(14) Party

May 9th, 3019

4:05 P.M.

Cambridge, Real Household

As me and the guys arrive at the house we are shocked. It isn't just my parents and the staff that are there but even the missing professors as well. 

"W-what's going on? Why's everyone here?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Well we are all going on a trip soon and we figured we'd meet here at the party with you kids" Says Augustus

"You mean you're finally taking a day off Coach?" Replies Max

"Humph! Just because I am doesn't mean You should! While I am away there will be a substitute but you have to remember to lead the team you hear me Maximus?" He says with a smile and ruffles his hair. 

"Coach!" Max says distressed as he manipulates his hair back in place

"Mister Flapjack, what about the Game Club? Who will run it?" I ask

"I'm sure Monsieur Fibret has it all under control, isn't that right?" Says Curie, and Fibret nods. 

David Pipes up "Then I'm guessing it is safe to assume, Miss Curie has arranged the needed caretakers for the greenhouse as well as provided them the relevant materials?"

"Indeed Monsieur Gales it has all been taken care of, with you around I have no doubts the club will continue operations normally"

"Indeed let me just check for abnormalities" David closes his eyes then opens them with a glint in them and looks at them all, they all stare back waiting for an answer.

"So that's how it is" He says calmly, the others get suspicious of him. 

"I recommend Star Flower'' He says confusing the others before continuing "I foretell some... sleepless nights coming for you all, so I recommend Yellow Star Flower, grounded into a fine dust and diluted in Aloevera Grass Juice, shake until it mixes well and the water turns a transparent greenish yellow liquid. This is to make a... Profound sleeping aid, if put into a spray bottle it can affect a large area though that's only useful as defense" He looks at them and smiles then goes to the food table, Max and I follow him. 

"Yo Dave what was that about?"

"Yeah is there something we need to know? You're being cryptic again" I ask

"Just a small scuffle this'll help with that, that's all" He grabs tea and some biscuits


"Crap we forgot about David's Ego!" Says Dwayne distressed.

"Don't worry honey, it seems he has chosen to stay quiet" Says Martha

Curie stays quiet and says "Star Flower and Aloevera Grass? How does he know about these plants? Those are only Native to the Courser Continent where we are headed" 

Samara proceeds to tell them about his performance in the mid-term she assigned.

"I believe he might have looked much farther ahead than he let on and is keeping something to himself, what is this small scuffle? Could it be... him?" She says

"Forget about it, I suggest we make as much of this sleeping aid as possible" Flapjack says

"I will have to use my Ego to grow them here or wait until we arrive and harvest them there, let's wait until tonight" Responds Curie. 

The party continues, Melinda brings me the chocolate cake with blueberry fillings I asked for and we all dig in until it is time for opening gifts. David approaches Kris, surprising the others. "David! You bought me something?" 

"No" He responds flatly

"Oh then is there something you needed to tell me then?" I look expectantly, I know he has a reason if he's doing this. 

"Yes, but I have to wait for a certain moment. I will have to interrupt you later on. I will then tell you and you will have to stop and listen. You got that?" 

"Got it!" 

With his piece said he retreats and everyone looks him up and down curious about what he will say. The others bring me their gifts.

Melinda gave me some comfortable clothes that fit me just right and are easy to move in. Aldrick gave me a notebook with his personal combat techniques surprising me and the others. Mom gave me some pixie dust from her Ego that will let me stun someone for a short while, always the worry wart. Dad gives me a set of light armor that he insists I must use, he's just like mom. 

Cranston gave me a Looking Glass Mirror. It is a rare artifact that's sought after by many due to its ability to spy on any place the User has been to. Miss Samara decides to give me a bottle of cologne, she promises it will enchant those who smell it as long as I choose to, I hesitate but decide to take it in the end, I can totally prank someone with this. 

Mr. Flapjack gave me an enchanted set of chess pieces that can play against a person when told to, he also mentioned a secret feature that I will have to find out by myself. Professor Medral gave me a helmet that can amplify my brain waves and can throw me in a simulation that allows me to practice techniques in a safe place.