Chapter 2

Chapter 2 'Scouted'

"Yes , im outside already. ", i hang up the call as i got near the small building

Well it doesnt really look so shady , but it doesnt seem so extravagant. "i thought theyre an entertainment agency. Their building's too small"

"Hello. Im Jo dosung" , i went to the receptionist of the place , "A-ah! Mr. Jo!", my eyes bulged when the familiar face of the wierd guy faced me , now he's wearing eyeglasses , his face is small so it suits him

"P-please this way! Manager Oh hyeok jin's waiting for your arrival!", the dude's an open book , all of his feelings are openly expressed on his face , he looked like a child , i mumbled

"M-manager-nim , Mr. Jo has arrived", grinning from ear to ear the guy stand aside so that i could enter the room

It was nothing out of the ordinary , just like a typical office , papers and folders everywhere

"Ah! This must be the guy Mr. Han recommended! Eh? Youre not as handsome as Mr. Han told me", i paused from his words

"what?", i raised my brow , what the hell

"See to it that the entertainment industry is all about looks",  he walk towards me , i was taken a back when he pulled my face

"not bad. I see.", while me being flustered with his actions he just nonchalantly walk back towards his table

"You look so manly , slightly tanned skin—do you work at a construction company?", he asked as he kept his eyes glued on a folder

"Y-yes i just got it yesterday , and i work there at night. ", trying to restore myself from shock

My mind conluded , These guys are bunch of freaks!

"Ah! Is that so... Here's the contract read it before signing , if you want to have a lawyer's thoughts about the contract then go get one. This Is not some shady agency , just so you know. So stop with  that weirded out face"

"No ,i just came here to review and see if im interested.", i answered bluntly

"oh i see , this agency isnt well know so its not out of the ordinary. Were just a small fry agency—yet! We're scouting as many talents as we can."

"So what do i do if i sign the contract , do i become an idol? Or just pursue acting straight away?"

"Debuting as an idol is the easiest way to build up the fame rather than pursuing acting straight away.." , Mr. Han the weird guy from last night answered

"This agency might be small but we are affiliated with different entertainments , such as GOG , BRIGHT ent. And more. So if youre thinking of debuting first as an idol i could work up your way to that."

"Im not good at dancing , im not that confident in singing too..", i sighed and placed the folder containing the contract onto the table

"im not cut out for this. Sorry for wasting—"

"Talents are practiced Mr. Jo thats what i believe in , for me people arent born with their talents intact , the greatest pianist learned and  played played piano at a very young age out of curiosity and interest and applied efforts just so that he would be good at it. Before debuting you will be training hard to enhance your skills. "

I stood up and groaned , "Alright , can you give me time to think?"

"Mhh... Three days is all i can give you. " , he turned his back against me as the manager kept the file

I was one step away from the door frame when i paused , "Ah , will i earn millions from this?", Mr. Han stopped so as the manager

"You need to work hard first Mr. Jo", the manager chuckled , i shrug away with a smile

"Youre not as shady as i thought", i heard Mr. Han clicked his tongue

"ofcourse im not! I was even awarded from my previous job as the employee of the month"

"Ill come back in three days , have a good day Mr. Han"

He stretched out his hand for a shake , "Han taesung , i maybe older than you but lets skip the formalities , we'll be working together anyways"

"Heh , lets see. Then ill get going Taesung sunbae"

After leaving the Byul-Star Agency i went straight to the construction site im working , "Oi! Young man, little help here", i took off my chekered blazer and immediately went to sunbae to help

Sweat forming on my forehead as i took the cement away from sunbae's shoulder , he looked a little in pain and is groaning

"Agh! Shit!" , he ended up slipping making him fall onto his butt , "S-sunbae!", i threw the cement sack on the ground and went to aid him

"Argh! You bastard that hurts!", the man kept whining in pain , "Ill call the ambulance", i immediately went to my bag and took out my phone to call the ambulance when i saw six missed calls from Soyoung , ahh i mustve silenced my notification

"Is the ambulance coming?", another older collegue of mine tapped my shoulder , i took of my hard hat and wiped my forehead

"Yeah. Hyung watch him out for me , im gonna call someone. Itll be quick" , without looking behind i immediately went to a corner to call Soyoung

Beep. Beep.

She's not answering her phone? Did something happened? I dialed her number again for the second time , my worry was washed away as someone answered

"Soyoung , i left my notification silent i didnt—"

"Is this Mr. Jo Dosung? Is this Ms. Jo Soyoung's Brother?", a manly voice answered me , my brows furrowed

"Who is this? Where is my Sister?", i asked him , it took him seconds to answer

"This is 00 Police station , i am police officer Kim seonhu , i am here to inform you that your sister Jo Soyoung was found at XX street , 00 city. Please be calm—

"What?! What happened?!" , i gripped my phone tight as the news poured out on my body like a cold water

"Sir you have to be calm—

Grabbing a fistful of my hair as i walk back and fort , "Ill be there , please wait for me. Ill be there quick", i didnt hesitate to hung up the call and went to take my thing

"Oi, the ambulance is here , you go with this guy—

"I cant , i have an emergency. My sister needs me", i ran out of the site and called a cab

"00 Police station , make it quick ill pay double", i palmed my face

The ride feels like decades for me , "Soyoung..", i groaned , this must be a joke , my hand turned into fist my naild digging to my own flesh

"Make it faster Ahjussi", i calmly pleaded , my body trembling with the shocking news as my tears started to form

"this must be a joke... Everything will be fine. Soyoung's fine", i harshly wiped my tear away, i felt the the car stopped as fast as i could i rushed out and entered the police station

There was a familiar built of an old lady and a small boy , "Hyung?", my eyes blurred all of a sudden

So all of it was true "Dosung! S-soyoung's—", i stopped talking when my Grandma pulled me for a hug , she was crying so as Biyung

"Hyung! N-noona.. Soyoung noona is badly hurt!", even with my trembling body i lifted Biyung , the boy wrapped his small arms around me

"Please , calm down. You must be Mr. Jo Dosung , i am police officer Kim seonhu . I am the one assigned for Ms. Do Soyoung's case", everything was muffled , Grandma's cries , Bihyung's audible sob and even the police officer's voice

I couldnt concentrate , my brow furrowed as i saw the police officer stopped talking, "Where is my sister?", i asked , the police paused

"Ms. Jo Soyoung's in a critical state and is lying unconsciously  in XX Hospital , we'll be giving you a ride—

"i must go , Grandma dont worry and rest early , go home with bihyung.",

"Dosung.. Soyoung is—"

"We'll talk about this matter at home. First i want you and Bihyung to rest. Go home the police will escort you , ill head to XX Hospital and see Soyoung"

I must stay sane , i must stay as a strong foundation in this small poor family.

I watched my Grandmother's back until it vanished , "What happened to my sister?", i gritted my teeth in anger and disbelief as we walk towards the parked police car

"The Doctor's yet to know the out come of the medico legal. The report will come out tomorrow , as soon as we find out what caused your sister—

"isnt it obvious?! The detective already concluded interms of the injuries she had that she was raped. ", i couldnt control my anger any longer , i was fuming mad as i recalled my sisters face brimming with happiness

"Still we have to examine it for more evidences... I know that this is a very hard time for you and your family Mr.  Jo but please, you have to stay calm. We'll help you until we can get the justice your sister deserves"

There were no listed suspects , the police couldnt find evidences except for the cctv infront of a convenience store before my sister died, he was there. The man came out of the KTV room where they found my sister seriosly injured and unconscious but the video quality was the worst and the police couldnt get a hold of the man's face

"We have arrived. ", i got off the car and walked infront of the police officer

"Here sir.", the man guided me towards the morgue

My steps seemed to grow more and more heavy whenever i got near the door of the said room where my sisters is in

My hand trembled as i opened the door , she was covered in bondage , her face her arm and they even casted her left leg. Just like what happens to an ordinary human being after being hit by a car. She was in a very pitiful state. She must be in pain.

Bruises ,small cuts. It mustve hurt a lot. She must be hurting even if she's unconscious.

I stayed at the hospital's parking lot for almost and hour and half , i couldnt left her alone. The guilt of not being with her, the pain , the longing were suffocating me

I puffed a stick of cigar , my hair was shuffled. I must look worst right now. "If soyoung was here , she'd laugh at me."

Bringgg. Brringg.

I took out my phone and answered it, " I excused you from work , are alright kid?", it was the quiet guy from the construction site im working

"I dont know when ill be going back , ill be busy for now sunbae. Ill have to look after my Grandmother and younger brother , that place is too far away from here. Ill go there  personally to tell ask permission to leave the work " , i said as i look down on my ragged shoes

"Stay strong kid. Stay strong , the world really is cruel.", with that He hung up the call

Im in dire need of money to support grandma and bihyung , for now ill have to take out all of savings for the hospital bills and for the extra necessities she needs

Will the investigation will crawl slowly like a snail? I hope to bring justice to Soyoung as soon as possible.

I felt something poking in my pocket , as i took it out it was the slightly crumbled calling card of Byul-Star Agency

I opened my phone and dialed the number, "Its me Jo dosung , ill sign the contract tomorrow at noon , make sure to list my name down on the most popular soon to debut idol group. "