Chapter 7

chapter 7 - left undone

"1! 2! 3! Hello we are Rise!" , the group of boys bowed after introducing themselves one by one

Im in awe rightnow , i kept staring at their smooth no bump skin , feeling a bit pressured by their charms i smiled humbly and bowed too

" Jo dosung! Please take good care of me", i answered their energetic approach with a friendly smile

"Hello! We never know that there will be a new member coming, i mean our debut ia coming up right?" , the guy with blonde hair , Beom spoke while extending his arm for a handshake

"yeah three months to go and we'll debut , ill be in your care too dosung hyung", the baby faced guy , KD bowed to me

"Pleased to meet you. Can i call you hyung?", the guy with a gummy smile Kaesung , who looked really young cpmpared to the others asked me

"Ah please call me whatever you like", i scratched the back of my head as i talk to them

They were actually friendlier than i thought , i was more awkward than them in terms of socialising

"Hyung ill give you a tour to our dorms later" , Nafumi the only japanese memeber said to me

"Ahhh... That would be great but i dont think ill be staying in our dorms just yet , me and my manager havent had the talk about this" ,i showed Nafumi my apologetic smile

Really tho , i wasnt told about moving to dorms

"But it might be better to stay in one place, no?", the last member asked , he was the proper and quiet amongst the others ,Haesung was also the oldest after me

"mhh , yes inded it is...", it made me think , but the Worry im feeling of having Sooyoung Hospitalized and also my grandmother and Bihyung all alone

After the random conversations i had with the other members of the group im now in , i went to Manager Oh who's outside the dance studio

"Manger Oh", i called him out

"Should i stay with the other members at the dorm? What about my—

"Didnt i already told you , ill take care of anything outside the entertainment , such as your sister's hospitalization bill , to your Grandma's and Bihyung's aid , that 'big shot' even asked me to follow up the investigation for your sisters case"

I flinched as i heard his last statement , he was about to turn around when i grabbed his arm making him face me again

"I... Thank you. Please help me find the bastard who made sooyoung that way. Please"

My voice was begging , i heard Manager Oh's sigh and tapped my shoulder , "Im your manager and im the one in charge of you and your well being. Just practice hard and ill handle the rest"

I was pulled out once again , right im doing this to earn money and to have connections at the very least

"Then ill leave Sooyoung and the rest of my family in your care. Ill do my best to keep up"

"You better be , no one in this industry is as privileged as you..."

Manager oh walk away as he's got some errands to do before the day ends , feeling reassured of my familys well being i went back to where the other members were

Some of them were laid off , i took their attention when i walk closer to them

"So when do you think is the best time to give you a tour to our small cozy dorm?"

Nafumi stood up and offered me an iced lemonade and mint

"Im up for that tour , ill be in your care then"

After taking all of my belongings from my apartment tho it wasnt much Mr. Oh even paid for movers. An evenful two months passed by in a rush ,  only thre remaining months till our grand rookie debut

"Fuck...", bullets of sweat run down my forehead to my neck , i have never been this tired before

Ive been practicing extra from the moment i started learning the dance steps, even our choreographer worked overtime to polish me

Tho id definitely admit it was hard , learning the dance steps one by one and executing it without any errors not only that but my vocals must also be cut out for singing

"Dosung hyung", i quickly lifted my head just to see Kaesung one of Rise's member

"Thanks , i didnt even realized its already dark outside", i was still huffing , gasping for air

"You should rest now , youve worked hard", Haesung the quiet one spoke as he gave me a bottle of energy drink

I agreed with them , ive been working double hard these past few weeks , not only that ive promised someone that id be eating dinner with'em

"Alright! Youve done great today! Get home and rest tonight , eat well and well continue everything tomorrow" , the group's dance choreographer let us go home and have some rest

"Hyung what shall we eat for tonight's dinner?" , Beom asked as he is the best cook among us

"I have plans for tonight , maybe next time", i quickly packed my things, changed to new clean clothes and went out of the studio

Wearing a black bull cap i went out of the building and looked for my  personal manager mr. Oh's car

"Good work today", just like the usual he greets me first before anything else , i seated my self and rested

"Thank you for your hard work manager Oh , for tonight ill be visiting Sooyoung", i closed my eyes tight feeling the fatigue from all of the body work ive been doing

Two months ago just before ive been officially announced as the fifth mistery member of RISE, Sooyoung woke up, traumatized and looking for me  , Manager Oh was kind enough to give me a call regarding Sooyoung's state and he even let me visit Sooyoung right after every practice , up until now

"I..Im sorry" , she was quiet when we saw each other for the first time after her hospitalization , it was heart wrenching. I hated it , the way how my sister's face was bruised , pale and wounded

"Why? Why were you sorry?", my forehead was wrinkled as i hugged her , her sob and tears poured out like waterfall

"If i hadnt just! Im really sorry oppa", i carefully caressed her hair , held her cheek and made her look up to me

"Youre not the one to be blamed , not at all. If it was someone it should ve been that man"

Gritting my teeth , i tried to calm my self , we both conversed our hearts out , talking about the present and the past

"I never know you'd take on that career...youre not that handsome tho", Sooyoung chuckled as i just threw her my  glare

"But even so your brother has his own charm!" , my grandma who was beside Sooyoung said making sooyoung laugh

"Oh oppa even grandma agreed. But i do wonder , some of my girl friends at school had a crush on you"

"Stop pouting. That just means one thing , im as handsome as ever. You just dont want to admit it"


"Jo dosung!", i flinched when manager Oh's voice boomed

"Ahh , sorry i think i fell asleep..", squinting my eyes i got out of the car

"Ah should we just go together , you still havent had your dinner right?"

"No. Ive been requested by that 'big shot' " , he looked annoyed as he checked his phone

"Mhh , alright. Ill give you a call once im all done here , thank you manager Oh", i gave him a salute and left the hospital's parking lot

"Oyaaaaaa! Oppa's here! Chicken wingssss", Sooyoung shrieked when she saw me entered the room with a box of a famous sweet and spicy chicken wings from itaewon

"Youre too loud , volume down a little will'ya?"

"Hyung hyung?! Where's mine? The ox tail soup?" , Bihyung popped out of nowhere

"Ahh about that. That'll be tomorrow's menu"

Bihyung pouted but he ended up eating the sweet and spicy chicken wings i bought

"This kid kinda has a peculiar taste"

Sooyoung pointed Bihyung while shoving food inside her mouth

"Just like what the doctor said yesterday , i can be discharged tomorrow"

"Is that so? Your condition must be stable , its good to hear that youre better now"

Sooyoung smiled at me tightly , but i could see how sad her eyes are

"The only thing that is left to do is to find matter what"