Chapter 6

chapter 6 - Im in?

"Ahhh , do i really have to do this?", shaking my hands in the air , i tried to shook away my nervousness

"Do it again , it just doesnt sound right" , Manager Oh concluded

"Alright", pressing the chords altogether , once again after years my fingertips produced music again

My ears filled with its harmony , my body slightly playing by the tones and unconsciously swaying

I opened my mouth , the lyrics of the soft melody song went out so as my emotions

I closed my eyes as i imagined a warm light , without even knowing i pressed the ending key of my song , i was brought back into reality by Manager Oh

"That was awesome , ill give you that", he stood up and took out a bottle of water from his bag

"Here , hydrate yourself" , he threw me the bottle of water and with ny fast reflex i catched it

"As i thought , your performance is better when accompanied by music , plus points to that", manager oh pointed the acoustic piano

" how many participants are up for today's audition?", i asked as i gulp down the water

"Mhh , there were quite a lot. The entertainment industry is at its highest peak as of the moment."

Our conversation was spoiled when my phone lit up , it was a message from my grandmother

'I juet fetched Bihyung from the daycare , were going straight to Soyoung'

My eyes drop down , feeling gloomy as the anxiety took over , i seighed as i felt my pulse beat fast all of the sudden

"You okay?" , Manager oh asked me as he was holding to some work papers  , i nodded lighheaded

"Uhm , can i take a breather?", Manager oh paused for a while and sighed

"No , that i cant let you. Stay here , instead ill just go away to give you space" , feeling bad i shook my head declining him

"Nah , ill be boring not to have someone to talk to , this place is too big for one person" , i chuckled , i flinched when i saw him staring at me real hard

"Hah , i know youre in a tight situation right now but you have to know how to separate it , ill be taking your phone for now", he stood up extended his hand

I sighed and handed him ny phone without even giving grandma a reply , "ill give it back to you after the audition" , he said as he walk back to his seat

I was left sitting on the floor , staring at the man in front of me, it was dead quiet , the only noise i could hear is whenever he turn a page of paper to another

"i was never really good at playing piano , when i was young my sister was the one who was learning it. We were really close so one day i just memorised each key , then we played together" , i said trying to break the silence i pouted as he was unmoving and his eyes was glued to the paper he's holding

"Mmh , continue", my brows shot up , i rested my back on the floor , looking up the ceiling

"my parents died early , they went abroad for work but ended dying there. I was young and i didnt know what to do , my grandma did everything she could for us to live without any problems just like what my parents wanted"

I closed my eyes as the nostalgic feeling went back to me , "but it went sideways , as if all that luck of having a beautiful family ran out,  i needed to drop out school and find ways to earn money" , i pouted as i remembered my first job i got as a teenager

"my first job was a mascot of a karaoke place , it was fun. I wore a mic wearing sunglasses kind of a mascot , it was embarrassing" , i chuckled as i remembered myself shaking my waist for that job

"argh!", i pulled my own hair in embarrassment

"but i do think you had some fun working there", i heard manager oh's voice

I didnt talked back but i kinda agreed with him , it was fun working there. With that earnings i was able to let my siblings eat three meals a day

Manager oh got up and went to me , "c'mon get up" , i pushed my self feeling all lazy , the floor was cold but it was nice to lay there sometimes

"Where are we going?", i picked my lightly ragged jacket and walked behind him like a tail

"To the audition room ,were going to meet some PDs and staffs there so be polite"

"The audition started already?"

"It started last week"

My mouth fell agape , "wait , that means were behind already?"

"No were not , we were scheduled for today"

After the elevator ride we went to a hall way filled with many people , we needed to squeeze our way through

"Oh? Manager Oh!", a girl approached manager oh and gave him a hug , "how are you , you left for a year we really missed you"

Manager oh chuckled as he conversed with the girl for a while , the girl paused when she realised manager was with me

She peaked behind manager seeing me standing behind him , "No way!"

"Well , i found him and pulled him here , he's taking the audition" ,i extended my hand and gave her a handshake

"He looks cool , anyways come and ill give you two something you can seat on , this year's audition wasnt organized very well—i was kinda agreed by the executives at the last minute", she sighed as she massaged her temple

"No were good , but we do appriciate your good will. Were going to take the audition right away as per the executives request"

After talking we walked away from the hoard of people , just like what she said , it wasnt organized very well , the people in line are in chaos 

As another guy approached manager oh , we were guided to a room , "Be sure to perform well , whenever they ask questions answer it politely...dont try to sing like a goat.."

My brows furrowed as i gritted my teeth , ""

"You only have one talent present , nothing else... But you'll geyh through this"

I nodded aggressively, i pused the two door open , the cokd air from the airconditioning greeted me , making my palm sweat cold

A staff guided me to stand in the center , infront of six people wearing suit and tie , they look strict and very professional

I look down on my ragged converse and silently sighed. 

"Whats youre name?", a guy from the very right asked while holding a paper , it must be my profile and data

"Im Jo Dosung , 23 years old , i live in XX apartments" , i patiently waited for them when another Middle aged  guy in suit wearing spectacles asked

"What're your talents ?", they looked board and the others were left bored and quiet

"today ill play piano while singing", with that the staff members brought out the piano i used for practice

"Alright , show us what you got"

I sat letting my fingertips brush at the surface of the piano keys , relaxing my self

The music filled the room as i pressed the three first keys , everyone was silent letting me hear my heart beating

Bathump bathump

Setting aside the nervousness i open my mouth letting me voice out fillled with emotions , just like the day

"What made you audition in our company?", One of the producers asked as he took off his glasses

"Honestly i was just scouted all of a sudden...and its been a while since the last time i played piano like this , but after all those years i just realised how enchanting music is..."

Ive been blabbering words that i myself cant understand when a small petite girl approached the producer from behind

The producer flinched for a second and sighed heavily , reading my files once again while massaging his temples

"You can go now Mr. Jo" ,his hard expression hit me , really? How can the producers be this cruel

After going out of the room without a word , i heaved a deep sigh when i saw Manager Oh

"They made me leave...just find me any roles for small fry acting , ill audition myself"

I felt bad , after being declined obviously by the producers now i have nothing , i must have disappointed manager oh

"Mhh , lets get going. The other debuting members are already waiting for you" , pouting went and walk behind him

I froze on the spot , "Ya! What do you mean?!", i ran towards him

"Noisy , youre so noisy", he looked irritated but not pissed

"What happened? I thought i was rejected—"

"You were given the privillage to enter this debuting group so practice hard from now on"

" I was rejecte—

"Someone pulled their connections for you to get in now shut up , youre gonna make my ear bleed"

Man! Manager oh's nephew is rad! How old is he really? He's not some old rich and a company CEO geezer , or is he?