(20) Decision

May 15th 3019

1:33 P.M.

Cambridge Training School

Classes were uneventful, Professor Cranston and Miss Samara are still on their trip with the others so they left some assignments with their robot assistants. It was meant to be our first day with Coach Darwin but he's also gone so his class was the same as the others, Max seemed disappointed since he really admires him. Right now we are already at the library going through assignments, when I decide to make an announcement.

"I think I might join H.A.S." I say

David looks surprised and so does Max until he jumps out his seat and lunges at me.

"HAHA! YES! You know how long I've been waiting for you to say that!? Haha!" He's jumping in place, shaking me and his tail is going nuts. The other tables are looking at us as if staring at psyche ward patients. 

"Max, please call down!" I firmly put my hands on his shoulders and he stays still with a straight face but his tail gives him away.

"What gives?" Asks David.

"Well I finally broke through and can control my Ego now so I wanted some actual battle experience but with Coach gone I'm gonna need to challenge someone in the team to get in, I was hoping you could help with that?" I ask Max.

"Oh that sure but who? Have you thought about that?" 

"I can suggest three people NOT to" 

We turn to David "So I don't have much in the way of options do I?"

"Not at all, First is Jacob you might be able to beat him but it's going to lead to problems in the future, I'm sure I don't have to explain why, do I?" 

Max and I nod, he's known to be a bully if I beat him he'll never let me go especially since beating him will make me take his spot NEXT game to prove what I got, and this next one is a BIG deal to us. Also who knows if I can beat him? His Ego is an Attribute Class that increases his Constitution. He used to match up to David and recently I heard he broke through in his ability. 

"Next is Bonnie, no offense but she can easily beat you" We nod again, ever since she joined the team she's become one scary girl, even if Max can easily beat her she's kinda scary just to deal with. Her Ego is an Armament Class that allows to turn into this tough but creepy robot. 

"Finally Max, which is obvious given he can still beat you even if you already broke through, also I'm sure Max would love to beat the guys from Exponentia?" Max nods with a serious expression.

Exponentia High is one of the other schools in Cambridge, they have a grudge with us just because we have the City name as our Academy's name. They try to throw dirt on us saying we are arrogant and stuck up but that's not the case at all, in fact that's how they act all the time and most of them are just insufferable to deal with but not all of them.

"So my options are Ron and Sarmon? Those aren't good options at all" I frown. 

Ron is an Avatar Class User that summons a Shadow Golem that can move through solid objects, what's worse, is that he can fuse with it and obtain its strength and abilities.

Sarmon is a Minion Class User that can summon a horde of toy spinners. While being able to summon so many should make them weaker, they are still hard as steel and tough to break; they also do a ridiculous amount of damage if they gang up on you.

David continues "Well they aren't that bad options of you think about"

"Go on I'm listening" I say

"Ron's Golem uses Shadow abilities to move and you have the light element now right?"

"Yes I do but I'm not proficient in it"

"You don't have to just shine a bright light in the area" He says like it's an obvious thing. 

"David, he's used his Ego in bright daylight. What makes you think light is a counter?" I say mockingly. 

"That's regular light, this is elemental light coming from your Ego of course this is different"

"What about Sarmon then?" 

"You can use any of your elements other than wood to deal with his minions"

"I don't know, Light could help with speed and Fire with damage but he still summons too many of them" I say

David Shrugs "Well those are your options so think about it before challenging anybody" He goes to read his book as I ponder to myself. 

Do I choose the two strong units that can turn into a single stronger unit? Or do I choose the weaker units that can overwhelm me?