Fuck, who cares about that now? At least he is satisfied with where his situation is going to be! Also, for further information, swearing words that can be found in the narrations are just part of the modifications of how high the extent of his present dynamic behavior is. So if ever there is one, then it is his entire fault. Definitely his doings.
But still! Where is his situation going to be? Aye, back to being normal, he assumed.
'Yes! I'm saved by myself! Ah, so good of me.'
When he expressed some shitty self-love phrase, he began to be satisfied since he thinks that things are now proceeding his way. He felt that he finally has the upper hand.
So does he? Nay, in reality, he does not. He does not at all. Because if he does, then why is the sexy Dream Zombie smiling unsteadily while sweating? Very suspicious, indeed.
Well, as what was said, at least he does not realize this... yet.
Then what happens if this 'yet' arrives? No one knows.
However, at least this 'yet' did not arrive... yet. Oh, a loop.
Anyway! Reaper Zombie saw her sister-companion Dream Zombie being suspicious, and realized as well that she is the only one who had noticed since the others are just currently being preoccupied inside their own minds. Worried, she then decided to break the tension through a single cough.
"Ehem. Let us go back. You can now start giving us names. Also, I do not mind what you will give to me, but should my sisters not like what they received, you must repeatedly try until they would. Names are absolute. At the moment they were chosen, even if we have many other names or titles we must not dishonor each of them until the end."
'Well, I already did. And I'm still glad that I did.'
But then someone thinks the opposite... although had kept it to himself. For others, he might be called a coward for not blurting his real feelings. Yet for smart people, he is called a smart coward. Simply because every single thing he is carefully doing right now can affect the tides of his situation.
So that is why he just nodded and started to look more seriously. However, it is not just him that is getting into deep thoughts but the person in front of him as well.
"Also, you must be truthful about it, alright? They must be meaningful. So if we eventually find out that the meanings of the names you have given to us and the actual meanings are not the same, just know that we can easily catch you like how we just did to you before."
Speaking of the person in his front, Reaper Zombie continued to talk. But just after she elegantly, which Narrator does not understand why it is still called elegant, added an odd warning, one of her companion's nostrils suddenly leaked out a thin flow of blood. Dream Zombie was having a nosebleed.
And aye, except for Dream Zombie herself, the other two instantly noticed.
Also, why it is just two for all this time when there is also the child-looking Loli-Zombie as well? Aye, it is because she is just innocently staring at them with sparkling eyes and drooling of the mouth waiting to be given a name by Mr. Zombie King. So might as well exclude her.
Yet even if that was the case the three adults are still looking serious. It is like nothing just happened. They are acting strangely, indeed... although who cares about that if the protag himself is not even trying to detect such worrying details.
"Ye-Yes! If you want to escape, then let's make things fa-fair, m-my king... pfft, puwaha! Hah... ho... o-oh my, what was that~"
Although that up above is definitely obvious. What Dream Zombie did just now made it absolutely clear... that she was just trying to contain her obscure sentiments to herself yet had finally squealed for the first time.
And so because the suspicion was too obvious that even a monkey will start to form thoughts more than how to eat some bananas, a named one with the
"He-Hey... why are you stu-"
"Ehem! Do not mind her. We do not have plenty of time so you should stop yourself from asking nonsense questions and start naming us already."
Reaper Zombie elegantly, which Narrator still does not know why the fuck every time she will be narrated there will always be "elegant", interrupted him as she got impatient... nay! She was not at all but was just trying to do some cover-up for her incompetent companion's actions! It is already obvious, indeed.
Receiving what he deemed as a "demand", the potato-protag chuckled once.
"Heh, okay then. Also, don't worry since it'll just take a few minutes."
After confidently replying with a short affirmation, followingly, he then straight-up started digging into his brain some files for common girlish dog names, which is clearly an immoral way. Nonetheless, to focus more, he even put a fist under his chin as he closed his eyes.
And now he has dove into his deepest thoughts.
Tunneling nerves hardened with fiery impulses. Neurons working on overtime. The highest form of thought is being reached. It is like his mental state is now operating in such a perfect condition that even his own brain unconsciously wondered why the fuck it is operating as it is. No way a smart-ass could be compared to him and his brain now.
Though what is the point of all of that when 10 minutes have already passed and he is still in the same old situation; he is still closing his eyes with a fist under his chin... although the slight difference is that he is now sweating.
Still, the extravagance was indeed just an extravagance... or more like a mere facade comparable to how animes have very interesting official trailers with great animations and fascinating concepts that made them be hyped so much on social media and might even be called an upcoming "masterpieces" yet was then just something identical to a PowerPoint presentation.
'Why... why can't I think of something?! I was sure that this will be easy! Naming is just easy! Naming things is... wait, things? Oh, so that's it...'
He now realized the path that he had taken. Well, he indeed forgot the fact that dogs are dogs and not mere things, since they are not just things but rather "living things". Not being able to complete the label made it seem like they are the same, although they are surely not and are a contrast to each other.
And aye, it is also true that he had named his treasured things as to how he had also named his dogs. Like naming his favorite sportscar "Anna" and his phone "DNT" and any other things that he valued greatly.
However, it does not change the reality that unliving things do not have voices, and dogs only bark if one is a simp... and for other weird reasons. Yet still, even if one says that dogs do bark because they dislike the names they were given, it is not like the potato-protag can understand their doggy language. They might have been barking just because they are horny and wanted to go roaming outside to perform "mating".
And nay, he is not a dog lover. He only cherishes dogs, trained ones and big ones specifically, for the sole reason that they are protecting his mansions and barking for strangers.
So now realizing all of that, he then concluded one more thing.
'Naming things is really easy... but then these three shits aren't things. They are... humans? Wait, they said that they aren't humans too. So... right, they are demons. Yeah, three alien demons in a form of humans who are asking me for some names but with their true meanings! Fuck that! In the first place, who the hell would care if they'll just keep their weird names in this world?! Well, not me!'
An unexpected "phrase-shift". Nostalgic, indeed. But aye, at least he did not forget about the three humanoid aliens' demands.
Yet regarding their demand, he cannot comply with it since he still cannot recall any names that he knows the meaning of... wrong. He had just forgotten about the meanings since he still remembered the fact that he had named his treasured things and his dogs with some names that he once knew the meaning of. And aye, it was only through surfing on the internet... although he always chooses the first one that he will see.
'But then since I don't have DNT with me, which is the only phone that I'll ever use, then I can't do a thing. Ahh, fuck this... ah! I know!'
Having a sudden answer he then made a smug face... yet instantly turned back to the usual serious one right after recognizing the possibility that it might get things in the wrong suspicious way.
He crossed his arms and leaned his head to one side. Although it is just so that he could fully convince them.
"Firstly, isn't it better if I give you guys some names with meanings that I've created? If we'll just stick around with names that have meanings that were formed by strangers who you might not even care for, then how about a name with its meaning both being constructed by me? Won't it be better?"
Boom. Thunder. Unexpected use of the brain. He said that with high resoluteness. What really is he? Smart or idiot? But oh well, Narrator will just say that he is clever enough... or is it even rational in the first place?
Still, hearing such articulation from him Reaper Zombie's eyes widened out of shock. However, it is not only because she found it unexpected to hear such a phrase from him. In fact, that mere reason is just a small fragment of what really made the elegant her to be startled, as because... it is a greater thing.
Yet for all this time it was not just her, but Dream Zombie as well, who has also stood dumbfounded by what just came out of her king's mouth.
"Ye-Yeah... that's it. It's better. Yes, yes. Go on! Go on now!"
Dream Zombie cannot wait anymore and blurted out a "strange" phrase to her king. She became impatient... although not just for this current situation to end, but rather for something more.
And about the child-looking Loli-Zombie, well, nothing changed on her.
But then speaking of Loli-Zombie, as the potato-protag has not forgotten about her yet he then shifted his gaze on her. According to him, since she was the child-looking "devil shit" who started this messed-up and fast-paced situation that he is having right now, how could he ever forget her?
Meanwhile, Loli-Zombie's sparkling eyes slowly adjusted their focus from the "blank air" to Mr. Zombie King's solemn eyes. The cause of this was simple. It was not because of Mr. Zombie King's intense yet complex pressure that he is currently emitting right now, but just because there was a fly that had stopped her fixed focus on something "untraceable". A coincidence, indeed.
So having a child-looking person's full attention, he, who is the one that was always called "Mr. Zombie King", then opened his mouth and declared...
"From now on, your name is Lita."