(8) The BEST meal

May 9th, 3019

10:20 A.M.

Cambridge Training School, Training Grounds

"Humph! So what? Take this!" Max shifts into his human form faster than I can avoid it. We both crash land on the floor, with him on top of me just sitting triumphantly. David walks up to us. 

"Knock it off you guys, Miss Samara has finished talking with the other groups she's headed our way." 

Max gets up then I stand and start dusting myself before I start coughing. "What's wrong Kris?" 

"Your hair, that's what's wrong! It got in my mouth" I grab and throw it away. "Yuck!" 

"Oh! Sorry..." 

We hear some light laughing and turn "Miss Samara!" We straighten out our backs, put our hands behind our backs and shout our Egoist Codemames, as we were taught and have done so many times before. 

"Realtor reporting to our Superior" That's my Codename. 

"Furlion reporting" That's Max. 

"Rewind reporting to Senior" And that's David, I never got why he chose that name, isn't his Ego foresight? 

Miss Samara looks and nods her head "Haha, Good! At ease gentlemen" We relax but keep up our guard just in case. 

"Realtor, you did good. Avoided the enemies when needed and used enhancement to speed up and make it in time. Good use of your abilities, though I can't say I didn't expect more out of you" 

I feel a bit down about that evaluation but I nod regardless. I understand what she means, ever since I awakened my Ego last year I haven't really made much of any progress. She moves on. 

"Furlion, I'm impressed by those new skills of yours, they sure look handy. We will have to modify your training regiment, I will add some movement and infiltration activities" 

"Huh?" Max looks confused. 

"I know what you're thinking but trust me you'll need them" 

"A-alright" He looks reluctant, I can already imagine him complaining about this, he's always preferred workouts focused on strength and endurance. 

Miss Samara then steps up to David and just stares at him. "..." David just keeps his face straight but you can see a thin smile forming. 

"You...did the best I'll admit, your foresight seems to have improved greatly again, however I would like to remind you that such an ability comes with a price! Don't strain yourself, I can't imagine seeing so far in the future and so accurately, using a small amount of energy...Yes?" 

David frowns and slowly nods. Now that I'm looking at him I do notice his eyes getting a bit bloodshot, but that could just be him staying late studying again.

She seems to notice something and looks surprised "Alright everyone! Get changed I'll let you all leave for lunch early" She says then leaves. 

"Yes! Dave, Kris last one there is a spoiled egg!" He rushes as he shrinks then turns to hair and flies away, David runs after him. 

"Oh no you don't!" I activate my Ego and immediately fail "Oh Common!" I do mad dash and...

"Bad luck Kris! Guess my new ability IS handy"

"No fair my Ego failed again" I mutter to myself quietly. David looks at me surprised, guess he didn't foresee this? Max on the other hand looks worried after that, puts his arm around me as we sit on the bench. 

"Hey it's ok bud no worries I gotchu!" 

I smile then punch his chest playfully, he ruffles my hair and we start wrestling on the spot, he promptly pins me down and I don't even know why I'm surprised, it always ends the same way. David smiles at that. 

"Alright you lovebirds! Get changed so we can leave, you don't want the others taking everything do you?" 

"Hey we're not like that!! Besides we're not in a rush, we got out early, remember?" 

"Yeah, what Kris said" 

"I heard they have Cambridge Bowl on the menu-" 

We don't even let him finish before we start changing hurriedly. Cambridge Bowl is served on a rather small styrofoam bowl, it is mashed potatoes with corn, shredded cheddar cheese and beef gravy on top. Usually served with a side of steamed broccoli. It is a very basic 'meal' and frankly we could get something better literally anywhere else but Max and I both LOVE it, and we always make sure to ask for extra cheese. 

We all get finished and David says "Seriously I admit the cafeteria makes it...tasty I suppose but why are you both so obsessed with it?" 

"Hey, it's some good stuff! You wouldn't get it!" 

"Yeah what Kris said" 

"Sigh, Fine let's go" We leave the locker room and head out to eat, Max and I readying our wallets to ask for seconds or more. 

"How are you guys and your families not broke from all the food and snacks you order?" 

"Dude it isn't even that much!" 

"Yeah what Max said!" 

"Easy for you guys to say! You're both loaded" David almost whispers to himself.