(13) Plan

May 9th, 3019

1:50 P.M.


Aldrick continues "After the party, we can all head to the bunker, I can relocate us back to HQ, we make some noise and alert him forcing him to return but I will need to rest for about a week, we can tell everyone we've simply taken that vacation they keep nagging us about" Aldrick finishes and there's a heavy silence in the air.

Curie speaks up again "No Mister Bors we need you! With you out of commission we will lose our best fighter, our scout and our exit strategy! We can't lose someone like you!" 

"Curie I'm thankful for your concern but it's not like I'm dying. I will only need some rest, enough time to recover for us to be in shape to face him, it is a risk we must take." 

Everyone is quiet then speaks up again, at this point Cranston and Samara return and are updated on the situation, after a few back and forths they reach an agreement and prepare for the party.


May 9th, 3019

2:20 P.M.

Cambridge Training School, Locker Rooms

"You know what guys? I give up" I say

"Kris I know it's tough to gain stat points but you can't give up like that, tell him Dave" 

"I don't know what to say. I've never seen or even heard of a case of having such a bottleneck with an unknown potential, he's already awakened his Ego for all intents and purposes the Unknown should translate to S-Rank potential or higher, I haven't foreseen anything yet either" 

"Well can't cry over spoiled milk I guess" I say, trying to bring my mood up. 

"Yeah that's the spirit!" Says Max as he punches me a bit too hard in the chest. 


"Oh sorry!"

David ponders "I don't think that's how the saying goes" *RING*

"Alright you two stay here I gotta ask for a day off at the Greenhouse" David says and leaves. 

There's a pause in the room before Max speaks up "So how's the Game Club?"

"Meh, pretty good I guess? We had a normal training session today so I didn't have a problem asking a day off, but it got canceled regardless since Mister Flapjack left with the others" 

"The History teacher? I thought it was someone else?" 

"Max, if it isn't about H.A.S. you never pay attention or remember" 

I hear something and turn to look, Max is in front of the mirror checking his legs now "Ugh, again?"

"Hey, don't mean to rub salt all over your wounds but, breaking through to 31 in Con and 18 in Agility, Really feels good" 

"I hate you" Max just laughs 

"How do you even manage to gain Con by training Agility? It doesn't make sense" 

"Well I was training my legs which are part of my body" 

"I guess?" 

"How much is your Vitality?" I ask

"Still at 23, it hasn't moved" Max sighs and looks thoughtful "I wonder if what Dave said is true"

"That you can increase Vitality by using your Ego more often?" 

"Yeah, What if I spam it?" 

"Ok please don't do that, you're gonna get sick and nauseous, and I do not want to deal with that" We turn at who said that and we see it's David he's back. 

"You good?" Max asks expectantly

"Yeah, No problem here, let's go to the court"

"Yes!" Max takes his shirt off

"Can you at least wait until we get there?!" David says with a tired voice.

"Haha it's already after school, no one can tell me crap about a dress code anymore!" He picks his stuff and runs out. 

David turns to me "Don't you miss the Old Max? Before his Ego?"

"You know what? Sometimes" 

"Hey! I heard that!" We hear Max shout from outside and chuckle. We pick up our stuff and head out but I stop as I see Max's shirt on the floor

"You know, should I leave it here? We have a long weekend so he won't be able to get it till next week!"

David looks at me "Just bring it I don't want to hear his whining"

"Alright, fine!" 

We arrive at the court and stay for a while. Me and the others are just hanging out watching some other people, they seem to be filming trick shots. Max is playing among them bragging that he can do them better than the others, he does hit quite a few but misses more often than not. 

"Ha! Missed again" One of the guys says

"Shut up, I'm still hitting more than any of you combined" 

As they continue arguing I hear my device ring and buzz, so I pick it up "Hey guys we might have to leave early" 

Max and David look at me "Is the party set up and ready already?" He drops the basketball and gets his stuff, David does the same

"Max we've been here for more than an hour already, just hurry up we haven't gotten our snacks yet" I say and throw him his shirt

"Thanks man"  He says as he puts it on


"Good, let's go" Says David.  

We say goodbye to the guys, head to the shop, get some drinks and snacks, then go home.