Chapter 8

chapter 8 - summoned

"Arent you abusing your power too much? Making me wait for you... Tch"

The guy wearing all black , from his sleeves , vest to his coat are in all shades of black

"Hah , am i? Was that too much for you"

"I really want to choke you Alexander", gritting my teeth i tried to calm my self , this bastard's teasing really throws me off the line

"mhh , my my what do we have here. Who would've thought that youre into that kind of kink play... but let me tell you one thing im not into incest"

"Yah you bastard! Youre fucking disgusting!" , his hard laugh gave me chills , argh! I really want to smack this idiot's head right now

"Heh you should calm down , youre acting like todays your red day. "

I just spatted him a death glare and sighed there's nothing good coming out of entertaining this bastard

"Anyways , i wont beat around the bush. The rookie im handling right now is good , he's exceeding my expectations... he's a good gamble"

"Jo dosung... I dont think soo..", my eyes lit up in shock , he has been support my rookie and yet now he's saying that he's not so sure of Dosung?

"You have been supporting my rookie from the start , what made you—

"Support? Your rookie? It was you whom ive been supporting , not your guy", Alexander ko sipped his tea like he's in a talk show

The nerve of this guy! To talk down of my rookie like its nothing

"You bastard , has the power of being an executive has finally gotten in your head!", i took some of the papers scattered in the coffee table and rolled it


"Ahh! Do i look like a bug to you?! Why'd smack me all of a sudden!"

This bastard wont grow up!

"Fine fine! Send your disciple here pronto! Hah i was just joking really"

I sat back to my chair and sighed while massaging my temple

"That was not a good joke, and i wont send him here. You might harass him"

I stood up while glaring at him , ready to give him a punch. Sighing feeling a bit down

Its really not a good thing talking to this man , unless he's busy

"Im gonna go , since youre no help for now."

Leaving the room and the executive director with out bidding goodbye , i went back to where Jo Dosung is

"Alright! Move your feet KD! Dosung open your arm!"

The choreographer was instructing the group while theyre dancing their hearts out , months ago Jo Dosung couldnt help but fail to execute any dance step , but right now he's dancing as if he's been doing it for years

"We'll continue this later.. Make sure to get some rest in the meantime"

"Manager oh!", i approached manager after the practice finished , still huffing my lungs out

"Here wipe youre self" , he gave me a towel and also a bottle of water

"Things going good now. You went to your nephew just now right? Youve been visiting him too often"

"He's a bastard so he's hard to talk to that i have to drill every words i say everyday to get it to his head" , manager oh looked displeased , but when he realized he's about to burst he sated himself

"sorry , i heard Sooyoung's out of the hospital now? How is she?"

"ah she's feeling fine but its not enough. How's the investigation by the way?"

"the guy that went out of the karaoke room was wearing a bull cap and sunglasses , so the police can't really identify the man. Plus the video quality is the worst"

"Then it really will take a long time then..."

"Even so the police already have the list of all the people who booked every room that night , so as all of the employees and even the part timers working day before that night until the next morning..."

I felt manager Oh tapped my back , i flinched because i was kinda surprised

"We'll be able to find him in no time " , manager oh stood up and disheveled my hair

"Good work today , we have a meeting with the PD later on so for now rest"

I stared at manager Oh's back until he vanished in my vision

"Uhm excuse me , youre Jo Dosung arent you?", a guy in a corporate attire approached me all of a sudden just after manager Oh left

"Ah.. Yes i am , has the PD already called us for the meeting?", i smiled at him but instead he shook his head

"No but Mr. Alexander Ko , he wanted to meet you , please come with me" ,feeling a bit confused i stood up and walked behind him

I looked behind back and fort , thinking that maybe Manager Oh might still be near but he's nowhere to be found , the guy looks like he's in a hurry

"Alright , please show me the way"

I went with him on an elevator just to see him push the 16th botton

"Ehh? Were going that far... But i have a meeting with the—

"it was an absolute request from mr. Ko."

Feeling a bit nervous i didnt even had the chance to change to clean clothes ,i mustve smell bad! Im sweating all over!

After the long quiet elevator ride we went into a long hallway full of employees , my face is flushed and red

Enduring the shame of walking infront of these prim and proper people while wearing normal t shirt and sweating a bunch

"Here we are" , the guy immediately left after telling me to knock before coming in

Ehh... Ehhhhhhhh

Executive director Alexander Ko?

He's an executive director?! The guy who wants to see me?

"This is bad..", i mumbled underneath my breath

I look down once again to my shirt, it doesnt even look good plus im sweaty and now im gonna meet up with the director of RISE ent

Im dead , really dead

I could feel the hard pounding of my heart whenever my knuckle collided with the hard door

"Come in.."

A muffled voice of a man was heard , i could feel my palm sweating cold

Hahaha. Im dead. So dead.

"Mhh looks like youre really working hard", he threw me a short glance , he's wearing eyeglasses

He... He doesnt look old! But young! So young! Is this the executive director or the assistant?

"uhm... Im Jo dosung , m-mr. Ko?"

He put down the fountain pen he's holding , he must be signing some papers

"Yes? Did i not hit your expectation? You look quite shocked , i must say" , a small smile appeared on his thin lips

"Uhm w-what , no sir!", i am fiddling with my fingers , shit i never know i'd be meeting an executive

"You must've thought id be an old gramps , no?" ,he chuckled hosting a loop sided smile


"Ah yes! But you... Looking At you now, you look young and handsome", my face flushed red after leaving that statement

Mr. Ko went silent

Only then i was able to look at his face, he gave me a dreamy cold stare , his pointy nose complimented his small face , his thin red lips is naturally glossy

Eh? That lips... That...that!

"Arent you that guy at the convenient store months ago?" , i went into shock and silenced myself

How the fuck could i say that out loud as if im a close familiar of his!

"heh i see you remembered. Is this a coincidence or destiny , i wonder which it is..." , he rested his elbow on his table and gave me a playful smile

"This is interesting. Mr. Jo do you know what sponsoring is for?" , the room went quiet , al i can hear is the wall clock ticking

"Y-yes , i know..", i answered half-assed

"Oh is that so?— , Mr. Ko stood up and pulled his neck tie while staring at me intently , i felt a lump on my throat

...Then what does a sponsor do?" , he went infront of his table and rested his lower body against it

"T-They provide...things that is needed .."

"Mhh, what about you as a sponsor , what can you do to give back the favor?"

"I....i work hard for it in return—"

"Hah! Work hard? No matter how hard you work , there's no way you can repay such favor... If so then you wouldnt need a sponsor in the very beginning , no?"

His stare made it harder for me to breathe , it felt like im being put on a hot seat

"T-then what shall i do to return this favor from you?"