(19) Tail Tussle

May 12th 3019

3:03 P.M.

Cambridge, Real Household

"Uh Max?" 

"What Dave?"

"What's that?" He points behind Max

"Nothing" He continues eating as his tail sways back and forth, if anything it'll be much easier to tell his mood now. 

"Kris what happened down there?" 

"I'd be lying if I said I knew, we got off the showers and as we were getting dressed I just saw it, I have no idea how it got there either" 

After getting dressed we got to my room to rest and fell asleep for like an hour before getting awoken and told our little feast was ready. I didn't sleep much and merely layed on the floor, I found that Max's tail seems to have a mind of its own since it kept poking around the place.

"That's odd I feel a faint sense of familiarity with it" David says and ponders. 

"Did you see Max sprout it in one of your visions?" I ask

"No, but it's almost like if its always been here?" 

Max swallows and says "Well it's my tail it's only natural it has My aura" As he says that we see the tail perk up and wag. I can't help but chuckle a bit. 

"Have you tried retracting it?" I ask

"Yeah I can" 

"Then why haven't you?" 

"It just feels comfortable" He proceeds to get another serving of food. 

"Can it do anything else?" David asks

"Sure it can! check this out" His tail proceeds to extend and wrap around his chair as he lifts it into the air. 

"Oh that's useful, but that means you'll have to train with it now too, and get holes in all your shorts if you want to use it" I say

His smile freezes as he then lets out a big sigh "I only want my Con training, I already have movement and infiltration techniques added to it thanks to my transformation, maybe I should hide you" He turns to his tail and slowly puts the chair down as he retracts it. 

"There fixed!"

David smiles at him "I'm so telling the school about this" 

"Wait no! Please I'll promise to train it in my Furlion form like this!" His body shrinks as he becomes a little beast. 

"See? I still have my tail. I can just do it like this" He stretches his tail and wraps around the chocolate milk jug and serves himself a glass. 

"See? perfect control" He picks up his glass with his tail and starts drinking. 

At this point Melinda walks in "Aww Kris? When did you get this little guy? He's so cute!" 

She reaches out to grab him as the staff laughs in the background. "What's wrong?" 

Before she reaches, Max finishes his glass and as he notices her, he jumps off the table and transforms back into his human self.

"Sorry Miss Sensly I didn't see you"

Melinda stops in her tracks with a look of shock and shame as she runs back to the kitchen, the staff bursting out in laughter. 

"Maybe we should put a collar around your neck" I propose

"What? No! I'm not an animal" He says as his tail sprouts and starts wagging when he sees the rest of the beast meat intact. 

"We still need to make holes on your clothes, your shorts are tenting on the back whenever it comes out" 

Max blushes and just fixes his shorts "Alright fine" He retracts it and sits normally

"How are we gonna do that though?"

We start discussing and David suggests the costume makers at the Mall. We decide against it since it's going to be too pricey for just poking holes. But David reminds us that we'll probably need to make holes in his underwear too since that's where the tail comes from before even reaching his shorts. We eventually decide on going and the rest of the weekend David helps us get accustomed to our new abilities, me with my breakthrough and elemental powers, Max with his transformation and tail. 


May 15th 3019

6:05 A.M.

Cambridge Training School

Monday rolls around and as we enter the Academy all eyes are on us. My vitality tripled and it seems people have already noticed, but what everyone has their eyes on is Max's tail. I can already hear rumors about Max getting more dog-like as his tail is swaying back and forth. We realized that since he needs holes in his shorts to use his tail properly, he can't hide it since walking around with a hole directly to your butt isn't exactly appropriate, so he just has to keep it active at all times now. David didn't improve much, only one stat in Constitution and Vitality and two in Agility but he's still the highest Rank in our grade, if he wasn't so cold with others he would probably be more popular.