.

"Babe, I need to discuss something serious with you." "What's it?" "After you left, my mom came here. She saw the wound and asked about it. You know that I didn't introduce us to her, but my ex is still in contact and told mom about us. She manipulated us because you, I broke the engagement and she still wants to get back to each other. And mom believed her. Yesterday we got into a fight. She mistreated you and asked about your social status and family. She has completely rejected our relationship but we can make up for her, don't worry. The thing is, she wants to meet you personally at the earliest. I will accompany you. Don't be tense only when you're free. Ok!" He tried hard to make me feel at ease. It's still hard, I don't know how to do this. "Babe, whatever happened, I won't let you go. If she doesn't accept us, don't take it seriously. Let's get married and have a baby. Then she will accept us. What do you think? Superb right?" I hit his chest and hugged him. "Promise me you won't leave me." He kissed my forehead. "I won't." All day we are having the best moments of our lives. Playing, chatting, and working out in the gym together. In the evening their team manager and CEO came home which was really unexpected. I was soaked in sweat and too exhausted, they told me to open the door. When opened it some people are staring at me. "How can I help you?" they asked who am I in return. What was that they should reply to me but why did they ask questions? "I'm paapa, this is bro's house and I'm staying here. So may I know who you all are?" "Does your brother live here?" I nodded. "Who?" it's looks like they won't stop asking. "well I asked you guys who you all are and why are you here? If you are not answering, I'm gonna close the door then." "So how much do they pay to you, is they pay in individually or together?" the older man tried to stop the other but he still making me nuts "till now I talk with all my respect but if you spit a single word anymore you're done. Get out!!," I slammed the door and went back to the gym. They enquired who that was while explaining someone rang the bell again. I glared outside with fuming anger. "I'm gonna rip their mouth now," "no need, we will!!" when they opened the door, all their guts drained down. What!! do they swell their tongue? I pecked through the door. They are talking seriously. May someone important, I shouldn't get in the middle of them. After some time Seong came to the kitchen, "there is some juice on the counter. Give that to them." "That's our CEO and the new manager. Greet them." "I'm not interested, you can go and serve yourself" he plead with me

"One of them mistreated me so I'm not gonna come" "Please babe, for me please," I nodded. They greeted their CEO and tried to talk intimately. I used to be polite, but the way they talked to me was difficult for me. The manager is still acting weird. What's with him? I didn't know him before. The way he acted made me feel like I had done something bad to him before. While having food, he cleared his throat for attention, "so sir, how did you get together? It won't be difficult to find someone like her. Right?" Everyone laughed except me. What made it that hilarious for them? For my fortune, my phone rang, and I made excuses. My manager, what's with him now? "What happened Ron?" Again the same about the signing event and revealing myself to the world, they're insisting because they translated most of my books into many languages and sold out fastly. But they're not aware how much I hated to step in front of a crowd. "Look, I told you clearly that I'm not ready for that, and of course, you got a good profit because of this debut that's why right?" "Mam, it's not like that. We are going through tough times. And many things are going through the company. We are still going on because of you, with the help of your profit. It's a little hard for the company to move further on other projects because of the low budget. That's why the company is pressuring you." That man is watching from behind and I can see through the window glass. "We can talk about this later. I'm in the middle of something. Ok" and hung up the phone. And joined with them, "who's that paapa? You look serious while talking." "student," Byung-ho oppa nodded.

"So you're teaching, and how much do they pay you? And where do you live?" "She has her own apartment in Seoul," Seong said proudly. "So you bought a house for her, too. Wow, you're lucky no need to pay even in Seoul to live and have an idol boyfriend to take care of your expenses." "Well, I'm living on my own and financially independent, too. Need none to take care of my expenses and unlike you, I'm making money with my skills and hard work. Maybe you might feel weird because you can't right!" "Babe?!!" I winked. After food, we all come together to the kitchen and start cleaning. In between that their manager called me out, "Break up with him, madam doesn't like you, you're not a match with our social status, abandoned and done multiple jobs even to have food for each day!!" Wow looks like he did serious research on me, pitting you man, you came in the wrong place. Let us see what he intended to do.