(10) Max

On March 19th 3003, Maximus Paine was born into a well off family much like mine. He was sheltered and because of it he was rather gullible. At school he would often get bullied due to his scrawny and weak appearance and shyness, but because he didn't understand and only saw the others laughing he also laughed with them.

Eventually the bullying stopped not only because it just didn't work and he was completely clueless half the time but because eventually everyone became somewhat endeared by that child like wonder and fascination in his eyes whenever he looked at something new and they all became friends. 

I didn't do anything mostly because I worried that, the day he finds out what's been happening, he would try to defend himself and it would get worse. Luckily it didn't get to that, and he seemed to be enjoying himself. I always made sure to ask him at home if everything was and how he felt, but he was as clueless as always and just laughed. 

Our families knew each other so him and I had been friends with each other for a long time at that point. Eventually he grew up a bit and cemented his friendship with all of us. David didn't join our group until our 13-14s. We all stayed friends but drifted into other groups. Max joined me and David, even though David always seemed wary of him. In the end he accepted Max after getting caught up in that charm of his he carries. Not long after Max awakened his Ego and that's when everything changed.

Originally a scrawny boy with shaggy brown hair, brown eyes and around 5'7, Max became what we all like to refer to as 'The Beast'.  

His height grew past 6 feet, not stopping until reaching a solid 6'2. His originally long shaggy hair became short, silky, and a very light brown. His frame expanded gaining a barreled chest with a broad back, shoulders and a thick torso with a solid six pack. His muscles grew and bulged becoming noticeably toned and much bigger but not veiny. His whole body receiving this treatment, his arms, his legs, his back. He looked very powerful. His hands and feet also grew, his head and face didn't grow but instead became clear of blemishes. His skin tightened around him and became very soft to the touch also gaining a healthy tan. His eyes became lighter, gaining a light hazel color with bits of yellow in them. 

The transformation happened swiftly and unexpectedly in the spectator stands at a school sponsored H.A.S. game, when the teams where going to start a match. Imagine everyone's shock when he transformed in front of everyone. Max himself didn't realise what happened since when his Ego awakened, he immediately fell to the floor twisting and groaning in pain. 

I will never forget when he woke up and found out what happened. He started feeling himself on the arms and stomach before stopping and the first thing he did after that was check inside his shorts and exclaim loud enough for everyone to hear "FUCK YEAH!" Everyone laughed but me and the guys were shocked.

Due to his transformation his clothes were mostly tattered and we had to leave to get him properly dressed. Arriving at the locker rooms the biggest guy there tried to lend him some clothes but not even those fit properly, it was in big part due to his transformation giving him an...enlarged lower back. The guys were all giving him crap for it and he gained his nickname 'BB' Max hated it but he didn't get a choice in the matter. Later on he was approached by the H.A.S. Coach and offered a position in the team. Given his transformation caused a ruckus when it happened at one of the Coach's games he decided, it only made sense.

His Ego gave him great strength and let him manipulate his hair to restrain opponents. It was called 'Fur Dragon' so he tried many times to transform but always failed until recently. After gaining an Ego he could become an Egoist and he immediately signed up getting the modified schedule for his studies, we could only hang out for limited time after that until I awakened my Ego and joined in his classes. David had already been taking those classes so he taught us the basics and recommended us Codenames he thought would suit us. He was our friend and he didn't choose any weird names so we agreed.  

His Ego did more than enhance his physique, he became incredibly confident about almost everything but also made him very animal like. He loves play fighting with others, snuggle, and got very touchy which made a lot of people very uncomfortable. He also ate like an animal, gobbling anything that gets thrown at him immediately, he had to be put in a special Ego rehab program for a few weeks due to all the problems he was causing people. He still hasn't changed but at least he can control himself properly now.