(9) H.A.S.

May 9th, 3019

10:30 A.M.

Cambridge Training School, Training Grounds

"Cranston and Aldrick? What are you guys doing here? Watching the student mid-terms?" Cranston looks nervous and hesitates, so Aldrick steps forward instead. 

"Sinclair" Samara Straightens her back then says with a grave expression. "This can't be good can it?" 

"I'm afraid not, not at all" after a momentary pause he continues "It's Accelerate, they're back" 

Samara is about to say something before Aldrick stops her "Sinclair there's no time we've already notified the others, I will explain on the way"

"What about Martha? And Dwayne?" 

"I tried to keep them out of it but they already found out, they have decided they're coming with us and we can't change their minds I was hoping you could help" 

"What?! What are they thinking? What about the kid?" 

"Sinclair there's no time" 

"Fine! Lead the way!" 


May 9th, 3019

10:20 A.M.

Cambridge Training School, Cafeteria 

Max, David and I get our food and find a place to sit. "Ok, this is ridiculous, did you really have to get three bowls Kris? And Max you are worse! Why do you have five?!"

Max and I sit down as I pull out an orange game card with a drawing on it, it is a jail cell with the bars stretched apart. "What is a get out of jail card from that Landlord board game supposed to mean?" Says David. 

"Oh I forgot to tell you Max and I made a bet, we played it and he won so he gets to keep this card with my signature on the back, and he can ask whatever he wants from me, so he took my fourth bowl for himself." I say sadly.

David lifts an eyebrow "Really? This guy beat you? That's a first" 

"Hey! Who said I'm bad at strategies? If I wasn't I wouldn't be the H.A.S. Captain" He says proudly. 

H.A.S. stands for Holo Arena Showdown, it is a popular sport among Users and licensed Egoists alike. The premise is very similar to a MOBA game where 5 people on each team fight against each other until they can't continue. There's always at least a couple Healer Class Users on standby to prevent any long term injury. 

"As much as I want to argue with you, you do have a point" David quiets down and eats his lunch. His lunch is a mix of beast meat, home grown veggies and a weird concoction of a drink that he made. Me and Max always found it gross but he keeps insisting it is good for our bodies.  

"You know if you remove all that smush it would make for a good meal" 

"You have to teach me how to cook like that" Says Max as he wolfs down his food and finishes his five bowls before I do my third. 

"Max, I agree with you on how good this is but can't you slow down? I know you're a jock and have to eat a lot but one of these days you're gonna choke!" I say as I finish. 

He looks and nods but doesn't take his eyes off of my chocolate milk. He tilts his head and looks at me with expectant eyes, so I narrow mine at him as I open it, smirk then down it all in one gulp. He looks disappointed, he's already finished his food and is still looking for more. I guess it does explain where all his muscle comes from but still. 

"We haven't discussed our plans Kris" 

"What plans?" Asks David curious. 

"Well we're gonna go out and hang at the Basketball Court for a bit before buying some snacks and head home" I answer

"You call that a plan? Isn't that what you always do anyway?" 

"Well we do have my birthday party at home so it's different we'll be at the court a bit less and get extra snacks" David narrows his eyes and frowns. 

"Today's the 9th?" He asks 

"Yeah how do you not know?" I ask

"Dave's prolly been head first in his training again" Max quips. 

"I have but if your birthday is today then I'll join" Max and I look at David shocked, the perfect A's workaholic wants to skip studying today??

"What? Don't look at me like that, Kris is my friend too. How can I miss this?"

Max frowns "What about me?" 

"Sure, when you stop acting like a dog" He says as he throws him a piece of beast meat. Max is about to say something when he sees it and catches it with stars in his eyes, he proceeds to eat it in one single bite. 

David looks depressed as he puts his head in his hands. "See this is what I mean!" 

I start to chuckle at the display because it is true. Max wasn't always like this though.