(28) Costumes

May 19th 3019

2:30 P.M.

Cambridge Training School

Friday arrives and I'm utterly bored, the classes are dull and quiet due to the school opting to keep using those robots. Lunch was great since we got the Cambridge Bowl again but apart from that nothing interesting happened.

Outside of school however, I managed to train my Spell and successfully learned to control the tentacle to burn and heal whenever I want it to. Max can transform in and out of his Furlion form faster. David kept training but he didn't increase his stats. 

Despite Aldricks warning Uncle Case convinced me to study the scripture as he taught me the words and mythology of this 'Greek' I understood some of the language, I found the myths fascinating and tried hard to grasp the Technique but I never could, David tried to give pointers with his Foresight but that only made me more confused. 

I suddenly feel a pair of hands on my shoulders gripping hard and I nearly fall over.

"Yo Kris, are you ready? Today's your debut!" Max says excitedly. He never shut up about how excited he was to fight with me and the others against Exponentia High. We are headed to the locker rooms as we put on our Egoist costumes. Each H.A.S. Team has the choice of three types of costumes. 

1) Being a school uniform that usually the whole team wears with little variation. 

2) Being a Team specific uniform separate from the school uniform that the whole team wears.

or 3) Custom made costumes that one can wear as long as they follow the dressing code and have the required toughness and flexibility. 

The dressing code and requirements were added after some poor guy's costume was ripped in a match and he had to keep fighting mostly nude until his team lost the match. 

Bonnie's suit is a deep blue mechanic's overalls, a cap of the same color and a white sleeveless undershirt. The name tag 'Animatronica' Proudly displayed on the left side of her chest. She likes to carry a specially made heavy duty wrench around. Her long and straight black hair and slim figure seem to be made for that costume. Her fit gives her a smart and crafty but tough look. 

Jacob has an Arsenal of normal clothes that go through heavy reinforcement and flexibility upgrades, he never bothered to choose an actual costume today he's wearing a black shirt along with red gym shorts ending above his knees. His Codename 'Knuckles' sewn onto his shirt. Despite the simpleness of his outfit his athletic build and short straight dark brown hair still make him look somewhat intimidating. His demeanor being careless but aggressive. 

Ron is wearing casual clothes since he isn't participating since I took his spot for today after I beat him. He is slim with short straight black hair but with his Ego active his mass increases and while he can ignore the weight his opponents can't. I can still remember the weight in his golem's punches four days ago. He's very relaxed since he gets the day off. 

Sarmon is wearing a red jumpsuit with white lines going down his sleeves and sides fitting his athletic build nicely, his curly brown hair falling over his shoulders as he puts on a serious face. 'Spincaster' is also sewn onto his clothes. He's very excited and eager to fight. 

Max is wearing a custom made suit made of his own hair, he is wearing leather pants with a fur beltline and tufts of hair on his thighs, fingerless leather gloves with tufts of hair on the back of his hand, and a fur mantle that fits like a jacket, exposing his broad chest and torso. He fought for the right to do that for a long time before they let him. He's not wearing a nametag since it isn't actually required. His costume gives him a Wild but dependable look. 

I didn't know what to wear and didn't have time to spend much time over it. And I couldn't use Dad's armor since it would be too strong and disallowed for the match. When Uncle Case found out he immediately recommended a modified version of his own suit when he worked, I hesitated since I wanted it to be something that represented me but he insisted so I based Some of my costume on his. 

I ended up getting a white undershirt with a black jacket zipped up halfway, black pants and gloves. The others said it complimented my black hair but I didn't really like it, I would have to change it later. It made me look like some sort of gang member. I had a nametag put on my chest on the left reading 'Realtor'. I'm anxious since Despite my training, this is the first time I'll be fighting against anyone, apart from Ron of course.  

The whole team wore white sneakers except for me and Max, with me wearing black ones and him going barefoot, something he also had to fight for to be allowed. 

We finish getting ready and get on the bus towards The Arena. It's about an hour's trip since Cambridge itself is huge. I pull out my translated copy of the 'time traverser' and resume comprehending it.