Chapter 3

Chapter 3 'hitting on me'

It was near midnight when i went home , to that small house where i was raised by my grandmother

"Where were you?", the lights turned on while i took off my shoes , i looked up seeing my grandmother's red eyes ,she mustve cried so hard

"I went back to the station after going to the hospital , i was settling some things there so-

"Me and bihyung will visit Soyoung tomorrow at the hospital. You dont have to worry about the money too much. I will work at my friend's rice cake stall, and Bihyung too will go to a daycare near here."

I massaged my temple , she's not at the age where she can still work , "Youre old and-

"Silly you child. I will provide the everyday needs all you have to think about is Soyoung , Soyoung needs you the most. This is the least i could do to take some of the responsibilities you are carrying" , i sat down on the sofa and sighed

"Yeah , that'll do. You must be worried about Soyoung. The doctor said that it might take her a while to wake up as she have a mild to moderate concussion."

She sat down bwside me as the atmosphere between us was filled with silence

"She'll be alright. After all she's as strong as you", She comforted me , her voice was soft , it feels like she's caressing me

"I know that she'll be alright. But what im worried about is the pain she mustve been feeling rightnow."

I stood out and took off my jacket

"How's Bihyung? He was sobbing earlier", i sighed again remembering the horrified look on Bihyung's face

"It took me a lot of efforts to make him sleep and make him feel comforted. That child was worried about Soyoung"

"The police couldnt identify the man that came out of the KTV , the investigations still on going. But ill be needing more money not just for Soyoung's Hospital bills. Making money out of my part time jobs wouldnt do."

"Just make sure to take some rest. It would be bad if you too get sick. Im worried for you Dosung."

"alright. Im gonna go now , you too take a rest.", i stood up and went to Bihyung's room , he was sleeping like a log

Must be tired from all of that worrying and crying. His eyes are puffy and the tip of his nose was red

I sighed as i look away at my youngest brother. I went straight to my room , the door creaked as i opened it

Its awfully quiet , so quiet that i thought i went deaf. I shut my eyes tightly aa i force myself to sleep.

Fucking nightmare of my sister getting hurt woke me up in the middle of the night , i shifted my body to the side my eyes landed on the nightstand  where a small picture frame caught my eyes

It was when i was young , with mt parents and Soyoung , a picture perfect day. I turned my back against the picture and beaten up myself to sleep

"Hurry up Bihyung or youll be late. Be fast" , I tied my shoes while waiting outside for bihyung

"Are you sure itll be fine for you to take bihyung to the daycare center? Even if its nearby , you might run latw to your appointment", i shifted my gaze behind her , my brother's tiny brother went pass her

"We'll get going then", as we walked down the street an awful silence covered us both

" If youre worried about your sister , you can always visit her at the hospital. Itll make her happy."

"uh-huh Im actually worried about sister and ofcourse you.  Youve been working for us and now im sure youre so tired. Please rest too hyung"

I chuckled , "You dont have to worry about me. Hyung will be fine , im doing this for you , Soyoung and grandma."

I heard him sighed , "I couldnt do anything else for you but ill make sure to visit her everyday so that she'll wake up and get out of that hospital! "

After the short walk we finally arrived at the daycare center , there were kids running around so as their guardians

"Bihyung!", a kid with the same age as Bihyung shouted , bihyung's slightly gloomy face lit up

"Go on Bihyung , im gonna take my leave now", we bid each other goodbye

I put on my earphones listening to some random pop music while waiting for the train to arrive at the station


I open my eyes when a message hit my phone

'your appointment with Mr. Oh has been scheduled.  Btw whats with the sudden vist?'

I didnt bother replying as im heading so their location , instead , i wrote my grandmother a message

'how is Soyoung's condition? Did it get better than last night?'

I turned off my phone as the ride stopped

[you have arrived...]

"pardon for the intrusion ,Mr. Han", the guy looked up and took off his eyeglasses , he smiled

"Heh. You didnt reply on my text , thats rude ya'know", he grinned and escorted me to Mr. Oh's office

"I was heading here anyways , ill just tell you in person"

I opened the door and there was Mr . Oh sitting on his swivel chair , a simple checkered sleeves and a dark blue jeans.

"Ah! You mustve changed your mind. What made you do so?" , he raised his brows at me , i slumped down and the  visitor's chair

"Financial problems. And i need to sustain for my family", i simply andswered which is the truth also.

"Is that so? No other reasons. Loan sharks? Debt? Anything dramatic?", i unconsciously rolled my eyes

"none. Let me see the contract once again. ", manager Oh handed me the contract , Mr. Shaby guy here next too me squeled

"We were quite surprised when you called us in the middle of the night just to inform your early visit. Thought you'd need three days to think"

"Just treat me right and make sure i earn golds then everything will be alright."

I took a deep breath as i signed the paper , i put down the pen im holding. "Good work today Mr. Jo , we'll be sure to take good care of you. After all in this small agency our artist's well being is our first priority. As for your schedule ill be the one to handle and to notify you." , Mr. Oh or should i call him now my manager Oh smiled at me

"ill also be in your care. Please take good care of me. When will i start?", i asked him as i stood up

"Tomorrow, you'll be attending an acting class provided by a particular company. ", i nodded feeling a bit worried , an acting class huh?

"by the way Mr. Jo , can i call you dosung?" , without looking at him i nodded , " whatever you want to call me , you can"

"and oh , here are some of the scripts of known movies and dramas you can practice at home. Acting is a lifelong study."

After that tiring meeting with manager Oh and mr. Han i went to my convenience store part time , the only part time job i kept

I turned my notification volume high , with the thought of Soyoung's condition i dialed my grandmother's number

"Where are you right now grandma?", i asked her in a soft voice

"Me and bihyung just came home from the hospital.", i can hear bihyung's voice in yhe background of our call

"How's Soyoung? Did her condition stabilized?"

"Her condition is still the same but the doctor said she is stable enough." , i can feel the tiredness in her voice

"You should rest. Its late , have you and Bihyung eaten yet?"

"uh-huh. We've already eaten. You too Dont tire yourself too much. Me and bihyung's gonna head to sleep after washing up. Both of us are tired", i heard her chuckle from the other line.

"Alright. Head to sleep right after. Bye"

As i hung the call the silence filled. The whole store until the bell above the door rang

The guy wearing a suit without a tie went straight to me , "A pack of cigarettes. Red. ", he said , it must be raining outside , his coat's a little bit damp

"Do you have anything to eat here except for instant noodles?", he asked , it must be his first time coming in her , i smiled

"yes we do have ready to eat sandwiches pastas and even Fried rice . You can choose in that aisle sir", i lifted my hand to show him which has those kinds of foods

"ill heat it for you", he stared at me for seconds , his hair damp and is covering his eyes

"alright. Thanks"

I watch him pick his order even took some pork skewers when he walked passed it.

"if you want some side dished there are some in that aisle", i told him , he just nodded

"what a weird guy", i mumbled

When he finished picking his things he went to me to check out

"you kinda bought a lot huh.", i said trying to be friendly , itll be too awkward not to talk

"mhh." , he hummed as a response

I weirdly chuckled , "Ill heat this up. Wait here"

"How many minutes would that take?", he asked

"uhm , ten minutes would be enough for everyrhing to be heated up", i casually said , he must be an introverted dude , he doesnt talk too much

"You can sit over there while waiting" ,i pointed the small table on the back , he look back

"alright." ,i sighed when he left to sit . This place is so quiet its boring.

After ten minutes i heated all of his orders i called him up i gave him a tray so that it would be convenient for him

After placing everything in the tray he turned his back on me once again

I sighed , nothing could get more boring than this. Before Soyoung would call me at this time to converse with me

I sighed and pouted ,my eyes wandered and landed onto the suit guy , he was eating while gazing on the view outside ,it was raining so the glass wall was kinda fogged

My eyes landed on to his food , is he not thirsty or did he forgot to take one beverage?

I kept my watch on him until he almost finished his food , is he really not thirsty?

"he almost finished eating . "

I walked out of the cashier and went to the beverage aisle

I found myself picking banana milk and cola , not knowing his taste

I went to him his eyes still wandering outside ,i sticked out the cold can of cola to his cheek making hin jump all of a sudden

"Did i scare you? I didnt mean to, im sorry" , i bowed to him still holding out the cola and the banana milk , he looked at me with questioning eyes

"its on the house , ive been wondering if youre thirsty , i just realized you havent bought any drink

It took him a decade to open his mouth but he ended up sighing

"Are you hitting on me?"