(29) Opponents

May 19th 3019

3:45 P.M.

Cambridge H.A.S. Arena, V.I.P. Lounge #2

"Are you sure we will find any worthy candidates here John?"

"Of course we will, you got to trust me on this one Richie, my instincts are never wrong" He takes out a stack of papers from the portable space in their watch and starts highlighting and writing notes down. 

"Look I know you're a fan of the sport but we were assigned to find recruits for the Alliance. This is merely a match of kids no older than 17 or even 16. They might be relatively strong for their age, sure but that's only due to the resources of some of the highest schools around, not due to any actual skill" Richie notices the buses arrive "I don't have high hopes for this" He orders food through his device. 

"They are rich kids, sure but they are not just any rich kids! Trust me I've seen their Egos info online and each of these has something that makes them a good candidate just for how strong they are, and their records are clean" He raises the printed out sheets of each player, their Egos and their record. 

Richie looks over at them and goes through them "This is... interesting, good Egos I guess sure but you can't tell we came here just because of a couple interesting candidates?" 

"No there's more" John hands him an almost blank stat sheet. 

"What's this? Don't tell me you're interested in a rookie? This guy has no history and his stats seem only above average for the school he attends." Richie frowns as he rubs his temples. 

"Look at his Class" 

"... Variant? Potential Unknown? I see what you mean but I'm still not buying it until I at least see all of their performances" 

"Trust me, I can feel we will find something good. I can assure you will not regret this"

"Alright I get it! Now quit it. Let Me be the judge" 


May 15th 3019

3:47 P.M.

Cambridge H.A.S. Arena, Locker Rooms

"Alright we got the stat sheet from the other side it seems they are sending in the big guns for this one" 

Max starts announcing and I look at the papers he distributed to us. It details the names and Egos of Exponentia's Team. 

[ Name: Gustav Gavenza

Codename: Mirage

Ego: Illusionist (Vocation Class)

Description: Allows the User to cast illusions mimicking touch, vision and hearing. Limited only by imagination and energy output.

Preferred Role: Frontline Attacker. 

Rank: E

Potential: B ]

I've seen him in action before he's very skilled with his Ego. He can make fake copies of things around him to distract opponents and create a smoke effect around an area to hide. I'm not sure if my elements will help, maybe one of my eye enhancements? I doubt it, but he has to be priority one if we want to get anything done. Being a Frontline Attacker will allow us to target him easier but that's where most of his illusions will be condensed.

[ Name: John Ranger

Codename: Spellcaster

Ego: Great Magus (Vocation Class)

Description: User may use attacks of any kind as long as they recite them loudly and clearly. Stronger abilities require either much bigger amounts of energy, a longer casting time, or go on cooldown unable to be used for a period of time. A spell circle will be summoned indicating the progress of any given spell. 

Preferred Role: Backline Attacker

Rank: E

Potential: SS ]

John is the leader of Exponentia's team. His Ego may sound strong if it wasn't for the fact that he has to call out everything he will be doing, so if someone is quick enough they can avoid it. Also it doesn't actually let him use any other spells apart from offensive ones. But his potential is the highest out of all of Exponentia. 

[ Straun Bombay

Codename: Avenger

Ego: Light bearer (Inconclusive)

Description: User summons a handheld lamp that allows them to use light element healing and offensive abilities. The lamp is held by a small chain that may be extended and commanded from afar. 

Preferred Role: Support

Rank: E 

Potential: A ]

Straun is the team healer, he is going to make the fight tough, he will be priority number two once we deal with Gustav. He is inconclusive which means he falls under more than one Class but I don't have to guess he falls under Elemental and Armament. 

[ Name: Atticus Mageo

Codename: Atlas

Ego: Gravity (Enchanter)

Description: User may increase or decrease gravity in an area, themselves or another User.

Preferred Role: Support

Rank: E

Potential: B ]

Atticus will be 3rd on the hit list. He can change the battle greatly by messing with anyone's speed but we all have our own way to deal with it. 

[ Name: Michael Morgan

Codename: Livestream

Ego: DroneCorder (Armament)

Description: User summons one drone for each Rank attained. Drones can fly and share vision with the User. They have the ability to record and live stream.

Preferred Role: Scout/Tanker

Rank: D 

Potential: S ]

Michael is like David, they are both the highest Rank in each school but while David is avoided due to being cold, Michael is avoided on their side due to the fact that he doesn't trash talk or try to throw dirt on us. He's still the strongest they have so they reluctantly accepted him. He specializes in Constitution, we will need a distraction to keep him busy and deal with the others of higher priority.