Now I feel like every day is like a century, so unmotivated, even Arine is not here, that also makes me feel lonely. The only thing making me alive is my writing. To avoid this loneliness I used to be active these days. The craziest thing is I completed the ongoing novel within these short 3 weeks and began another one. This is my nature. Whenever I feel sad, unmotivated, lonely, or even angry, I used to show it by writing novels and stories. Looks like I'm gonna complete another one within weeks. Gggod, what should I do? The worst thing is my company is forcing a lot, I'm also confused. Do I have to accept the offer or deny it? I got into a talk with Ron last week. The things he said are so considerable but when I think about myself, things get heated. The problems and pressure faced by my CEO and employees are very high, to lead the company for publishing, promotions, and many more. Their most income is from me. But when I rejected the offers of converting my novel to movies and series, it made things more difficult, and the shortage of funds also increased. If I have enough money to buy the company then I will but I don't, I'm just joking, friends. In 3 more weeks, my bros will be back. And Arine will arrive tomorrow, I need to discuss some important matters with her

"Hey baby, long time babe, I really missed you" "me to Arine." "What happened dear, you look down today. Is there anything bothering you?" "Let us go home then discuss everything." she nodded. The whole ride was silent. "Babe stop the car" "what happened Arine?" "I said stop the car!!" I stopped the car, what's with her? "What Arine!!" "Why the fuck you're keeping silent? I clearly told you before if anything is bothering you. You have to tell me. There is no need to think about time and place. Understand?" I nodded. "The spit it, what the hell is bothering you, do you fight with Seong?" I shook my head. "Got in a fight with brothers?" "anything in your company?" I hummed. "I knew this, that's the only thing gonna hurt you like this. Only that hell. Do you know why? Because that's the only thing in this world that you love the most like hell, even more than me, Seong, and your brother. The only fucking thing you believe, cherish love and care." I kept silent and couldn't deny it because it is the fact that I cherish and love more than anything even more than myself. My writing career and Warriors. "Now tell me what it is?" " I got into a talk with Ron the past few days about some events and problems facing my company. It is not as simple as I thought. They only shared a small portion of the problem. I inquired in my own ways, the company is really in a bad shape. Already owns around an 86million debt. Last grade staff didn't get their salary for last month and the monthly allowance stopped around 2 months before. The CEO's daughter's marriage is next month. He doesn't have enough money for that either. Looks like my selfishness and negligence created many problems. What should I do?"

Arine is in complete silence, "let us go home and take a bath, after that, we can discuss this" "this is the same thing I told you before" "ok ok I got it, you know me well, sorry papa" this made me chuckle. "That's it, I want to see this smile every second on your lips. Got it? " I nodded. We bought some food on the way home. Then no need to cook right. After settling everything, Arine came to me and lay on my lap. We are playing the 'W world' series, which was released a long time ago, but we are still obsessed with that. Nice story, each dialogue became versed for me but still, we used to see this. "Paapa!!" I hummed. "He confessed to me!" "then?" "I'm confused." "for what?" "That, is it I'm worth, for him, he is from a huge background, super rich, and many women are drooling over him. But think about me. I'm nothing compared to him so.." "These are the same things I used to think about in my case. But did you forget how you came up to this state? Just think. From very low to this high. So stop thinking like that." "But paapa you're Rehyna! So how can you say you're nothing, hha? " '' It is not simple to hide in the shadows, and just things are getting complicated day by day for me. But yours is not ``'' I know how hard your situation is... But what should I do?" "babe I know you like my brother a lot and he also. So stop bothering about other matters, all you have to think about is yourself. It is not that to be selfish. Ok?!!" "What if he feels I'm not worth it for him?" "How can you ask such stupid questions, dear? Look, Oppa is so concerned about you and very serious about the relationship. Even if he tries to hurt you, just test me and I will break his bones. Ok ``'' yap" "ok now tell me how you feel towards him. Tell me crystal clear." "I love him, I feel secure and happy when sharing time with him. Whenever I see him my heart starts beating fast, his smile and voice are heavens for me. The advice and suggestions are very supportive and make my heart touching. Make my wish to watch him all my life. Wanting to share each and everything that happens over days and want to stay with him forever. And much more. I get speechless when thinking about him. But I want to talk uncontrollably too. Want to talk to him in my free time. Want to fantasize about life with him. Ohh god I don't know what is happening to me?" "you freaking idiot. You're in love, get addicted to my brother. That's it, the only advice I can give to you is to confess everything, understand?" she nodded. Wow, my Arine is in so much love. My brother is so lucky to get her. We both continued watching the series.

After some time, "BABY, What do you think?" "Think what?" "about the program '' I let out a deep breath. ``I calculated all my savings and the worth of property I owned, when I sell all those I get around 56million. It can solve many issues, shall we try that?" "babe what is your annual income?" "around 7.6 million" "you're earning that much through writing?" "nop" "then how?" "I own a firm" "what firm?" "one is Royal world and Q company" "you bitch!! You meant R & Q Company?!!!"